The UK likes to put on the Holier Than Though attitude over the USA. They like to think of themselves as more intelligent and more sophisticated than us “Colonials”. The events in the UK in the recent turmoil seem to show otherwise.
Yes, we have had some riots… such as the Rodney King riots in LA. And some looting such as after Katrina. But those were kicked off by some event or disaster… and then they were limited to one city. In the UK it started over pretty much nothing and seems to have been spreading all over Great Britain. Baseball Bats are in high demand.
Had a great interview/talk/conversation with our friend Daniel Shaw on the Gunfighter Cast.
We of course talked about the book “Uprising“. During the conversation I didn’t realize how much time it was till I hung up the phone… 87 minutes. Good grief. The Podcast is of course edited down for time and content… but it just shows that it was a good time. A good time makes for good listening.
Netflix has the original series (with updated special effects) on streaming… I’ve watched about a dozen episodes. Now, I’ve always been on the Star Wars side of the issue. But after suffering a 20 year wait only for George Lucas to give me Jar-Jar Binks… I have come to reconsider both Sci-Fi universes and I have a new conclusion.
Congratulations to UDOT for creating the most dangerous road that I have ever ridden on. Highway 40, going through Strawberry. A few weeks ago I rode through and watched a couple on a motorcycle go down. That was due to the uneven layering of the road surface, and they way that UDOT directed traffic through it. Now the road is finished. And UDOT managed to create a surface that is not just slick, but also collects water and doesn’t allow it to run off. Sunday I rode through during a thunderstorm. It was absolutely scary. But I made it. I posted this on Facebook:
The hariest part of the ride was going past Strawberry with it’s newly refinished surface. Water doesn’t run off there. It collects. So to avoid hydroplaning, I threaded my tires in the track of a truck in front of me that was doing 75-80 MPH and I was going through where his tires splashed the water out, before the water came back in… if you know what I mean. It was either that, or go 40 MPH and risk getting run off the road. So it was dicey.
Crusader Weaponry is putting together a care package for some troops. This time around, the package is going to some Air Force EOD Techs. Specifically to our good friend “Nightcrawler” and his compadres.
The Air Force is pulling more than their share of the EOD work load. From the casualties being sustained, it’s one of the most dangerous occupations in the military right now. They need some gear and supplies. Crusader will be donating a bunch of Slipstream, which is being used in weapons and robots over there right now. But the other gear is stuff we don’t have.
If you want to contribute, contact Joe at CrusasaderWeaponry. Or you can just send some money via PayPal.
I’ll update this with more information when I get back home. Let’s just say that if you didn’t make it out to this… you missed a very good time. Photos, Vid Clips, and the Run Down will come.
Tsunami for a Sushi Feast, Shooting, Los Hermonos for some Mexican food, shooting, beer-brats cooked by T-Man himself… and Jessi’s optic mount for the Sterling worked FLAWLESSLY. To those that made it down – I had an amazing time that I’ll never forget and I thank each and every one of you guys for being there.
I arrived in Casa La Sting in SLC Friday afternoon. Rode the Magna from Ogre Ranch with the Sterling riding in the saddle bag, sticking out and gathering some attention from a Deputy, but he didn’t pull me over. Just went eyes wide. When I came into the Wasatch Front, I went through Provo Canyon… had a great run… so I ran it again. Awesome. Provo Canyon on a bike is better than in a Sports Car. Just saying. The Arizona Contingent arrived in “The Starship”, Terry’s slick Chevy truck. Which cruised at about 90MPH most of the way. It earned the title Starship with that cruise!
That night we all went to a joint called “Tsunami”. We feasted on Sushi till everyone was stuffed to the gills. I’ve never stuffed myself on Sushi like this before. If you go there, the Executive Suite and the Sunshine rolls are my favorites.
The Provo Range is a nice place, I have to admit. It’s up on the side of the mountain and is just beautiful. We had a good turnout. Putting faces to names was great. We’ve got some amazing members of Special thanks to Norseman for putting this together. This was his idea and he’s a Range Officer at the Provo Range…. Norse was the consumate RO this day. He watched everyone like a hawk and we had no problems through both range sessions.
Terry lent me the use of his Bushnell Trophy T red dot optic. Jesse fabricated the mounting system and with Terry’s optic, we were able to test out the concept. It worked. In fact, it worked much better than I had anticipated.
That’s a 15 round group at about 25 yards. Oh, and I shot this group left handed. Yeah. My right eye isn’t all that great anymore, and I’ve been doing a lot better left handed.
After the first range session, we went to Los Hermonos for lunch. Mexican food and shooting just goes together. We stopped by Gunnies in Orem for some more ammunition and went back to the range. Norseman is a big time revolver guy… and I made sure he had all the time he wanted with the little North American Arms Range top-break. I almost had him trading me one of his Siaga 12’s for it! But Norse doesn’t part with his guns, so as much as he wanted it… he made no deal. Oh well. I’d have had a hell of a time getting an S-12 home!
After the shooting in the afternoon, we went to Steve’s place and Terry gave us all a lesson in grilling Brats and how to boil those brats properly in beer with peppers and onions. The food was delicious. I had a Food Coma going on, I ate so much this weekend. During the evening’s munching, Marshal Dodge broke out this video on his smart phone – the “I just effing shot myself – the musical.” I linked it below. When he showed this vid – we were dying from laughter. Good food, friends, and laughter… this is what it’s all about. Unfortunately that bloody musing was stuck in our heads… thanks to Marshal’s lovely wife who reminded us of it every time we seemed to have forgotten it. Evil.
Special thanks to Steve for letting The AZ Crew and I crash at his place. Even more thanks to his lovely bride for not just putting up with us, but for being the best Hostess in the world.
I’m getting ready to ride. I found some .45ACP and I can fit it in my saddle bags… I can’t bring much gun stuff on a bike, but the shooting is the least important thing for me. Funny that I should say that, no? I’ll bring what I can.
Saturday, at the Provo Range, the one up Squaw Peak in Provo Canyon, we’re having our Gathering. If you can, show up. We’ll be there in the morning, then take a break from noon till 4, then we’ll be back shooting unless something else really cool pops up and we change plans. You never know… so you best come out in the morning!
I’m looking forward to this a great deal. I can’t say how much.