Category Archives: Government

Another War?

It is being reported that the President is now sending “About a Hundred” US troops to Uganda.  This is great.  Because I was thinking we were running out of pointless wars… Iraq and Libya coming to ends, that would leave us with only one!  Afghanistan.  Now we don’t have to fret at all.  Military Advisers never gets us drawn in an escalation into a shooting war…

*looks at the history books and turns pages to Vietnam*

Never mind.

Uganda.  That’s great.  At least its not another shithole place like…

*looks at a Google Earth*

Never mind.

Wall Street Protests.

There comes a point where the right to protest, free speech, crosses the line.  These protestors however are not calling for the peaceful resolution of grievances. They are actively seeking the destruction of the US Constitution. At this point, I would support/advocate a more active response. 
I suggest arresting those calling for the Marxist Revolutions, and see them prosecuted… For everything possible.  Lock them up.  Maybe even toss them some blunt weapons before the police get there, so you have some use of force justification and just pop them in the heads. 
Harsh?  That’s nothing.  Look at every communist revolution in history.  We let these guys get traction… America is done.

Remember September 11th.

There are many images of September 11th… The images of the wounds we suffered as a Nation.  However, this is the image that I’ve selected.  It shows quite simply, that we will endure.  We will not forget.  We will not forgive.  And we will become stronger after our wounds heal.

As much of a disaster that September 11th was, the Obama Administration has been far worse for us.  Some days I read the news and I think “Screw this… I’ll move my family to Argentina.”  Because I look at these reports of the TSA raping our Constitutional Rights… and people put up with it.  Our money for “Stimulus” to create jobs – in China… and people put up with it.  Big Sis pointing her hateful, spiteful, ignorant, fat finger at us and saying that We The People are suspect… and people put up with it. This isn’t the same country that I swore an Oath to Defend. Makes me want to pack up and ship off.

And then I look at this photo… and I’m reminded that we will endure this too.  We’ll take back our Government next year.  We’ll fix this FUBAR country and set things right.  I pray to God that next year the Obama Administration will be ridden out of Washington DC on rails.

The Church of Government

Take a look at this news report.  It’s about 700 thousand dollars to build a wheel chair ramp in a government office.

This office.

I pulled up the report and thought I was looking at some sort of temple or cathedral or something.  What the hell?  Then it struck me… they way people pray to the Government, and seek aid from the Government, and worship the Government… and the way the Government spends, acts, holds its self above question, and pats its self on the back.  The Government is the new Priesthood, much like Pre-Martin Luther Catholicism.  Doesn’t really matter what Branch or Level of the Government anymore.
Feds.  State.  Hell, even a lot of Local Governments.   Vernal City has just built their new temple cathedral office building.  Spending huge amounts of money that could have been spent better/wiser on other things.

Just an observation… The Sheriff’s department is going to be buying new vehicles shortly.  The current ones still don’t have cages or other safety equipment in them.  The new ones wont either.  They don’t want to drill holes in them.

Just what the Nation needs

Our Administration seems to really know how to screw things up.  When the economy is as shaky as it is…

They are going to start closing down power plants.    Brown-outs, higher costs, this is going to kick our nation in the sweets.  We need Power and Industry to keep our Nation moving and prospering.  This administration seems to want to strangle that.  If their goal is to ruin our country – they are doing a great job.

Time for a New Deck for your Race Cards

Congratulations to the Latino Community.  The State of Utah has elevated Latinos from a Minority to “White”.  Yes, all of you Latinos might be “Beaners” in other States… but in Utah, you are White just like every other Cracker here. At least when it comes to buying firearms.

On the ATF Form 4473, there are the required Race Boxes.  Everyone must be shoehorned into a different category to fit in a check box.  Now, Utah dealers would then take that form and go to the computer and log into the BCI’s secure Web Check.  There are other races to select save for Latino… Asian, Pacific Islander, Alaskan Native… yada yada yada but not Latino.  There was a box for “Unknown”.  Most dealers would just select that.   Well, know it’s established that Latinos are still Latino on the 4473, according to the Feds, but they are White according to the state of Utah.

I am of the opinion that this system needs to be revamped.  We should have more selections… for example, I’m Celtic… a mix of Scot and Irish.  There is no Celtic check box.  What about the different white folks from Eastern Europe that are not Celtic? Better yet, let’s just have a Color Spectrum and you just drag the indicator to the color that matches the gun buyer.  Either that  or we get rid of the RACE selections altogether… because its pretty stupid to continue any institutionalized racism.  You are either an American Citizen, or you are not.  Simple as that.  And there is already a check box for that.