Had a question about the Lucid HD7. Would I take it over a Vortex. (Strikefire or SPARC) Hands down I’d buy the Lucid. Again. Not a lot of people really know much about the Lucid. It’s pretty new in the market still, but it’s a good solid unit that’s given no problems and shoots with astonishing accuracy.
200 bucks.
Can it be mounted as an IER optic?
Lucid over Eotech?
Due to battery type and run time… YES.
I’m considering putting the Lucid back on my M4 and put the EOTECH up for sale.
REALLY?… Wow. I’m gonna have to look into these, then. I’ve got an EOTech on my PS-90 and was thinking about getting one for my TROMIX Saiga-12. Think it’ll handle 12ga. ok?
Disregard… videos just loaded. Very well. 🙂
Another popular channel on youtube just recently reviewed the Lucid so I am not surprised people have been asking….got a XPS 2.0 on my AR and will keep it now that its paid for but may look into one of these for other uses….
What one?
hey ogre listened to AAR last night and was the email to mark about this sight I absolutely love it and will put it up against any other red dot sight on the market. So any one thats been thinking about looking at this sight from a common shooter the Lucid HD7 is in my opinion a dang good buy and will keep its spot on my AR-15. happy shooting to all!
Right on. Yeah, I like mine. After my evaluation, I sent Lucid a 200 check instead of returning the unit.