10. The HMMV, or Hummer. While it is not a ideal in areas of operation where landmines and IED’s are used by insurgent forces, the HMMV offers many advantages. It has enough power and clearance to plow through and over hordes of undead walkers.

9. The Jeep Wranger. Wait, what? Yes. A Jeep Wrangler… But specifically the Sahara or Rubicon and specifically with a Hard Top. Ideally it would be the Rubicon. A 2012 or newer stock or older with something other than the factory engines. Any crate motor swap will do. While not as overly rugged as a HMMV, the Jeep has the ability to thread through areas the big Hummer can’t go. It’s also quicker. Forget the things like soft tops, half doors and the popular Jeeper summer options… You don’t want nothing but canvas protecting you for the Biters. You want something that can get you out of trouble and over those mountains? This is good way to go. That and you can find them at any abandoned Dealership. So just go into the offices and find the keys.

8. The MATV. Built for warfare in areas too hostile for the HMMV, the MATV offers more mine resistance and greater clearance. It’s high saddle allows you to see well over the heads of the oceans of shamblers you may have to roll over. This beast can punch through into areas other rigs can’t go. A turret up top allows one of your team to mount up a belt fed to help clear out path when things get rough. And incase you run into marauders and bandits, it’s armored hull may prove to be a life saver.

7. Chevy Avalanche. The Avalanche is a great truck for a jack of all trades, do everything sort of rig. 4 doors allows your team to quickly get in and out, and the pickup bed can let you guys haul a lot of stuff and it has decent towing. You’ll want to outfit it with some brush guards for pushing through undead biomasses.

6. The Ford Raptor. Sometimes you really need to get somewhere fast. The Raptor can deliver your Rapid Response Team like no other. Fast. Agile. Perfecting for racing over mounds of fallen undead.

5. RAMROD. You are going to need a vehicle that haul a lot of people and supplies. You are going to need a vehicle that can push abandoned cars out of the way and clear the highway. You need a Semi. When you raid that Sam’s Club or Costco or Cabella’s, how are you going to bring all those good home? You are going to have to find someone skilled to drive that if you don’t know how. Don’t worry… you’ll find plenty of volunteers.

4. A Highway Snow Blower. Because sometimes to get where you need to go… You may need to paint the town red. The problem with pushing your way through a horde of zombies is that they will be waiting for when you come back. The upside to clearing a path this way… You have one hell of trail of bread crumbs to find your way back.

3. Toyota FJ. Giving you a more room and protection than a Jeep, but a smaller footprint and more range than a HMMV, the FJ just may be the best Zombie Rig that isn’t a Ford Raptor. Great reliability for when you explore far from your base of operations. These can go anywhere and do anything.

2. A Blackhawk. To get your team in and out of an area fast, extractions or tracking a target… You need some air power. The Blackhawk is tough and reliable and easy to fly… as far as choppers are concerned. And you get to yell “Get to the Choppa!” Because you know you want to.

1. The Centauro. Because you may need a tank. Normal tanks are slow, cumbersome, and the tracks are problematic if you have a long way to go. The Centauro can get there and bring everything you need a tank to bring, and then can haul ass home. You can carry a squad of dismounts with you. So you and your team can ride in style, kick ass, and bring back the bubble gum.