A couple observations on The Shield as I have just finished the series. The show is quite a ride. Convoluted and twisting like a wounded snake. I am impressed with the depth of the series, the details and the way every episode builds the story to the conclusion.
I’m relieved that it’s over. Because when you get into a good story that is well told, you put yourself into the story, immerse yourself in it… and with this one, I felt dirty. When it ended, I actually breathed a sigh of relief that it’s done.
Over all, this show told a story and told it well. It’s not a happy story. It’s a story of Failure. It’s one that is hard to look at. On one hand, you have Bad People doing Bad Things for Bad Reasons. Then you have Good People doing bad things for Bad Reasons. Then you have Bad People doing Bad Things, for Good Reasons. It’s hard to keep track of who the good guys are and who that bad guys are.
Vic Mackey just might be the most interesting character in TV’s history. His loyalty to his Team is amazing, and trying to overcome Bad Choices with more Bad Choices is an interesting lesson. Vic has admiral attributes in some of these things… the fighting for his Team. His loyalty to his wife was a bit weak, but this show has few people of real integrity and strength. In the end… SPOILER ALERT – Don’t Read Further.
Tag Archives: The Shield
Two shows worth watching.
One old, one new.
The old show is new to me. I’ve never watched it before, but i’m loving it. The Shield. Great series… good writing, good twists, good actors and characters.
The main character, Vic Mackey, is one of the most interesting characters on any TV shows. A Bad Guy that does good things for good reasons some times… and does bad things for good reasons some times… and every once in a while does a good thing for bad reasons. But you end up rooting for him.
The whole series is on Hulu Plus. This makes Hulu Plus well worth it to me.
The new show is VIKINGS. A Semi-Historical drama that is pretty accurate in some things. Cool characters, and a smoking hot Shield Maiden that is worth watching just for her. Rower. Overall, I find the show extremely compelling. Even if it’s much like Sons of Anarchy on Long Boats. You could call it Sons of Vikings. But that’s not quite fair. This show is unique. And very well done. I enjoy it a lot.
You Armchair Historians can stuff it about historical inaccuracies… it’s the best we’ve seen so far, eh?
Two Shows…
There are two TV shows that I want on DVD, the full series collections…
1. The Shield. I’ve not seen a single episode, because I want to watch it all from the very start. Reason that I want to see it, because I’ve heard only universal praise of the show. I’m not into Cop Dramas… But I think I can groove on The Shield. The show has been praised by my most trusted advisors. This is all I need to know.
2. Sons of Anarchy. I started watching in season 3 on Hulu. I need to catch this from the start too. Season 3 rocks to a shockingly high degree… If you guys have missed SOA – you missed some tight story telling and compelling characters and a kick butt cast.