Category Archives: Government

It’s a box with a spring in it.

Evidently according to the Liberal Media, the font of all evil is a high capacity magazine.

A magazine, high capacity or otherwise, is a box with a spring in it.  They are simple to make… stamped sheet metal or injection molded plastic.   The technology behind the “Magazine” is a couple hundred years old.  We use it in firearms and Pez candy dispensers.

One would have to be real thick in the head to be worked up about a Magazine.

David Gregory, Simpleton.
David Gregory, Simpleton.

Huh… You never see them together…

The first time I saw that picture on Drudge Report, for some reason I instantly thought of Hellraiser… and the weird doctor monster that says “I suggest amputation.”

But the picture of Nancy really matches this monster from Hellraiser, named “Chatter”.
I am now convinced that Nancy Pelosi is a Cenobite. If you think about it, it does explain a great many things.

Yeah… She is.

I suggest amputation.

Confederate States

A lot of people are getting excited about this Secession Movement that has become popular.  There are Petitions for State Secession from every state now… with Texas of course leading the charge.
To withdraw a State from the Union has never happened before – successfully.  You guys may remember the Civil War.  It didn’t end well for The South.
While a new Civil War may be likely… or at least more likely than ever before.  This is not a good thing to hope for.  This is not a thing that we want to happen.  Bloodshed on an industrial scale is something that should be avoided at all costs.
But what about the fun little thing of just “Sending a Message” to Washington DC?
Ever heard of the No Fly List?
Now take a look at the ATF Form 4473.  One of the questions is regarding Renouncing of Citizenship.  It would be very easy for the ATF to get these Petitions and use them to create a NO BUY List.  Use sign that Petition and all the sudden you find one day that you are on a NO BUY List.  You can’t get your name off that list, you can’t even check if you are on it to begin with… no one can see that list.  But your State’s BCI will have it and when you run a Gun Check… Bang.  There it is.  You can’t buy a gun because you are on The List.  Sorry, nothing you can do about it.  Just like when you try to Fly… Sorry, I know you already purchased that ticket and it’s not refundable… but you can’t get on the plane.  Sorry, Policy.   And at that point, there is nothing you can say or do that will get you on that plane.   Or in the case of trying to buy that gun, nothing you say or do will allow the Dealer to be able to sell you that gun if BCI says no.
You know why this is Possible?  Because I’d do it if I was an asshole like everyone in the Obama Administration.
If I wanted to effect Gun Control on those people who want FREEDOM and disrupt the Gun Industry as much as possible… I’d make that No Buy List.  And those people have all already Signed Up for it.

Look at what it would do to the Industry.  If you are not legal to buy a gun, you can’t work in the gun industry… Not where there are firearms around.  We’ve had to let an Employee go because he was not legal to buy a gun.  According to the ATF, he couldn’t work with us anymore.  Not even in shipping and receiving.  Certainly not in Sales.  Not even stocking ammo.  A No Buy List would gut many gun companies… Especially if you were in a State that, such as Texas, made enough noise to really irritate DC and they wanted some Pay Back.
Now say the State does leave the Union.  Now you will have to have a Passport to go visit to or from.  You want a Springfield and you live in Texas, now you have to Import it.  Everything become more expensive and complicated.   And what about just Ammo?
It sounds all good, but when you think about it… it’s really NOT a good thing.  Not unless multiple states in a large district are all able to withdraw peacefully – which is not likely at all.
But let’s just say that Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Louisiana all withdraw.  Say we have that chunk of a new Confederate State of America.
It would be very tempting to move there.  Even though I swore my Oath to the United State of America… and that Oath never Expires until I do… It would be a painful, hard choice.  But still tempting.   Because I could see myself going to Arizona.  I’ve lived in Texas before as well.  It would be tempting.
But I am not ever signing any such petition.  Ever.  Not with this Administration.    Not when Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Obama have access to such a list.   There is just too much room for Evil to be had there.

Massive Layoffs

In the past 48 hours, these companies reported layoffs:
Westinghouse – 200
Research in Motion Ltd – 3,000
Lightyear Network Solutions – 15
Providence Journal – 23
Hawker Beechcraft – 410
Boeing 61,000
CVPH Medical Center – 17
US Cellular – 980
Commerzbank – 6,000
Iberia – 7,000
Momentive Performance Materials – 150
Brake Parts – 75
Vestas Wind Systems 1,700
Husqvarna – 390
Ericsson – 14,000
SRA International – 222
PerkinElmer – 75
Majestic Star Casino and Hotel – 80
Center for Hospice NY – 80
Bristol-Myers – 500
Lower Bucks Hospital – 500
Oce North America – 9
Corning United Blood Services Gulf – 150
Atlantic Lottery Corporation – 16
Welch Allyn – 10% of manufacturing work force
Dana Holding – 12% of work force
Stryker – approx 5%
Boston Scientific – Unspecific amount
Medtronic – 1,000
Smith & Nephew – 80
Abbott Labs – 550
Covidien – 600
Kinetic Concepts – 300
St. Jude – 300
Hill Rom – 200
Darden Restaurants – 3%
JANCOA – 350
Kroger – 30
ING – 2,350
Caterpillar – 4,000 (Decatur plant)
Alcatel-Lucent – 5,000
Umatilla Chemical 34
Pepsi – 8,700
Bank of America 30,000
And the unnamed Las Vegas Employer who let go of 22.

No, I’m not making this up.  Some of these layoffs were planned in advance of the Election regardless, but were asked to not announce until after the election – such as Boeing, who had been hinting at it though for some time.  Many of the others were holding on and were not going to lay people off if Romney won.   Many of these companies just couldn’t afford to keep them on thanks to the Healthcare laws passed which would have been repealed under Romney.
Guys, this has just started.  There are going to be more layoffs coming.  Buckle up.  It’s going to get bumpy.

For you business owners out there… something to think about….
You didn’t fire those workers.  The Democrats did.

The Election

Words can not describe my utter dismay and disappointment with the Election.  I am glad has been down for a few days since the election – because my ranting would have been as incoherent as Liberal Logic.

We have (as a Nation) re-elected the guy that basically ordered the death of a US Ambassador and a couple US Navy SEALS.    We’ve elected the guy that bows before leaders of other nations, not as a lack of tact – but as a symbol to the world that America is lower than the others.  Come on, he even bowed to a Florida Mayor.   We’ve elected the guy that has been to all 57 States.  The guy that claimed to be a Foreign Student at Colombia.  The guy that grew up hating America.  We’ve elected to keep sending Chewbacca on expensive and extravagant vacations.  We’ve elected to keep going down the path of Socialism and destruction.

As a Nation… We have really and truly fucked up.   How did this happen?

Continue reading The Election

Hurricane Sandy

I feel very badly for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Mostly because they are stuck in Democrat controlled New York and are completely helpless. But thank GOD no one is chugging down a 32 ounce fountain drink of Death! I read that one New York City Official Person was unleashing harsh criticism of the Red Cross for not doing enough. Excuse me, but where was your Emergency Planning? Or was your whole plan to depend on the Volunteers of the Red Cross? Instead of bullshitting about the Beverage Sizes, how about you did some Prepping? If you have a STATE to take care of, or a Major City, you are the one responsible in case of a Disaster. You saw the Hurricane coming. You had warning. What did you do? Hurricanes happen every year. It never occurred to you that one could hit New York? You are on a Coast. The Red Cross does what it can…. around the world. You retards are only responsible for your area, and you have like 10 times the budget. Your finger pointing makes you look like even more an ass. You guys let New York down. Not the Red Cross. You.


At first the Administration didn’t know anything.  Then they tried to point fingers at an Internet Movie.  Then they didn’t know anything again.  Then they only found out too late.  Well, now it seems that not only did they know, but they watched it happen live.  Not only that but it is rumored that they actually told US Asssets to Stand Down.  So not only did they watch it – but they wanted it to happen.  Much as surfaced about the Benghazi attack.  All the truth will eventually come out.

If Obama really did order CIA and Marine Assets to Stand Down, as has been reported, then it is clear that Obama actually did want those men to die.  Specifically the Ambassador.
So my question is this.

Why did Obama want U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens to die? The other men were just collateral damage in this. But Obama chose to let Stevens die… he wanted him to die.
That’s what I want answered.

Because the POTUS doing what he did… Ordering the Marines to NOT follow their standing orders, to thrice deny CIA requests to go in. These were active decisions to let Stevens die. What did Stevens do? What did Stevens know? It had to be something very horrible… because otherwise Obama has basically sentenced the man to die and then watched it happen. He might not of pulled the trigger himself, but he ordered it. This is most un-presidential and he needs to be held accountable for it.