Wife gets ready for Church today… a new outfit. She asks “How do I look?”
I made a huge mistake… “Fine.”
Guys… never use the word “fine” to a woman. She gave me a glare and disappeared. She changed her skirt, late to church… all because I used the F-Word. It’s an okay word to use with the fellas. Guys don’t care. Fine is fine… but to a woman… Oh my hell. Never use the F-word to a woman.
In September of 2010 Terry Jones, a church pastor in Gainesville Florida, caused a worldwide uproar by scheduling an event called “burn a Koran day”. After receiving phone calls from the Defense Secretary Robert Gates and multiple visits from FBI agents, Jones cancelled the event. The opposition to the event was very large to say the least. Some opposed the event for the sake of tolerance while others cited security risks that would likely result from such actions. The US Attorney General Eric Holder referred to the Koran burning as “idiotic and dangerous” while a spokesman for the State Department called it “un-American”. The public destruction of any symbol, book, or flag that represents the values and beliefs of any group of people is disrespectful, but what can possibly be more un-American than a government spokesperson calling an exercise in one’s freedom of speech un-American? Continue reading Fear, and the First Amendment.→
5-7-11: Defensive Pistol Course.
Location: Buckskin Hills Shooting Complex.
Time: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Fee: $200 per person. $25 Discount for each student you bring with you.
Bring: 300 rounds of ammunition for your weapon, a good holster, belt. Food and Drink, you’ll want to bring some. We’ll take an hour lunch break, but it’s a distance to go for lunch and back. Chairs or shade will have to be brought with you. Sunscreen is advised.
The only Assault going on here is the assault on Lawful Gun Owners. The Brady Campaign needs to remember that Gun Owners tend to be Voters and are politically aware.
Let’s also note that there is no such thing as “Assault Clips”. So anytime you hear anyone say that… Correct them. There is no such thing for one, for the other – it’s a magazine not a clip. Then remind them that the Assault Weapons Ban did NOTHING to curb crime when Clinton did it. And when the ban sunsetted and went away – Violence and Crime didn’t go up.
The other thing that’s offensive is the blocking of firearm related websites. MadOgre.com is often blocked because of weapons related posts. What’s offensive is that in a lot of these places that block gun sites – they don’t block pornography. Porn is OKAY, but Guns are a No-No. THAT is highly offensive. So much so, that there should be a Class Action Lawsuit. Firearms are protected by the Constitution, perfectly legal… yet some how more seedy than porn? Which would you rather have your employees looking at while at work? Information about a gun or gun safety, or barely legal teen lesbians? Come on.
Discussion here at the gun counter. Talking about snack foods. Someone mentioned “Flaming Hot Chips”.
Ogre: “Wasn’t that a Cop Show in San Francisco?”
Fenris: “Heeeeyyyy, ssslow dooown!”
Ogre: “You get a super special ticket!”
Oh man… laughed so hard, I have tears.
SIG normally makes fantastic handguns.
And then they make the Mosquito. They used to have a fantastic .22 auto in the form of the Trailside. They traded out of their line, the Trailside, which was every bit as good as a Browning Buckmark… to the Mosquito, which is about as good as a case of the Flu.
Earlier this year dang near everyone that makes ammunition had sent us unhappy letters. Basically the gist of them all is that ammunition across the board is going to be going up in price, on average about 15%.
The time to buy ammo is right now, before those price increases hit and that cost is reflected at retail. Oh, don’t be so smug, Reloaders… this effects all reloading components as well.
Why is it going up? Global demand on metals, the deflating value of the Dollar, and futures trading. But if you have to point fingers at anyone. Here you go. China. China is buying raw material like crazy. That’s just a fact. All these have an effect on what you are going to pay for a box of your favorite ammo.
Cheap ammo is now a thing of the past.
Because of this training classes this year will have lower round count requirements to help offset this cost.
Armed American Radio is closing in on 5,000 Likes. Let’s push it across that line… tell your friends to LIKE Armed American Radio.
I’m not sure what a LIKE does, but it’s cool to have 5 thousand of them. Isn’t it? AAR is breaking records in the radio industry. Talker Magazine has put out some stuff about it because the bullet like speed of the show’s growth has raised eyebrows across the country. We’re adding new cities, new stations, new markets every week. We’re picking up big sponsors, such as the NRA themselves. So pull the Trigger on AAR – Tune in, Turn it up… If you can’t get it on the radio in your area, you can stream it. If you can’t catch us live, you can get it off iTunes or right off the AAR’s website. Link is over there on the right side.