Tag Archives: Benghazi


With all the scandals that the White House has going on right now, it seems the Benghazi issue is being minimalized.  Even Fox News people are pretty much saying that it’s not that important and are more worried about the IRS SNAFU.

While a Tax Audit is a problem, 4 Americans did not get killed in one botched Audit.

And the excuses do not hold water.

A.  “What does it matter?”
B.  “It happened a long time ago.”

Both responses show a lack of care and concern and are pretty much admitting guilt.  The response about budget is bogus and we all know it.  Every US Marine knows it.  The CIA knows it.  Having US Marines sweep in and protect and extract an Ambassador is something the Marines just do.  You don’t even have to call them… they’ll just go.  What you do have to do though is to call them and tell them to stand down.  The choice was made that these men were to die.  What I want to hear is why they chose to let the Ambassador, and those with him, die in Benghazi.

I want FOX and the rest of the Media to HAMMER the Administration on this.

But what does it matter?  It was a long time ago.


At first the Administration didn’t know anything.  Then they tried to point fingers at an Internet Movie.  Then they didn’t know anything again.  Then they only found out too late.  Well, now it seems that not only did they know, but they watched it happen live.  Not only that but it is rumored that they actually told US Asssets to Stand Down.  So not only did they watch it – but they wanted it to happen.  Much as surfaced about the Benghazi attack.  All the truth will eventually come out.

If Obama really did order CIA and Marine Assets to Stand Down, as has been reported, then it is clear that Obama actually did want those men to die.  Specifically the Ambassador.
So my question is this.

Why did Obama want U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens to die? The other men were just collateral damage in this. But Obama chose to let Stevens die… he wanted him to die.
That’s what I want answered.

Because the POTUS doing what he did… Ordering the Marines to NOT follow their standing orders, to thrice deny CIA requests to go in. These were active decisions to let Stevens die. What did Stevens do? What did Stevens know? It had to be something very horrible… because otherwise Obama has basically sentenced the man to die and then watched it happen. He might not of pulled the trigger himself, but he ordered it. This is most un-presidential and he needs to be held accountable for it.