No Grand Wizard in GOP?

No, sorry… The GOP doesn’t have any. David Gregory is right.  You would have to ask the Democrats about Grand Wizards.  They had Senator Bird… Who was one.
I’m tired of the Left’s accusations of racism.  Funny how Conservatives never bring it up, but Liberals always do.  So who are the real racists?

Serious problems at MagPul

So Travis Haley leaves MagPul… and now Chris Costa is jumping ship?
MagPul is in serious trouble now because when you have to two biggest rock stars in the industry that makes your products look cool and sets them apart from everything else, and then you don’t have those guys anymore.  What do you have?  You have a company that makes makes AR accessories… just like a whole bunch of other companies… CMMG, Mako, Tango Down… too many to list.  So what is going to set them apart now?

And what guys are going to have the balls to stand up and take Costa’s place in MagPul’s training?  I know one guy.  That’s it.  And he’s running his own company.   I know there are going to be a couple huge egos that are going to want to try to step up for this… I have two names written down that I’m not going to say.  Huge egos, decent trainers, sure.  But they are not the rock stars that Travis and Chris are and I seriously doubt they are going to be able to pull off what MagPul has done in the past.

I think MagPul is on its way out like a lot of other good companies.  Because it’s not the product that makes the company – it’s the people.  And MagPul isn’t going to find people like Travis and Chris.  They were the faces of MagPul.

Cain is my man.

Look at everything that’s getting thrown at Herman Cain. The GOP Opponents are one thing, but now people that work for the Obama Administration is now – just now – popping up with accusations? How many years passed by with no allegations being made, and now all the sudden that Cain takes the lead in the race for the GOP Nomination, now this pops up?
This is all bogus fabrications and the people accusing Cain looks like they have zero credibility. Just watching these people make the accusations, you can see in their face that they are making this all up.

If these people are being put up to try to harm Cain’s campaign… then his opponents believe him to be such a threat that they can’t counter him in the normal established ways, such as in a Debate. They fear Cain. Just like they fear Sarah Palin.
A Cain-Palin ticket would make the Left apoplectic. I think Jon Stewart would have a stroke. Bill Maher would shit himself to death. (I remain hopeful of either that or he dies like David Carradine) Quiet seriously, that ticket right there would put political opponents in seething fits. This alone makes it worth while to make that ticket happen.

Logic Fail: Democrats

The Government does something patiently illegal, and the Citizens take the blame. Yeah, I’m not Eric Holder’s Whipping Boy, so don’t look at me sideways because his Agency committed crimes which would land anyone else in the hole for the rest of their lives.  But of course, we all saw this coming.

What we want to see, is Eric Holder and a whole mess of ATF Chiefs get charged appropriately for the crimes they have committed.   The penalty for a Straw Sale is 10 years for each gun.

Straw Purchase 
A straw purchase is any purchase where a person purchases a firearm for another person who is not eligible to purchase it. Although it usually refers to the purchase of illegal firearms, the term can refer to almost anything bought or sold illegally.

In the United States, straw purchases are a felony violation of the Gun Control Act of 1968 for both the straw purchaser (who can also be charged with lying on Federal Form 4473) and the ultimate possessor.

A Firearms Transaction Record, or Federal Form 4473, is a United States government form that must be filled out when a person buys a firearm from a Federal Firearm License holder (such as a gun store). For knowingly making any false statement or representation on Federal Form 4473, the penalty is 10 years.

The ATF did more than just this.  They allowed straw sales against Dealers objections.  Then they went so far as to even use Tax Payer Dollars to buy even more guns to give to the Bad Guys.  Okay, wait, the line between the good guys and bad guys there is really thin and vague.  What the ATF did is horrendous beyond measure.  They broke the trust that was placed on them, broke the faith the American People put on them and this is unforgivable.  The entire agency needs to be Disbanded from the top down.

Pointing fingers at the American Gun Owner is remarkably asinine.  The Democrats solution is to lay down more laws and restrictions? Anyone with more than a pair of synapses can see the truth of this… The people they have to enforce the gun laws are the ones doing their damnedest to break those laws!

1.  Prosecute those that allowed this to happen, Eric Holder first and foremost.

2.  Abolish the BATFE completely.

3.  Wipe every – EVERY – Gun Law off the books nation wide.  Gun Laws should be a STATE issue.  Interstate Commerce is too thin a reason for Federal Regulation.  Some states have allowed Gay Marriage, yet we do not require those couples to never leave the state in which they are married… but they could move.  There’s an interstate issue now.  Does this make it a Federal one?  No.  It’s still a State issue.  I don’t need a Federal Driver’s License.  Yet I can drive in every state.   All Gun laws should be a State Issue.  The Feds need to drop it.  Every gun law on the Federal books should be ERASED.  EVERY ONE OF THEM.


Favorite Carmageddon Moment.

I’ve posted about favorite car movies and chase scenes… But I’ve never brought up this one.

Now, I am not a huge fan of George Looney Clooney, but he does a great job in this film  “The Peacemaker”.  In this scene, we have a car chase up to the point that Clooney says “Screw This” and turns the table.  He stops running and then uses his big Merc as a warhammer and demolishes the two little Bimmers that are chasing him.  You almost feel sorry for the little guys.  Almost.


Nicole Kidman spends a lot of time showing off how good her bottom looks in slacks. Eh, pretty good actually. The rest of the movie is fun, but not to be taken seriously. Nicole’s character is the least believable out of all of them. Oh, I also like the scene when Clooney jumps from chopper into the truck. That’s good stuff.
So, what is your favorite Carmageddon Moment?

This week on WeTheArmed…

Interesting things this week on
First off, WTA Staffer “Khorne” has started his newest book (he has a ton of them) in the R&R/Creative Writing section. It’s untitled at the moment… it’s the thread called “Historical/fantasy/horror“.

Next up.  Taurus has made a Max Brooks approved handgun.  The thing about zombies, is that they are little threat alone or in small groups. The first group, this gun could handle.  But gunshots attract even more Zeds.  And that’s where this gun would leave the owner up crap creek.  In short, Taurus has made a Zombie Gun that would be the last such gun you would want in case of Zombies.

In the Shotgun Section, Winchester’s new Blindside load has been called into question.  I shot this load at the Media Range Day at SHOT last January and was able to smoke more clays than I had ever been able to break before.  Local shooters have confirmed good results as well, save for one fell who reported similar results to Deathrider1579’s.  So it seems Blindside is a Love it or Leave it shell.  I think to play it safe, I’d stick with Federal’s BlackCloud.  Really, why would we need anything else for knocking feathers out of the sky?  I even suggest including it in your tactical kit to extend your shotshell reach.

There are a lot of gun forums out there… come check out WTA.

Red Dot: Vortex vs Lucid

Had a question about the Lucid HD7.  Would I take it over a Vortex.  (Strikefire or SPARC)  Hands down I’d buy the Lucid.  Again.  Not a lot of people really know much about the Lucid.  It’s pretty new in the market still, but it’s a good solid unit that’s given no problems and shoots with astonishing accuracy.



Aging Eyes.

As those close to me know, I’ve had issues with my eyes since about September 2010.  Specifically my right eye… and specifically going blind in it.  It’s been getting better and it’s now doing just fine.  Today I spent some time at the Optometrist.  I am pleased to report that my eye is back to full health with good blood flow and it’s only just like any other guy my age. Which means the lenses in my eyes are slightly cloudy, which is usual, and I have a hard time focusing far and near, again usual… and my eye’s astigmatisms are about the same.  The downside though is that while I don’t need bi-focals now, I will probably need them next time I come in.  So later next week I’ll be able to pick up my new glasses, with new frames, and I’ll bet much of my headaches will be remedied.

Growing old sucks.