Hey guys, I have a few words to say about Slipstream.
I am an EOD technician currently working in Helmand, Afghanistan. I work with Nightcrawler actually.
Gundoc sent me a few bottles of Slipstream oil and a bottle of the Slipstream grease. After Slipstreaming every weapon and knife I could get my hands on, I decided to see what other field applications Slipstream has.
So one day as I was cleaning the gunk buildup from one of our bomb disposal robots’ arm, I decided that a new lubrication was in order. I promptly cleaned then greased every moving mechanism of the robot arm. I have to say it was a wise choice. Not only does the arm become less gunkified,(technical term) it moves smoother and overheats less. A properly working and smooth running arm is, obviously very important when you are disabling IEDs. My favorite part is that it somehow doesn’t get covered in dirt like everything else out here.
Here is a picture of it in action.Once again thanks to Gundoc for sending me a wonderful product. This is another reason why I am purchasing a custom build Crusader Weaponry rifle with the full Slipstream treatment.
I keep a running tally of things I have Slipstreamed in Afghanistan;
5 different M4’s, 3 different M9’s, 1 M240B machinegun, 1 M203 Grenade launcher opening grip, 1 “Ma Deuce” 50cal machine gun, Multiple folding knives and 2 different bomb disposal robots. Currently working with one of the Marines into letting me grease his constantly jamming MK19
Tag Archives: Air Force
Care Package for the Troops
Crusader Weaponry is putting together a care package for some troops. This time around, the package is going to some Air Force EOD Techs. Specifically to our good friend “Nightcrawler” and his compadres.
The Air Force is pulling more than their share of the EOD work load. From the casualties being sustained, it’s one of the most dangerous occupations in the military right now. They need some gear and supplies. Crusader will be donating a bunch of Slipstream, which is being used in weapons and robots over there right now. But the other gear is stuff we don’t have.
If you want to contribute, contact Joe at CrusasaderWeaponry. Or you can just send some money via PayPal. crusaderarmory@live.com