Under the Bus.

Some psycho kills 9 people and the 10th victim is American History.

I was pleased to see that the potential for Anti-Gun Politics to flare up didn’t happen.  The shooter had a photo with the Confederate Flag on his Facebook Page, so obviously the Bad Guy here is the Confederate Flag…  So in order to stop Hate, people are pulling down all the Confederate Flags everywhere.
You know what?  I’m fine with that.  Let’s throw the General Lee’s Battle Flag under the bus.  That’s our Scape Goat for this horror, so be it.   But then they started talking pulling down books, movies, and video games.  And there’s talk of pulling down statues and a National Monument.
Wait one second.
American History may not be all Rocket’s Red Glare… but it’s our History.  We need to OWN IT.  For good or bad, it’s our history… OURS.  We need to Remember It.  We need to Learn from it.  So we don’t need to Repeat it.  Glossing over the bothersome bits… glossing over the parts we don’t like… the parts that make us uncomfortable… is intellectually dishonest.

What is called the Confederate Flag was really not the Confederate Flag.  It was Robert E Lee’s Battle Flag during The War of Norther Aggression.    To some, it’s a symbol of Hate.  To others it’s a symbol of Rebellion.  To others, it’s a symbol of Southern Pride.  And to others it is a part of our collective American History.   To the Democrats, it’s all about that Southern Pride.  The Democrats with deep ties to Racism and all it’s ugly collateral that goes with it, loved the “Dixie Flag”.  Bill Clinton’s campaign used the hell out of it.  So did so many Democrats around the south.   Personally, to me, it’s the Rebellion.  The standing up to and fighting against the Federal Government.   BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT IT WAS.

I don’t care if you like it or not.  You don’t have to like it.   But you should respect it.  Before you call for it’s removal, you should understand it’s significance.  Censuring that flag as a symbol of hate is just ignorant.   Especially when other things are not censured.  Such as the Swastika.  Che Guevara T-Shirts.  Censuring one and not all… means your offended Self Absorbed Holier than Thou situational Moral High Ground is a Fraud.  It’s False.    So that means that you are either ignorant or dishonest.  One or the other… maybe both.  If we’re going to censure hate – there’s so much out there that also needs to be censured.  And if that’s what you’re wanting to do… Then you become one of those tyranical, hysterical book burners and you’ve just become that very thing you’ve been against.  Congratulations, you slobbering moron.

Own your History.  Learn from your History.  And don’t Repeat the bad History.

Packing a Magnum

20150623_123941It’s been fun packing the SP101.  Having a .357 Magnum on you is… what’s the right word?  Liberating.  There’s a certain feeling of confidence I’m getting with this SP101 that I’ve not felt since… Since I first starting packing.

As you can see from the above image, I’ve changed the grips from the factory squared grips – which honestly I didn’t really care for – to these nice Hogue Monogrips.  The difference in feel is night and day.  This is almost a completely different gun now.  Not only does it feel so much better, but it actually carries better because the butt of the gun is not squared off, but tapers down nicely.  It hides better too.  It’s just – better.   In firing, it dampens the recoil a bit better than stock too.  Not a whole lot, but it’s there.
If you are still running factory – I seriously recommend the change.  Unless of course, these just don’t fit your evidently Sasquatch-Like Paws.

Typically I’m packing the gun with 10 rounds standing by for reloading.  I do not feel like I’m at any disadvantage.  15 rounds of .357 Magnum is plenty for normal concealed carry.   If I need more, I’ll get my backup gun… which is an 870 Street Howitzer.  If I need more than that – I’m calling the Cavalry.
The load I’m carrying remains the Federal 158 grain SJHP.  With which I am satisfied.  For the time being.  Until I am convinced something else is tangibly better in this application.   Normally I’m a Hornady fan or a PDX1… but .357 Magnum is a different animal altogether.  The bullets do not need to be so fancy.  Just heavy and fast.
When I get my holsters from Adams Holsters, I’ll be packing the GP100 Match Champion as my main gun, and the SP101 will become the secondary.    As intended.   But for now… This little Magnum is serving admirably.

The Ruger SP101.

CHVm95XWoAAh_aeThe Ruger SP101 just impresses the hell out of me.  I love it.  A friend of mine let me borrow one a long time ago for an article in Concealed Carry Magazine.  (Read That Here)  Ever since I shot Norse’s little Magnum, I’ve wanted one.


And finally, after all these years I finally have one of my own.  I’m quite happy with it.  Probably the most satisfying of gun purchases I’ve ever made.  Should have got one Eons ago.

Some things I want to do with it.  Gold Bead front sight post.  Nice wood grips.  Trigger job.  Deep target crown.  All in due time.  I’m in no rush.  Like a few other guns – this one is going to be with me forever.   It’s going to be my main concealment gun.

Now, the platform is one thing.  The carry ammo is another.  .357 magnum has a lot of great options out there.  Everyone that makes ammo, makes .357.  And I do like heavy for caliber… so I’m thinking at least 158 grains, and it’s gotta be loaded hot.

The Ruger Twins

Brought home a set of Ruger twins. Two guns I’ve wanted for years and today I just said “Screw it… I’m getting them.”  So I did.  Full power .357 Magnum Goodness Gracious.
I’ve not shot them yet. First, I have some work to do on them. They need some smoothing.  Out of the box Rugers are not the slickest of actions or triggers.

20150612_181217-1The SP101 needs a new set of grips, or inserts.  Not digging them.  The Match Champion is awesome.  Still needs to be slicked up, but I love it.
I will also need a couple good holsters.  And when I say I need holsters, I only look to one source.   My exclusive holster maker.  I will not carry them in anything less.

There’s something just… Honest about revolvers.   With Autos there is so much BS when it comes to “Reliability” and chest pounding when it comes to what Elite Unit uses your gun.  Revolvers just ARE.  They are inherently accurate and as reliable as any gun can possibly be.  They are easy to shoot well with.  And dang if they don’t look good.

Tired of Tantos.


I’m tired of Tantos.  Once again the Tanto Rage is in full swing and all the new blades I’ve been seeing… the ones other guys are all “Look at this” all about… They are all Tantos.   The Tanto design is completely over rated.  While it has it’s Pro’s, I’ve found over time that the Cons are out-weighting them.   I’m not going to go into a Nut’n Fancy detailed breakdown of all the points and elements.  These should be apparent to you… you’re a big boy and Google is your friend.

I use my knives a lot.  My “Tactical” knives – most guys keep them well oiled and unused in their “Kit”.  Totally razor sharp.  In case of Zombies, or a call from SECDEF requesting the use of their particular sets of skills.   I’m not that guy anymore.  So all my throat slitting, 4/5 rib punchers get used for other things.  Like what they are designed to actually do – cut things.  Not “Testing” by chopping tree limbs, bending the blade sideways or all the other “Torture” tests people do.   No, I used them to cut things.  Like food.  My Combat Bowie?  That’s become my favorite BBQ knife.    I don’t care if a blade is forged by Hephaestus himself out of meteorite and the souls of fallen Samurai.  It’s pulling KP over here.  It’s going to open packages.  It’s going to slice sheets of vinyl.  It’s going to do the every day menial tasks that is of the peasant class, not the warrior class.

full_gi-tanto-80pgtk-full-1I’ve found that Tanto knives are cool looking, but they don’t like to really work.   For the most part, much of the cutting ends up happening at the point of the blade where there should be a wide curve.  Instead there is a sharp angle.  This is an exaggeration of the original design and is a modern invention from fantasy.  And it puts all the cutting in real world use at that point.  Which will dull easily and quickly regardless of how elite the steel is.  Now, I’m not talking about swords or sword length blades.  I’m talking about knives.  One handed, and generally under 18 inches of blade length.

CS88SDI feel no sense of history or belonging with a Tanto.  It’s not culturally connected to my heritage.  Of course, the blade that does connect with me culturally is of little actual field use either… but I know it’s a part of my family history in early times before they came to America.   These are actually good for deboning and slicing baked goods.   But that’s not entirely the point either.   When I pick up a Tanto, there is no connection to my past in any way.   They feel hollow to me these days.   There is no feeling patriotism.   I have one tanto bladed knife left.  It was a gift from friends… I will never part with it.   All my other Tantos have been given away or just lost and I’ve not bothered searching for them.

My favorite blade, that touches on my American Heritage, and makes me feel that sense of “this belongs here”… are the Bowie Knives.


Bowies can be big and beautiful.  They can be elegant and refined.   They speak of our Frontier History as a razor sharp national icon.  The Bowie is as American as the 1911 pistol and a Harley Davidson motorcycle.  The actual history of the Bowie has some questions as to the design.  The first Bowie Knife designed by Jim Bowie, carried and used famously by Jim Bowie… we don’t know what that knife looks like.  Or the actual size.  It was just reported to be a big freaking knife.   But the modern style of what we call a Bowie fills the void of details just fine.  The style is unique in a large blade, and translates well into smaller blades.  It’s beautiful and it’s effective… and best yet it actually works.


Now, I’m not about high polished elegance and all that.  I like working blades.  Just like my guns.  They need to speak of their use and capability.   They need to tell you just by their appearance that they will do horrible things to you.  They need to tell you to be careful with them… and that they don’t care if they have to hurt.   That’s a real Bowie to me.   One of my favorites that says all that is from ZOMBIE TOOLS.   These guys got the Bowie just right.  And added some serious DGAF attitude.

I think that’s probably the #1 thing that Tantos just don’t have.  Attitude.  They don’t don’t have that machismo.   CHARACTER.  The most interesting man in the world wouldn’t carry or use a Tanto.  Most importantly… a Tanto is unfit for use in preparing and serving BBQ and spending the day Grilling.

Go get yourself a damn Bowie Knife.
