Category Archives: Weapons

I took the plunge

When I acquired my Echelon 4.0c, Springfield Armory had a GEAR UP promotion rolling on it. They offered a free Range Bag, 3 spare magazines, and a Micro Red Dot. The MRD had 2 options. 1 being a little unit from Crimson Trace, and the other from this outfit called Hex and the unit was called the Wasp. I’ve seen the CT unit before and hated it, and I’ve heard some not so great things about it… and for the Wasp, well, I didn’t know anything about it and had not even seen one before. So I rolled the dice on the Wasp.

I’ve honestly never seen myself owning a pistol with an optic on it, but since it was FREE, well, might as well give it the old college try, eh? Well, the Gear Up promo took some time to get to me. SA says 8 to 12 weeks. Not sure how long it was for me… but just over 8 weeks seems about right. I had honestly forgotten about the promotion until I received an email from S.A. saying it was shipped.

Credit given to where credit is due… The mounting system S.A. has on the Echelons is very clever. I needed no adapter plate and the optic mounted low enough, I still have my Sights. And that’s important for a reason I’ll mention in a bit. The trick to the mounting system is the pre-drilled hole patterns that allow most MRD’s to get mounted. What makes it work are the different Pin Sets that, when changed, alter the base dimensions for support contact and stabilize the optic. After a few moments of “WTF is This?” it all dawned on me and was a breeze fixing the MRD to the gun nice and secure.

And I immediately hated it. Because it’s different and I’m not used to it. But as I said, I’ll give it an honest go and see how I like the whole pistol optic thing. What do you guys think, a 200 round trial or should I go 400 to 500 before I make a decision?

If I do decide that a Pistol Optic is my Jam, I have two other pistols that might get them. But regardless of if I like it… The little Wasp will be getting replaced. Here’s why. There’s no Seal on the bottom and as good and solid as it mounts – water will be able to ingress and cause problems. And by problems, I mean kill the sight. There are other units that are better suited for South Carolina weather, and I’m not about to spackle on Flex Seal on this. Although, that is a good idea for other applications! I’ve not shot this pistol with the optic on it yet… But will soon enough.

HK MP5 Clone

MAC makes one of the best MP5 Clones on the market, and does so at a very reasonable price. A fellow I know who has had one for a while has run 5 cases of ammo through his and gave it a positive report. 2 Malfs early on, and then a bad primer later. But I’d say that’s pretty solid and reliable.
The included cleaning kit is a bit of a joke and the bottle for your gun oil is even worse. The strap sucks too… But the gun and the magazines are about as solid as it gets. I’ll report more when I take it out to shoot it. It needs a Brace, Rail for an Optic, and eventually a suppressor.

Caliber: 9MMBarrel Length: 4140 8.9″ Button Rifled, Fluted Chamber, Chrome LinedGrip Module: Reinforced Polymer, Glass FilledTrigger: SEF Pattern, 4.25lb Pull (Approx)Finish: Laquer Paint Over Manganese PhosphateFront Sight: Hooded Front Post, Elevation AdjustableRear Sight: Diopter Rear, AdjustableOptic Mount: HK® Claw Mount Compatible (Not Included)Magazine: 30rd Standard (Two Included)

100 Rounds: 0 Malfunctions. Ammo: CCI Blazer. Accuracy: Meh… Unsupported, Standing, awkward. I’ll measure groups after I put a sto… a brace on it.

Update #2: The MP5 is ready for some Accuracy Testing. Well go hit the range later this week.

Springfield Echelon 4.0c

I fell in love with the Springfield Armory Echelon the moment I first held one in my hands. It looks freaking cool. And it feels even better in the hand. But I had no use for a full sized railed pistol… And then Springfield brought it out in the same size as a Glock 19 recently. And it still feels excellent in the hand.

The idea of running a Micro Red Dot on a pistol has been something I had been avoiding as I didn’t like it the first time I tried one. However people I know and respect have been adopting them all around me… so maybe there is something going on with that. I have two other pistols that could rock a red dot, but neither seem to be a good platform for an RD. Also, I didn’t want to spend 300 bucks or more on something I just wasn’t absolutely sure I wanted. And then I browsing TFB I saw that Springfield was offering a killer cool Gear Up package deal that included an MRD, 3 extra magazines, and a Shooting Bag. That pushed me over the edge. Okay. Let’s try this. So I have sent away for the Gear Up Kit… and I’ll update this when that comes in. Back to the gun in question…

I liked the White U Rear sight on most of the Echelons. But I’ve grown up with 3 Dots and I’m just more used to that. Especially in dark situations… If I’m going to pay for Tritium, I want all my Tritium! This Tritium is nice and bright, the way you want it.

The rear sight is also shaped right too. Not a ramp like with Novak sights. So if racking one handed is required, I can hook the rear sight onto something and push. Trying to that with a Novak is impossible, and then you’re trying to push off the front of the slide or something. Awkward. This is just so much easier. I like easy. I also like Smooth. And racking the Echelon is very smooth. The 4.0c is no different. Very Smooth. Much smoother than a Glock.

Trigger is better than a Glock too. A Glock has a weird wall before the break, and at the moment it goes, the pistol gets a little “shrug”. There’s a little bit of a jump. This, like all good triggers, doesn’t do that. The trigger has a little slack to take up, then it breaks very nicely without a jump. But it’s not a “Crisp” break… it just breaks. Like it just fall off and there it goes. Reset is excellent. I have no complaints about this trigger and I suspect it’s going to get very nice after some use. This is just Out Of The Box.

I really love the way the gun feels in my hand. Seriously one of the very best factory grips I’ve ever felt. The contours are just about perfect for my hand… I couldn’t imagine it getting any better. But I guess if I needed a dimensional change, there are a couple alternative backstraps to try out… One slightly larger, and one smaller. But this is perfect out of the box. It’s going to stay like this. Wait, it gets better! The texture is a fine stippling type affair that doesn’t snag on my clothes and isn’t abrasive to the hands… but when I apply normal shooting grip-force, it locks into my hand like super-glue. This is excellent texturing. And with that good grip, I can still hit the slide and mag releases without problem and without changing my grip. It doesn’t get any better than this. And it gets even better. For those of you who are SIG guys, or 1911 Guys… The Echelon’s grip angle is going to hit right. For me, it’s extremely “Pointable”. It comes up just right on target, without any adjustment. It points naturally like few pistols do… Like a 1911, like a SIG, like a CZ, like a Browning Hi-Power. It’s awesome.

This just might be… the most perfect striker-fired pistol… (Pause like Jeremy Clarkson) In the world.

I’m not going to put this into my Carry Rotation for a while. I still need to put it to the test of a bare minimum of 200 rounds… Prefer 400 or more. But I’ll do the bulk of that shooting after I mount and zero the MRD. I’ll keep you posted. Cheers!

Initial Testing: 100 rounds, 2 boxes of really old mixed Cheap Stuff: ZERO malfunctions. Even in the rain. Just out of the Box. Next step is clean and lube with a good oil, and try to wait patiently for the Micro Red Dot to show up. Accuracy was good, but I wasn’t really shooting for accuracy. I was just breaking it in. And when I say this was old cheap ammo… We’re talking stuff I had left over from living back in Utah. (2013) Some Federal Blue Box, Winchester White Box, CCI Blazer, and Speer Lawman.


I was asked about my thoughts on all the new products from SHOT SHOW 2025. Honestly there was just a whole lot of MEH for me. Companies are still trying to make ARs look like other guns and other guns look like ARs. So much of it was just lost on me.

I am a big advocate for the use of Shotguns, and there are 2 shotguns that caught my eye and I will eventually acquire one of them for sure. PSA’s new 570 Shotgun is one of them. They’ve taken the best features of the 870 and the 590 and rolled them into one. If I was going to design a pump action shotgun, this PSA is what it would have come out like. And it’s modular so that you can build it up exactly how you want it, instead of buying a gun kind of like what you want, and then buying new parts to replace parts you don’t want. I LOVE that. And the shocker is they can also make it a Semi-Auto. That’s just icing on the already excellent cake.

The other Shotgun is the new Mossy with the AR furniture and Safety. This isn’t just window dressing but a good option for those new Shooters who have only been running ARs all their lives. Yeah, I know that kinda makes fun at my first paragraph here, but having familiar fire controls is a distinct advantage. I see this shotgun becoming very popular with smaller Law Enforcement Agencies. I may have to get one, just because.

PSA has also brought out some other interesting things… Under PSA’s H&R decision is a CAR-15 analog, which I ADORE as the CAR-15 was my first issued weapon out of Basic and AIT. I’m going to have to get one. I just have to. All the Retro H&R Arms rifles are cool. FN brought out a line some years ago of service rifle analogs, but FN priced them into oblivion… PSA and H&R Arms are doing it RIGHT.

Everything PSA is doing is being done right… The new flavors of JAKL and SABRE are just awesome. Is there anything that PSA is doing that’s NOT awesome? I’ve got my hands on a couple JAKLs now and I’ve got to tell you… I like them. A lot. I might get a couple JAKL uppers to finish up some builds.

Springfield Echelon

Since working at Basin Sports, myself and all the fellas there… there’s the habit of planning out that Next Gun Purchase. Or in the Basin Sports methodology, when something comes off layaway, what’s going to go on next? That habit has stuck with me ever since. Even as I bring one gun home… What’s Next!?

For me, I was planning on another 10mm… and FN has a glorious option for that. But then the more realistic side of me decided that perhaps that wouldn’t be the best choice. So I reconsidered and have landed on Springfield Armory’s Echelon pistols. The full size and the compact are both very attractive options and I’m thinking that one of them will be the next pistol to come home to my Safe.

When the full size Echelon came out, I was very impressed with the gun, the sights, the trigger, and the feel of the grip in the hand. And it’s even a good looking pistol. Not like looks are all that important, but it’s a factor. I would have snagged it on the spot, but I really had no need whatsoever for a full size 9mm.

The compact version, being Glock 19’ish in size, really does become something of a good packing size. Similar in size to my SIG M11A1, but a lot lighter. Now, I still absolutely adore my M11A1… But for a Cake Eating Civilian, the gun is a bit heavy for Pants On to Pants Off EDC. Even with a Good Holster and Good Belt. Weight is still weight. And cutting that weight in almost half, is a good thing. Now, I do have smaller and lighter guns that I like. I’ve had the HK VP9SK for a long time now… Just never had the right rig for it so I never carried it. And if I’m honest, kind of even forgotten about it. It was when I got my FN REFLEX, that I ordered a new holster from a company I’ve never ordered from before, and saw that they had the same rig for the VP9SK too… So I ordered both at the same time. Vedder Holster and the rig is called the Comfort Tuck. And it is. I like the rig. Simple. Sturdy. I’ve no complaints or criticisms of them, and that’s high praise for me.

Between the HK and the FN… I find I like packing the FN a bit more due to the much smaller grip frame, and the little gun’s ability to evaporate under a covering garment. Even my wife, who knows what I’m packing and where… can’t see it. So a huge advantage for concealment with the FN. The HK does hide well, just not as well. Now, I love the HK… I do… The trigger is good and the sights are great, and it looks cool as hell. But I’ve found that I carry the FN most of the time, and the HK when Concealment isn’t as important. And if I’m in that situation, I might as well carry my SIG, but then I’m full circle on that carry-weight situation. This is why I’m leaning heavily toward the Echelon Compact.

HK’s most slept on pistol

In my brief on the FN Reflex, I let slip that I owned the HK VP9SK. This pistol has been on the market for some time now (2017). Since I mentioned it, I might as well talk about this one too.

The VP9SK is as the name implies, it’s simply a compact version of the VP9 which has been out since before Trump’s first presidential term. 2014 actually. Back when I was helping run a certain Gun Store and Range, I was able to spend some time with the VP9, and it impressed the hell out of me. It was a good looking piece, with good sights and one of the best striker triggers I had ever felt. In fact, it shot so good for me, I actually won a bullseye contest with it.

I snagged this one when a sweet trade option came to me because I really did like the VP9, and this EDC Friendly Version of that just seemed like a great way to go. The trade offer was straight across and the gun I traded was completely useless to me, so why not?

The ergonomics on it are great, due to the swappable back strap and side plates on the grip… you can make it fit your hand perfectly. Which is a huge advantage for those with Tiny Hands or Huge Paws. I like mine best with the Small Side Plates and the Medium Back Strap.

The most un-ergo thing for a lot of shooters is the HK Magazine release. Americans prefer buttons and the VP9 series doesn’t have them. Instead it uses a padlle style release… an ambidexterous style lever that you push downward. I’ve run the HK USP as a Duty Pistol back in the day and I got used to that, so the German Way is not unfamiliar to me. One can get in the habit of using your trigger finger to release the mag with some practice and range time.

Firing the HK VP9SK is a pleasure. For one so compact, this little HK feels absolutely plush compared to other pistols in this class. Compared to most Micro Compacts which can feel rather “Snappy”, the VP9SK feels like a Cadillac. The accuracy is very good. And with some practice getting reacquainted with the paddle mag-release, speed reloads and “Tactical” reloads are very easy and quick. Something some of the Micros cause struggles with.

The VP9SK is an interesting pistol… Because the newest HK that just dropped, the CC9, is basically a VP9SK that got into Crossfit and Bicycling and Veganism and won’t let you forget about it. I think the CC9 is a bit late to the Micro Game, and is kind of unneeded because THIS EXISTS and the CC9 doesn’t offer anything over this, save for being slightly skinnier, has the Button mag release, and is made in the USA… and now we’re MAGA Country again, so we’ve got that going for us. Which is nice.

In short, if you are considering a Micro Compact, but don’t quite like the way any of them feel… The VP9SK is probably a great choice for you. But don’t take my word for it. Go find one at your Local Gun Seller, and wrap your hands around it. You’ll be glad you did.

FN Reflex

FN was a little late to the Micro Compact 9mm game when they came out with the Reflex. But don’t hold that against them… Because they built the best one. 11+1 capacity with the flush mag, and 15+1 with the extended mag. This smokes the other competitors in terms of Capacity. It has fantastic sights and trigger that feel like a Single Action. There’s a good reason for that trigger feel… Because it is a Single Action trigger. In fact, regardless of the looks, this gun isn’t a Striker Fired gun at all. There is a Hammer in there. An actual, honest to Thor hammer where the striker system normally lives. Hidden Hammer guns are nothing new… Just really rare in today’s market. Because of this, the trigger pull and reset are a little different than other guns in this class. So that might take a bit to get used to. But once you do, it’s no problem at all. Because even though it’s different… It’s a very good trigger.

In the hand, the Reflex is TINY. But it doesn’t shoot like a tiny gun. It is a bit snappy, but not unpleasantly so. You can add the Pinky Wedge floorplate to the flush magazine so your pinky finger doesn’t dangle. If you want. The extended magazine gives you both a full capacity and a full grip, just like everything else in the Micro Compact Class. Unlike the other Micros, the Grip Texture FN uses, while aggressive, really locks the gun in place while shooting.

FN is well known for making absolute shooting MACHINES. This little guy runs like an Engine. A furious little engine powered by 9mm ammunition and anger. The slide is even easy to operate. A lot of Micros have stiff slides that can be a tad bit difficult to run, but the Reflex is easy. It’s also spookily accurate. I found it easy to keep all of my 15 yard shots in the 10 Ring.

Now, HK just released the CC9, which is a slimmed down VP9SK that had some Cosmetic Surgery to turn it from a Sub-Compact 9 into the desired Micro 9. And I don’t say that like it’s a bad thing… Because the FN Reflex looks like it’s a 509 that had the same operation. (But it’s not)

Full Disclosure. I have the VP9SK and it’s a fantastic EDC option. It’s only a little bit bigger than the Reflex. And it shoots amazingly well, as you would expect with anything from HK. The Reflex does carry better, being a bit smaller and a bit lighter… and it shoots almost as good as the HK. And while being smaller and lighter it has more capacity than the VP9SK, and more than new HK CC9. So if you are thinking about the CC9… get the Reflex.

In short, if you are in the market for Micro 9 as an EDC gun… get the Reflex. It’s the astute choice for those that want their cake, and want to eat it as well. You really don’t sacrifice much at all with the FN Reflex. You can get an Optics Ready version, and there are sub-compact lights that will fit on the rail as well. So it has everything you could want. I have no complaints or criticisms about this piece at all. And that’s a first for me. I’ve been examining ALL of the Micro 9s on the market, and I think FN has made the perfect one.

The only downside to the FN Reflex is the same as any gun choice that Zigs and not Zags… and that’s Holster Selection. There are holsters out there for it, but your options are limited. Luckily, the FN Store has those options in stock for you. If you go to your local gun seller, such as Cabella’s, you will a plethora of holster options for the Glocks, Hellcats, M&Ps, and 365s… and nothing for the Reflex. So if you want to get the Reflex, just go ahead and order the holster online that fits your style and get it on the way before you go pick up your Reflex. Because as soon as you do get the Reflex… You are going to want to carry it immediately.

The Misunderstood Scout

The most misunderstood rifle IN THE WORLD is the Scout Rifle.

Jeff Cooper came up with the concept of a light weight, general purpose rifle, of midrange caliber that’s capable of handling threats and big game and anything else you need a rifle for. Light weight was the most important aspect of the rifle so that you could throw if over your shoulder on the sling and just have it on you. Understand, at the time, Cooper had spent a lifetime in the Marines, Hunting in Africa, and racing Porsches like a Sir. He was a man out of his own time. A throwback to days gone by. But his Scout Rifle concept was actually just as sound then, as it is now.

It’s the rifle you have on you. The rifle that you grab when the horses are spooked and you don’t know what’s out there. It’s the rifle you can defend your homestead with and put meat on the table with. There is nothing about this that is outdated or old fashioned. People get far too hung up on the Long Eye Relief Scope as part of his concept. The purpose of this, was that the rifle could be brought up from a low ready, and get on target in a snap. At the time, there was no a lot of options in the optics world and there was no such thing as the LPVO scope. If Jeff was still with us, his Scout concept would undoubtedly include an LPVO.

I had dinner with Col Cooper, with my wife and Jeff’s daughter was there as others. It was an amazing meal and Jeff sat at the head of the table like the Duke of Awesomeness. Absolutely Majestic with his walking stick with the head of a silver Water Buffalo. At the time, the Steyr was still brand new and we discussed at some length the whole Scout Concept. Jeff liked the Steyr “Schtire” Scout well enough, but he acknowledged the shortcomings of the S.S as produced. He had some other ideas about the Scout and some things he would liked to have seen that Steyr didn’t do.

One thing, Jeff insisted that a Scout Rifle would have a Sling and if it didn’t have one, it wasn’t really a Scout. A Scout could have just iron sights, if the Shooter was sharp-eyed enough and skilled on the use of Irons. The Caliber could handle the problems you were likely to encounter, and he considered .308 to be a good choice. Because that round is good enough, and is readily available where Ammunition is sold. Wildcats miss the whole point entirely, he said. (Summation, not quotation)

There’s one other detail that everyone misses because it wasn’t talked about, but Jeff strongly recommended, Controlled Round Feed. So a Mauser, Winchester, Ruger type action and not something like the Remington 700 which doesn’t have a Controlled Round Feed. All in all, the rifle, with a loaded magazine and optic needs to be 7 Pounds or Less. Less is preferable. As light as you can get. That way you don’t leave it in the truck when it should be on your shoulder. Because that’s what the Scout is all about.


There’s been some interesting new releases that debuted at SHOT Show 2024, and within the last little while. I’ve not talked about the Industry in awhile so let me knock some rust off here.
Springfield Armory: They are doing great over there and are continuing to crank out rock solid 1911’s. They remain one of my top choices. Huge fan of their Operator, TRP, and Ronin series. They just released a new line called the Garrison, which to me seems just like the Loaded series, but without forward slide serrations. I’m not really a fan of their other 1911’s so much. I don’t need my 1911 to try to look like a ZEV Glock.
Their new Echelon pistol looks great and feels even better in the hand to me. As long as you don’t bother with the Extended Magazines, the guns are running great.
Remington: Following Mossberg now, they just released an 870 with a detachable box magazine. Which I think is a retarded idea that needs to go away.
Industry Wide there is a major flood of Double Stacked 1911’s. So many from all corners… but mostly from Turkey. We’ve never seen so many Double Stacked 1911s. Proof positive that the 1911 design is still as viable and popular as ever. They have a 9mm double stacked 1911 that runs Glock mags now. So, there’s that. Speaking of which…
Glock: They have FINALLY made a commercial version of what everyone has been doing all along, cutting down the frames to make shorter and more concealable grips. But really I found the Glock Model 45 to be just about perfect, once you upgrade the Sights.
Daniel Defense: They purchased the Hudson H9 pistol design and then spent the time, energy, and resources to actually make it work. This is a groovy thing, but the H9 is a pistol that just FEELS SO GOOD in the hand. I have wanted to like them… but now that DD is making them, maybe I can. Word has it that only 1 part is interchangeable between the two versions, so that’s a sign that a LOT of engineering had to be done. Makes me wonder why DD spent the money on Hudson design when they could have probably just done their own from the ground up.
Looks like Mossberg is still making their little pistol to everyone’s dismay. Has anyone actually seen one in a Gun Dealer’s Pistol Case? I haven’t. And I’ve been looking. Dealers response to inquiries have been a universal, “we can get one in if you want it.”
Buck knives released a new knife… the Buckmaster Diver Pro. Looks like a Kingon knife from Star Trek for $899. Which makes me think “WHAT THE FUQQ ARE THEY THINKING?”
Okay, the biggest shocker and smile maker of SHOT 2024 is S&W with their new 1854 Lever Action. I’m interested. Even if it looks exactly like a HENRY. And even if it is over 1200 bucks. Those I trust have reported great reliability and accuracy. Will I buy one? Maybe.

Old and New

Just posting up my new Wallpaper. Just for fun. The Revolver is a classic Peacemaker Replica by Cimmaron… of which I forget the name, but it’s “The Hand of God” from 3:10 to Yuma. The Shotgun is a braced Mossberg Shockwave. One of Many, but this is the only one wearing a brace. The sword is a Cutlass from Cold Steel.