Obama is, at this very moment, at NASA checking out the Space Shuttle launch that was postponed for 3 days… When what he should be doing, is spending time in Alabama, TX and the other states effected by Al Gore’s Weather. That’s great, Obama. Show us all what is really important. Kudos! You jackwagon.
Category Archives: Government
Another reason to move to AZ
The Gov of AZ is considering “Don’t Tread On Me” plates.
How cool is that? That’s the spirit I wish Utah had. For all the good things about Utah, it’s pretty authoritarian, to the point that every time I but heads with it – it just makes me want to pull up stakes and leave. But I can’t… because in this market, there’s no way in hell we’d be able to buy another house.
Sarah Palin
Let me tell you, I like Sarah Palin. She’s a bit polarizing… of course that like saying that Cayenne Pepper is a bit hot. But that’s one of the reasons I like her. She flat out scares the Liberal Left. She embodies everything the Liberals tend to hate on. She gets Conservatives fired up, brings in the crowds, and brings in the funds. She is a serious political force to be reckoned with. This is why there has been a concerted effort since the beginning to ruin her. Much like Rush Limbaugh, “it’s cool” to dislike Sarah Palin. To dislike Sarah Palin is to take the more politically aware higher ground. As if there is a superiority factor to dislike her, and the Tea Party… just like using a Mac at a Starbucks. Continue reading Sarah Palin
The Democrat’s Future for America
Detroit has long been the Model of Democrat Principles. It has to be, because the Democrats have had Free Reign there for decades. Democrats and Unions have made Detroit what it is today.
Now don’t think this is just Steven Crowder doing a hit piece on the city… There is a lot more to see in Detroit.
And here’s their new plan to bring money back to Detroit. That’s just awesome. Way to go guys. Just give in to the filth and deviancy. Fantastic. I’m remembering the SNL skit where they talked about the Worst Job in the world… “Last year’s worst job was Crack Whore!… This year’s worst job… Assistant Crack Whore!” Kinda made you think where one would go to file that application. Evidently it’s Detroit… at an ACORN office.
A Nation of Clowns
America has become a nation of clowns. Since the Republicans have taken over, spending has not slowed down. Spending Cuts was a puppet show. They are raising the Debt Ceiling again – making the US Dollar even more worthless. The GOP’s brightest star at the moment is Donald “You’re Fired” Trump? Oh come on. The only upshot to a President Donald would be that he seriously couldn’t be any worse than Obama… The only President worse than Warren G. Harding (in my opinion). The Democrats are acting the fool at every turn while being drunk on Tax Dollars. The rest of the world is asking “What the hell is going on in America?” while at the same time pointing at us and saying “See!” Every bad thing they’ve been saying about America – is being proven true.
And as a Nation, we care more about American Idol than actual issues and political platforms and who we are electing.
Fear, and the First Amendment.
Fear at the First Amendment, by Daniel Shaw
In September of 2010 Terry Jones, a church pastor in Gainesville Florida, caused a worldwide uproar by scheduling an event called “burn a Koran day”. After receiving phone calls from the Defense Secretary Robert Gates and multiple visits from FBI agents, Jones cancelled the event. The opposition to the event was very large to say the least. Some opposed the event for the sake of tolerance while others cited security risks that would likely result from such actions. The US Attorney General Eric Holder referred to the Koran burning as “idiotic and dangerous” while a spokesman for the State Department called it “un-American”. The public destruction of any symbol, book, or flag that represents the values and beliefs of any group of people is disrespectful, but what can possibly be more un-American than a government spokesperson calling an exercise in one’s freedom of speech un-American? Continue reading Fear, and the First Amendment.
This woman rocks.
Campaign BS, Elections have Consequences
Last year, when I was running for State Rep, I listened to my opponent talk about his support of Education.
I’m sitting here looking at MASSIVE cuts to Education, when the State should be investing in it. Now, more than ever, we need to put money into education.
Hmmm… I thought the people elected someone who supported Education.
Way to go, John.
Great Britian just went Full Retard.
Evidently the British have gone so Full Retard that Fire Extinguishers are a Fire Hazard. I can’t make this up, and I can’t even begin to understand this.
Seriously, UK… What the heck? Do you want your Subjects to be so completely and utterly helpless that they can’t do anything for themselves? You want them to be like rabbits in a hutch, nibbling in their feed bins and staying completely safe under the gracious care of The Government.
Shut it down
I find it sad that an entire political party has got to the efforts that they have to prove that they are against any and all fiscal responsibility. They have shown that they just don’t want anything to do with it. And yet they point fingers and sling insults. There are few people on this planet more loathsome than Harry Reid. Then there is Obama’s masterful demonstration of his leadership.
The US Government is such a joke, the question shouldn’t be weather or not it gets shut down… But if it should Re-Open.
The people caught in the middle of this mess directly – our Armed Forces – are going to, as usual, suffer the most, bearing the brunt of this SNAFU. If our Government can’t fund our troops, everyone over there should immediately return home. Everyone. That’s it, board the planes and RTB. It’s wrong to expect them to be over there, unfunded. Its flat out immoral.