The last several incidents, before there has even been an accurate body count, or wounded people getting to the Hospital… The Major Media has instantly jumped to announce that the Bad Guy was a Right Wing Extremist. And a lot of other people I know said the same thing in this Boston Bombing…
This tells me that these guys, and The Media, do not know who Right Wing Extremists are. During these times, the Right Wingers tend to be stuck at work, so look at the time… if it’s in business hours… it’s probably not anyone that’s Right Wing. Let’s look at who does what for a moment… From the historic perspective of the incidents in recent years.
If it’s a Random Bombing or a a Bombing at a public event… It’s probably Muslim Extremists.
If it’s a Random Shooting in a Gun Free Zone… It’s probably a Liberal Democrat.
If it’s blowing up a Government Building… THEN it’s probably a Right Wing Extremist.
We did have one Right Wing Extremist that did something horrible. But look at his target. A Federal Building. He was attacking the Government. And that was only 1 incident, and that was back in 1995. The movie WATER WORLD came out in 1995, come on. Of course the Media types like to bring up our one and only jackass out all the time. They also like to bring up the Crusades as evidence that Christians are horribly violent people… but that was in the middle ages when everyone was horribly violent. We’ve moved on. These days when Right Wingers attack, it’s with Facebook images and Quotes. It’s with Lobbyists and Grassroots political action to get people to contact their Representatives in Washington DC or at their State Level.
So really quick:
If it was a bomb – it was the Muslim Extremists.
If it was a Shooting – it was a Liberal Democrat.
Quick Update: If it was something nasty sent through the mail, like some Toxin… it was also a Liberal Democrat.
Okay, let’s look at these two groups. Muslim Extremists and Liberal Democrats. What do these groups have in common?
1. They both have Self Control issues.
2. They both insist that if they don’t like what you are doing, they have the right or obligation to do something about it to stop you.
What does a Right Wing Extremist have to do with these guys? Not a damn thing. They have other traits.
1. Right Wingers just want to be Free and left alone.
2. If a Right Winger doesn’t like what your doing… We don’t do it with you.
Yet the Major Media outlets all seem to want to make Right Wingers the bad guys. We are somehow a threat to them. Well, this is no mystery… because the Major Media are all Liberal Democrats and they have an agenda.