Tag Archives: UDOT

The most dangerous road in Utah

Congratulations to UDOT for creating the most dangerous road that I have ever ridden on.  Highway 40, going through Strawberry.  A few weeks ago I rode through and watched a couple on a motorcycle go down.  That was due to the uneven layering of the road surface, and they way that UDOT directed traffic through it.  Now the road is finished.  And UDOT managed to create a surface that is not just slick, but also collects water and doesn’t allow it to run off.  Sunday I rode through during a thunderstorm.  It was absolutely scary. But I made it. I posted this on Facebook:

The hariest part of the ride was going past Strawberry with it’s newly refinished surface. Water doesn’t run off there. It collects. So to avoid hydroplaning, I threaded my tires in the track of a truck in front of me that was doing 75-80 MPH and I was going through where his tires splashed the water out, before the water came back in… if you know what I mean. It was either that, or go 40 MPH and risk getting run off the road. So it was dicey.

Another rider didn’t make it.

I point my finger at UDOT for totally crap engineering of the road.