That’s too bad… he had a chance of a shot at it… If Mitt, Newt, Ron and the guy that lives across the field from me all died in a crash – Huntsman would have totally had a shot at this.
Category Archives: Government
Dear Newt
You’ve done well early on, came out of know where to take a front runner seat, and then you have turned into a biter, hateful, slobbering troll. Your new campaign against Romney is not doing him much damage right now… but it’s crushed you. Newt, you are a horrible person and have become ultimately unelectable. There is no way in hell that you are going to win the Presidency. And it’s extremely unlikely that you are going to win the nomination. In fact, I dare say that you are about neck in neck with your chances as are Rick Perry and Herman Cain.
But here’s the problem Newt. You have said that if you lose, you will throw your support to Mitt. Yet this attack campaign you’ve created, helped fund and support… isn’t going to effect your adversary, Mitt Romney, in the primaries. But it’s going to haunt him in the General Election. What you are doing, Newt, is aiding and abetting Obama. This makes me suspicious as your attacks on Mitt are coming from a direction of Socialism and Anti-Capitalism. What you are doing is placing a Wedge between who is likely to become the GOP Candidate who is going to be going head to head against Obama… and Centrist, undecided, and swing voters who are key to winning the General Election.
Newt… Knock it off. Pull the campaign and drop out gracefully. Your continued efforts now only serve strengthen Obama.
Thank you.
PS. You are an asshole.
So just who is Rick Santorum? What has he done to make him qualified to be president?
I want to hear from people from his home state… You guys tell me. I want to hear from first hand sources.
I know he’s conservative and pro second. That’s it. Now he’s a front runner.
Iowa Caucus.
I have a big problem with the Republican Caucuses. A lot of people who showed up had no Party Affiliation, or affiliations with parties other than the GOP. If this is a GOP Party Caucus – the only people voting should be members of the GOP, and I’d even go so far as to say Dues Paid, Card Carrying Members.
Letting these Primaries be open like they are – Non-Republicans are picking the Republican Candidates. And no one in the GOP has a problem with this? This is why we had McStain last time!
Looks like Romney has it.
Romney is going to be the Man for the GOP. Like it or not. This isn’t official or anything, of course. But it’s a solid indicator.
The guy might be unlikeable on several levels, but I think he’ll make for a fine President.
A Bowl of Ramen Noodles would do a better job than what we have now.
To Do List, to Save America
Fixing America is probably an impossible thing to do, even if it’s actually very simple. Six simple steps would fix probably 90% of what’s ailing America.
1. ID Required to Vote. Voting is a Constitutional Right, yes, I know. But so is owning a Gun but you need ID to buy one of those, don’t you?
2. If you are on the Public Dole, you forgo your Vote. You can’t vote for your public assistance benefits, and politicians can not buy your votes with public assistance.
3. Congress should have not just Term Limits, but also No Retirement Benefits. Salary should be set at the mean average for the district they represent to remind them of who they are representing. This will also kill the Empire Building and Elitism of America’s Royal Class. Without these issues in America, Government Regulation will not be based on who pays off who like it is now. Every industry, Banking and Finance, Auto, Energy, is all about paying off or “Contributing” to certain politicians. This isn’t right, and it’s certainly a whole mess of corruption that needs to be cleaned out.
4. Balanced Budget is a Requirement unless it’s a specific time of war. This means Congress stays in session until it’s done and they keep it in balance.
5. Each State owns and manages every square inch of their States. The Federal Government owns no land save for Washington DC. This also goes so far as Mineral and Water Rights to those States and of course, Energy Development in those States.
6. BATFE, EPA, Department of Education, IRS, Department of the Interior, Department of Agriculture, and the TSA need to be abolished.
Newt vs Mitt again. Content Added
You guys know I’ve been weighing the Newt and Mitt thing ever since Newt got serious. I’ve been thinking about this a lot.
I’ve come to the conclusion that Newt, while he would make for a decent president, the man is just not electible. There is little chance he could win. I really think that if Newt gets the nomination, Obama will win reelection.
When Dr. Savage offers Newt a million bucks to drop out… That shows us the crest of a huge Anti-Newt wave that’s only just starting to form. The push against Newt is going to get a lot worse. Those that are in the middle, the fence sitters – those that tip election scales, are not going to pull the lever for Newt. He is obnoxious and disliked.
This leaves us with Mitt as the only tangible candidate that has any hope in Hell of winning against The Great Halfrican. Like it or not, that’s the situation. I’m saying this, knowing full well that Romney is as likeable as… something that’s not very likeable. I also hate the fact that he goes to the same church that I do. But he could run and win against Bamma. Newt can’t.
So here’s my prediction…
I’m seeing a pattern here.
Check this news out. The Ft. Hood shooter was a “Work Place Violence” issue, not Domestic Terrorism.
China is ramping up for War. Getting ready to throw down. Our side’s response? “No one is looking for a scrap here.” No, not here… but over there, they sure as hell are!
The ATF’s project Fast and Furious, which is giving the Drug Cartels lots of high powered weapons they are using against us now… is to make American Gun Owners look bad.
Do you see the pattern here? The US Government doesn’t know what the hell they are doing and they have no common sense. It’s a wonder that the streets of DC, inside the Beltway, isn’t littered with the bodies of drowned Government Workers every time it rains.
Nanci Pelosi
What a Bottom Feeder.
If you had important information, let it be known. What a scumbag. How low is this woman, really?
Cain is Out
I’m not happy about Cain dropping out. I’m not surprised either. Cain really was one of the best options and would have made a great President.
This leaves Mitt and Newt. Sounds more like a Sit-Com than a Presidential race. The upshot is that either one will do just fine… A Hell of a lot better than what we’ve had. Neither of them are the perfect choice… Then again, there is no perfect choice. People with the flawless backgrounds, the good upbringing, history, and the brains to really run things… They are busy actually running things and not running races.
So we end up with The Mitt & Newts Show.
I think I’d rather see Newt win than Mitt. But Mitt would do a good job.