CZ really hit a home run with the new Scorpion Evo 3…
Monthly Archives: November 2015

Mike Kupari’s “Her Brother’s Keeper”
Mike’s new book, “Her Brother’s Keeper” is a fantastic mix of old school sci-fi and modern genre-blending. I was highly enjoyable. I used an Audible credit to get the “Book on Tape”… having forgotten I had ordered the paper version. So now my boys are reading it – and they too are enjoying it. Get this book. It’s an excellent Sci-Fi. You will love it too.
The gun is of course my Ruger GP100 Match Champion. The Blade is… some Benchmade push dagger… I forget which. The patch, was Mike’s “Team Duchess” patch. It’s one of my favorites.
Ruger SP101 GunPron
The Ruger SP101, .357 Magnum, 3″ Barrel. Equal parts sophistication and malice. Astute and Brutal.
This one isn’t mine. Mine, is just like it, but it’s loaded and on my hip while I took the photos of this one. Those are my rounds though.
I love Speed Strips. So much easier to carry than Speed Loaders.
We discussed revolvers on Daily Defense Hour. Packing a .357 Magnum is a luxury… an obscene display of power and glory, in a subtle little package of satin stainless malice.
Beretta 92FS change?
I love shooting my Beretta. I just do. But I’ve had a “Wake up” moment about it. Let me explain…
I’ve never had a problem with the safety. In fact, I rather like the safety mechanism as I consider it to be one of the safest safeties in the industry. Now, when I carry my Beretta, my routine is to safe the gun, holster, and then flick it off safe. This allows the first trigger pull to be unhindered. More like a SIG. I like that.
Friday the 30th, I participated in’s Zombie Shoot. It was a blast! However in one stage, at two different points, I ran into some thorns. From the first position of 3, you fire your string and safe your weapon and move to the second position to engage. So I hit the safety, scooted to pos-2, and tried to engage. Trigger was nothing but slack. Two pulls, “Oh”, *flick*, bang bang bang… And then it happened again, exactly the same going into pos-3.
This was all me. I recognize and own this. It was not the gun – it was me. Normally, the safety never “gets me” because I almost never keep it engaged. I just don’t. But because I did – broke from my routine – it got me. twice in a row. And I really really don’t like that.
Also, I’d normally have run my 1911… I just don’t run the Beretta enough. Again – this is all me and my Ogreish habits. How I do things. And I was tasked to do things outside of my operating procedures – and evidently I don’t do that well. I’m not making excuses here, I’m recognizing my malfunctions.
I think it’s time to look at doing “The G-Mod” on my Beretta. Converting my 92 FS to a 92 G. This changes the safety mechanism to a De-Cock Only. So the lever will automatically spring back to the Fire Position. This is evidently something that is so much of an issue for enough folks that Beretta even HAS a G model.
So now the question that I must ask myself… and only I can answer this for me. Is do I get the G-Mod done, or do I train on this safety more so I don’t have those stumbles again?