Tag Archives: Stupid

1911 External Extractors

20151229_150235I hear this all the time… usually from Mouth Breathers… “Those SIG and S&W 1911’s are crap because they have external extractors.  No gun should have them.”

Dude – Just shut it.   Most modern autopistols all have external extractors.  All the guns that are well known for utter reliability have external extractors.  John Mosses Browning even put them on the Hi-Power!   Glocks.  SIG’s.  Beretta… very few guns have Internal Extractors and those that do generally are problematic.

I’ve shot a lot of 1911’s.  I’ve got a lot of 1911’s.  And what I don’t have or have ever shot – was a 1911 with an external extractor that had a problem that was extractor related.   Ever.   You don’t hear about Glocks and FNS’s with Extractor problems… do you?  No!  You really don’t!   Sure – maybe somewhere out there in the vastness of the internets, under some dark rock in a dark corner – someone had a Glock Extractor problem.  But really, on the whole… such problems are pretty much just non-existant.

If you think an external extractor is problem – you really just don’t know what you are talking about.

No Fly No Guns No Brains


Obama’s latest speech was a laughable hot mess.
He started out by basically saying that the mass shooting in California was Work Place Violence, before he said that it was Terrorism… but being careful to say that it wasn’t directed by ISIL.
Pretty much the only person calling IS “ISIL” anymore is Obama.  ISIS called themselves ISIS… and now they and pretty much everyone in the middle east just calls them “IS” now.  As in “Islamic State”.  Obama is tone deaf when he keeps saying ISIL.   I think he says that just to reinforce he hates Israel.

He espoused one idea that on the surface sounds good.  If you are a Terrorist on the No Fly list, then you shouldn’t be able to buy a gun.  On the surface – I agree with that sentiment.  Who wouldn’t?  The problem though is that lots of people on that No Fly list are not Terrorists.  There have been Small Children on the No Fly list.  Even a sitting Senator was put on the No Fly list…. Let’s call it the NFL for the time being.   The NFL is a shady government roster that no one knows who controls, how it’s vetted, and no one has oversight on it.  Names get added but it takes an act of The Great Pumpkin to get a name off it.   And that’s the problem I have with it.  Secret Covens muttering over secret documents…


How do you know if you are on the list?  Pretty much the only way to know is if you try to board a plane.  Heaven help you if you bought a No Refund type ticket through Priceline.
Without any Due Process you could have your Rights revoked… and it would take your Congressmen to try to help you get your name off that list.
Another problem…
If you are  a proscribed person and you try to buy a gun… sign that 4473… Boom.  You just committed a felony.   You walked into that store a regular joe, and walked out a Felon.

The Progs don’t have to Ban any gun.  They just ban you.  And it’s as easy as just adding your name to the list.

Another problem.  Some folks I know have Job Applicants run through NICS.  No Approval means no job.  This can have a dire effect on your whole life… not just getting a new gun from a dealer.

Again, all of this with no due process.  No way to know if your name is on there.  No notification, “Hey, you need to talk to your local FBI agent to get this cleared off.”  All you get is “Denied”.  No reason.  No warning.  And there’s really no help for you, because quiet seriously, your Congressmen do not care.  Especially if you live in a Democrat Held State.  Welcome to Shit Creek, your paddle has been revoked.

Obama breezed though this little tidbit rather quickly.  Of course he doesn’t want you to think about it.   If you think – you question.  And that’s the last thing They want you to do.

The DurP-12

No thanks. A 10 Pound Shotgun, with a Safety that can’t go back on if only one barrel is fired, and has two barrels regulated like Marty Feldman’s eye balls. Maybe it’s well made, like LV says. But maybe it’s not well made enough and needs a little more Well Made to get it right. Even if it was flawless… 10 pounds. It’s also huge and bulky and I don’t see the need for a double barrel pump. This is less Serious Use Shotgun and more Novelty “because we can” Shotgun.

I’d rather have a KSG than this. Heck, I’d rather have a UTAS UTS-12 than this. And of course, I’d rather have a good old 870 than this.

This Speed test. Firing only enough rounds to make it look like it has a serious advantage over the 870? Laughable. Instead of testing which shoots X # rounds faster – so the Durp-12 doesn’t have to reload – how about a test where the Guns are fired until empty, fully reloaded and fired again. Let’s see that test. Because the number of rounds in the gun is only temporary. All guns will run dry.

And those Angled shots?   Not much of an angle from the looks of it.  Slightly up and slightly down?  Not much of a test.  Larry Vicker’s “Tests” seem to lose credibility every time.  

His camera crew though, freaking bananas on those slow mo’s. But it’s almost becoming too much. They are over doing it. And no matter how cool it looks – LV doesn’t need to talk so much giving a SITREP for every new shooting position… judas priest the man talks too much!  He’s going to give Nutinfancy a run for his mouth money. Maybe Nutinfancy needs to do more Slow-Mo. Anyways, back to the Durp-12…

You can aim POA-POI on one barrel and then you have to hold completely different for the other barrel at 100 yards. That’s a fail. It just is. ESPECIALLY since you can’t put the weapon on safe with just 1 barrel fired. FAIL FAIL FAIL! That’s just unsafe.
No… I don’t like the Durp-12. LV can keep it.

You can 3D Print a Heavy Caliber Gun.

In San Francisco, an AR-15 is a “Heavy Caliber Gun”.

capture17First off… What is a Heavy Caliber Gun?  A .45-70?  .50 BMG?  40mm Bofors?   If I hear “heavy caliber” I’m thinking of Artillery or something Anti-Tank.  So I was thinking “3D Print some Artillery?  I’m in!”  And then I clicked the link.
I am sorely disappointed.  5.56mm and .223 are a .22 Caliber… that is not by any means a “heavy caliber”.  Maybe if your targets are Chipmunks.  Maybe.
I should have known though… The source is CBS out of San Fran… Every Caliber is a Heavy Caliber.
No one tell them that you can get an AR type rifle in .308.  They would shit themselves until they died.
Quick – someone tell them that you can get an AR type rifle in .308!


That’s your Dynasty?

The NDAA was passed into law. Meaning that the Government can sweep you up and lock you away indefinitely without due process. It’s pretty much the suspension of our constitutional rights. Innocent until proven guilty? Gone. Speedy trial? Gone. Right to face your accuser? Gone. The Constitution? It’s a foot note in the history books now.
But who cares? Some guy on a TV Reality Show got booted!
Republicans locked armed with Democrats and voted to cut the benefits and healthcare for Vets… But didn’t make any cuts on themselves… and of course, by the standing law they put into place, they will continue to get an increase ever year.
But who cares? Some guy on a TV Reality Show got booted?
And if they are not talking about Phil Robertson (Yeah, I know his name because I’ve met him. I’ve not watched his show) they are talking about Miley Circus shaking her boney ass.
What about Obama making up rules and changing laws at his own whim? The NSA is recording fucking everything… It’s all out of control.

I’m sorry but I thought I remember growing up and learning that we had 3 branches of the Government and that it was the Legislative Branch’s job to make the laws, and the Executive Branch’s job to enforce them, and then the Judicial Branch to make sure it was all legit.
All of this is a sad puppet show now. It’s political theatre… and the show is a Satire.

So maybe there is no difference anymore with talking about one Performer, Phil, or the other, Obama.

The Government makes me feel so greatly disappointed that guys like West and Mattis haven’t take shit over. There’s a Ticket I could vote for. Take it over, knock it down and hit the big red RESET button and put the laws back to how they were originally. Because it was pretty damn good then.
All men, created equal… That says it all right there.

ID Issues Resolved

Wife went back.  Simply talked to a different person than she did last time.  This person was most helpful and my Beloved Bride had no problem getting what she needed done and having the card corrected and issued.

Evidently it is well known that the other “Lady” at the other window is a colossal asshole.

Update:  She is now officially a resident of North Carolina.  Legal to drive again… Also at the same time, my Twins are now have their Learner’s Permits.   This explains why all three are suspiciously absent and are not answering calls.  Fly, my free birds, fly!


The Government Bureaucracy In Action

My wife’s Driver’s License expired.  So she goes to the DMV to get a new NC card.

But she can’t.  Because she needs a Marriage Certificate to show she’s married to me… from 21 years ago never before required.  Fine.  We contact the state of Utah and get it.

She goes in again.   No, she still can’t.  Now she has to have a social security card with the name changed on it… again, never required before in 21 years of marriage.  With moving to Idaho and Virginia and back to Utah… Required now.

So we go to the social security office in New Bern.  They shut the door on us… office closed.

So she goes back again to change her name.   But she can’t.   Because her Utah license is expired.  Birth Certificates and Marriage Licenses and all that doesn’t matter.   “If you contact the hospital and have the lady at the counter sign it in ink and then…”  How is that a more valid form of ID than a Utah Drivers License that went past an arbitrary date?  She is no longer the same person she was a month before?  What the hell, People?

She’s in a NO WIN situation because of the goddamn government.    She is now expected to fly all the way back out to Utah, renew her Driver’s License there, so she can fly back here, just so she can get a North Carolina license.   She called me from the social security office in tears from the frustration.  I’m so angry I could chew nails and spit tacks.   This is ridiculous.  Even more so because an illegal immigrant gets treated better… pisses me slam off.


UPDATE:   Oh get this… Now we’ve been told that she can get a Doctor’s form… with DOB on it, signed in ink… Which is laughable because you don’t need an ID to see a Doctor.  OR you can have your church print out something that has your name and DOB on it, and a Church Official signs it. In ink of course, and that’s valid.   Again, laughable.  Because they don’t know who in the hell the Doctor is or the Church Official.   And you don’t need an ID to go to Church (yet) so how is that a valid anything?   Yet that is more valid than a DL, which required everything in the first place that had only just recently expired.

Even more laughable… All of these other documents can be created at home with a computer and some photoshop.   It worked for Obama!  But what you couldn’t just recreate though is a Utah Driver’s License.   I could in fact, legally, start my own “Church” and then generate this document and sign it and stamp it and it would be LEGAL.

All this to get a Social Security Card to be used as ID… When it freaking says on the card “NOT FOR USE AS ID“.

WTF is WRONG with this picture?   EVERYTHING.  This is all such utter bullshit.  So instead of helping the person trying to comply with the law… the system is forcing people to find the loopholes to get around the law.   This is insanity.


Sloppy Joe’s Suck

I freaking hate “Sloppy Joes”.  Sloppy Joes… Meat’s Epic Failure.

Look, you have a pound of ground meat… and you just ruined it.  You could have had Tacos.  You could have made it into a couple good burger patties… But you didn’t.  You made Sloppy Joes.  Don’t give me that Manwhich bullarchy.  You ruined it.  Admit it.  It’s kinda like saying you are going to make an Omelet, and then cocked it up and made Scrambled Eggs instead, and then cleared your sinuses into them.   That’s what you did with the ground meat… same thing.


Toss some chili powder on them… some taco seasoning on the ground beef or whatever and make some Tacos.  Tacos are always win.   ALWAYS WIN.   Don’t have some tortillas, well, you are wrong and you are living in Kitchen Fail… but hey, you can always make a pot of chili out of it.  And that’s damn fine eating.

I mean, hell, if you have to make Spaghetti with it.  Boil some pasta, and poor that over the stuff over those noodles.  You’ll be fine.

But to mix a BBQ type sauce into the meat?  Oh hell no!  Look if you want BBQ flavor… make a burger and put the sauce on top of the burger.   That’s a good burger.  A BBQ Burger… We can all live with that.  And be happy.

But to make Sloppy Joes with that meat… Oh my hell… That’s giving up on life.

Don’t give me that “You’ve never had my… whoever the hell it is Sloppy Joes”.  No… I never have.  And no, I never will.  You will never get me to try it.   I will just look at you with disgust and disappointment and walk away… Probably to my car so I can go find a 5 Guys or a Cook Out or a Sonic… or some places that knows what the hell to do with a pound of ground beef that isn’t blowing excretion into it.   Sloppy Joes Suck.

Where I Write

I have a place in Ogre Manor, where I sit and… well… supposed to Write.  However I can never actually write there.  The chair is hard and office like, the desk it at a good height for writing.  But when I sit down there… It’s like I’m in the Phantom Zone of writing.  Creative Exile.  I can Game there.  Chat there.  But actual creativity doesn’t and can not happen while I am there.  Time spent there is time wasted and lost.  In terms of Creative Writing that is.  In terms of Leveling up my Characters in Borderlands 2, the spot is the Bomb Diggity.

If I go upstairs and lay down on my Magic Bed of Insomnia… Another location for a specific something that Does Not Happen There.  On the MBOA, I get ideas and thoughts of writing and the Creativity Flows like the Butthurt of Xbox owners who discover all their games don’t work on the new One.

The only Problem… No matter what position I get into or how I prop up the Pillows of Anti-Slumber… I can’t actually Write on the MBOA.  Instead, I just get horny and send dirty Text Messages to my wife.   So that doesn’t work either.  Because then she comes upstairs and nothing get’s written.

You remember when I use to crank out Gun Reviews and scathing opinions of Things?  All that writing I did was at a certain place in a certain location  Gandalfo’s.  A New York Style Deli in Vernal in a little shopping Strip next to a Smith’s Grocery store in Vernal.  On my day’s off I’d go in early and sit at the second to the last table… the one that had a power outlet in the booth.  I’d get a little sandwich and a large drink and I’d open the laptop… And I’d write.  Like the runners in Chariots of Fire, the words would flow.

I need that sort of place here in NC.  I need “That Spot”.  I envy the hell out of Writers who can write at home.  I can’t write at home.  I tried.  Every room, every chair… everywhere.  And I can write nowhere.  Gah!  It’s frustration incarnate.  I need to find a place somewhere relatively close by, that has a window view of the street and people, that’s quiet, that has a power outlet, and will bring me a cup of something caffeinated and cold every once in awhile without asking me or breaking my attention at my words.  Gandolfo’s was awesome at that.  I miss Gandolfo’s.

Long live the King?

Burger King, that is.   This morning I had too much blood in my caffeine and I was getting a headache from it.  Needed to fix that.  Closest joint was a BK.  So I stopped in, went inside.  I had a minute.  So I sit down with a large Coke on ice and pull out my Samsung Galaxy S4, which is awesome…   Check messages… Oh, they have free WiFi.  Well… Let’s just hop on that and use their bandwidth instead of my Verizon Miserly Minutes.  Because Verizon doesn’t do an Unlimited Data plan, I try to use WiFi whenever possible.

Check my emails.  Check my messages… Hmmm… What about any new comments on MadOgre.com?


Burger King Blocks The Ogre.   Oh really?  So I check a few other Pro-Gun sites… and they are blocked too.  Uh huh.   Now, wait a second… If they are blocking me, undoubtedly for the children… they must be blocking – Nope… You can still pull up Miley Cyrus twerking that skinny little ass.   So Burger King thinks it’s okay for Hanna Montana to shake that flat little money maker, but I can’t check out a Pro-Second Amendment discussion site.

Really, King of Burgers?   That hurts me, King B.  That cut me.

At this point I walked out.   I don’t see myself spending any more of my money there.   Check our your local BK establishments.  See if they have free WiFi and if they are filtering guns too.  Maybe it’s just this Franchise.  Maybe it’s a Corporate thing.  I’d rather see this be a Corporate thing.  Because this Franchise was just outside of the main gates of a Marine Base.  And they are banning gun related content on their WiFi.  That’s just asinine considering all the Marines and Relatives that stop and eat there.  Just sad.   I was quite disappointed.