Category Archives: Government


I’m going to have to rethink my support for Herman Cain.  A couple patsy girls was one thing.  But I’m starting to think the continual influx of girls coming forward might be an indication of a pattern of behavior that was perfectly fine for Bill Clinton, but totally off limits for a Republican… those are the Rules of the Game as set forth by The Media.  I still like Cain, that’s not the problem.  My problem is that I fear he is not – at this moment in time – as electable of a candidate as we want.  He’s being stereotyped as the black guy wanting to know where all the white women are at.  This is how they have to attack Cain, because they are unable to challenge him on Ideas.  Unfortunately these are attacks that go through any defense… Just the accusation is damaging enough to end a campaign.  Shady realestate deals are one thing… but a Man that might be interested in Women?  Oh dear… only Democrats can be interested in intimate adult heterosexual relationships.  Remember the Media’s defense of Clinton?  “It’s only sex.  None of our business.”  Or maybe Cain’s mistake was not having the State Police deliver the Hoochies to him. Oh wait, only Governors can do that.  As regrettable as it is, I think Cain’s pretty much done now.  Maybe he can pull off a Hail Marry, maybe not.  But I’d like to see Cain win the Nomination still… but I can’t see that happening now.

So this leaves us with what’s now looking like a Romney Gingrich race.   Newt is certainly the smartest man in the room at the Debates.  Newt knows the game very well, understands the process.  Sure, he’s Old School Established GOP… A continuation of the Machine that none of us are really happy with… but he made a very good point that is very true.  He is the most Conservative.  Looking at the Words and Deeds of the other Candidates Past, (Meaning Romney and Perry because Cain is pretty much now through) Newt nailed them to the wall.  The think I like about Newt is that he doesn’t care what you think.  You are going to get Newt’s direct opinion with less filtration.  You know he’s old school GOP and he doesn’t hide it.  The other guys do too… but are acting like they are not and Romney and Perry are both far less Conservative than I like.

One concern about Mitt Romney I heard on the radio and was not addressed.  “Well, if he becomes the President, how can he be protected if he goes in a Mormon Temple?  Because only Mormons can go in.”  Correction, only Mormons that meet certain standards – the highest standards, can go in.  The answer is that there are such Mormons who are in the US Secret Service, and they could go in with the President.  Also, the LDS Church has it’s own Secret Service equivalent that I will not talk about, but they are there, and they would be working in cooperation with the US.S.S… with the result that Mitt would be doubly protected.  This isn’t an issue at any level, but it does bug the hell out of the Liberal Media because they would be unable to get photographers and reporters in the temple to hound him in a place of worship he (and us Mormons) consider most sacred.  (I have worked with the LDS Church’s team – and it was a great honor that I will never forget.  I turned down full time employment as I would have been required to shave my goatee.  This would be like asking me to cut off an arm.  Couldn’t do it.)

While Newt might not be our favorite choice… a Newt Presidency wouldn’t be a bad thing.  He brings a lot of experience to the table… Wouldn’t that be refreshing?  Newt knows how to get things done and wouldn’t sit around blaming Bush, ATM Machines, or Swamp Gas. And he really is the more Conservative, like it or not.  And that would be a fantastic think to have in the White House.


The one guy that could be blamed for the bad economy… If you had to pick just one guy.  It’s Barney Frank.  And he’s getting out.  People, this is the light at the end of the tunnel.

But he gets out with full retirement… he’s set for life.  He should be jailed for life.

GOP Debate Scoring

How are we supposed to scoring these debates? Is it like a World Series and we count total wins? Or is it like NASCAR and we count total points over the season?  I mean, what are we supposed to do with all these, and how many are there going to be?  Because unless there is some point… I’m sick of them already.


At the root, Anarchy means “Without a King”.  When you say the word Anarchy to most people, it conjures up images of mobs throwing rocks and molotov cocktails and raised fists.   That’s not Anarchy.  That’s Chaos.  Two are linked in popular culture, but the reality is that they are two different things.

Anarchy doesn’t mean “Without Rules”.  Far from it.  Look at conditions of Anarchy here in the US.  What do you really know about The Wild West?  Forget Hollywood’s visions of it, and look at what it really was.  A period of time when people lived far from the the effects of regular Government and any legal oversight.  What they had instead was social order based on common law.  The nearest Sheriff was a 3 day ride on a horse… or maybe longer.  Especially out here back in the day.  You wanted to go talk to someone in the government?  That would take almost a week just to get there.

What were those people like?  In a word?  Respectful.  Never in the history of he US… and dare I say, the world, has a people lived in a time with so much peace, prosperity, and growth.  People were responsible for themselves.  Their own welfare, education, sustenance.  You sank or swim on your own labor, not that of others.  People were not comfortable with their poverty, they worked to get out of it.  People believed in God, and they read from the bible.  Many learned to read from the bible.  They were industrious.  They built things.  If they wanted something, they made it or grew it.  Bridges were built.  Roads cut through mountain passes.  People worked together.  People, the individuals, were independent… conservative by nature…. but they were independent… they were Free.

That forced growth.  With that growth came Government.  And everything went down hill from there.  Respect is almost completely lost.  Dignity was lost.  A lot was lost.

Anarchy isn’t a bad thing…  If you think about it, Anarchy is the ultimate ideal of conservative values.  But you have to separate the distinctions from “Conservative” and the GOP.   This doesn’t mean I am against Republicans or I’m staunch Libertarian… George Washington admonished us to avoid political parties, and I agree with him.  Unfortunately the Parties have a lot of power in this country.  They completely dominate this country and it’s government.  People are not loyal to the Country and the Constitution which is our national foundation… they are loyal to their Party.  I find that disgusting.

This next year is all about the politics of finding Party Candidates… not necessarily the best person for the job.  Republicans are fighting for that nomination.  I think the worst Republican that’s fighting for that position is better than Obama.  But all of that mess is a puppet show.  Don’t get caught up in it.  It’s important, yes.  But don’t overlook the local level.   Find the right guy for the job and support him… in all the local offices.  Regardless of Party affiliation.  Even if he or she is Libertarian.  We have to shore up our foundation… our Freedom.  Penn Jillette puts it well.

The reason I am concerned about this now is because I believe that very soon we will see a new period of Anarchy.  We can panic and run and lose it all… Or we can get ready for it and embrace it.  Because it’s not the end, but the beginning. We need to be faithful. We need to be prepared. We need to hold on to freedom.

No Grand Wizard in GOP?

No, sorry… The GOP doesn’t have any. David Gregory is right.  You would have to ask the Democrats about Grand Wizards.  They had Senator Bird… Who was one.
I’m tired of the Left’s accusations of racism.  Funny how Conservatives never bring it up, but Liberals always do.  So who are the real racists?

Cain is my man.

Look at everything that’s getting thrown at Herman Cain. The GOP Opponents are one thing, but now people that work for the Obama Administration is now – just now – popping up with accusations? How many years passed by with no allegations being made, and now all the sudden that Cain takes the lead in the race for the GOP Nomination, now this pops up?
This is all bogus fabrications and the people accusing Cain looks like they have zero credibility. Just watching these people make the accusations, you can see in their face that they are making this all up.

If these people are being put up to try to harm Cain’s campaign… then his opponents believe him to be such a threat that they can’t counter him in the normal established ways, such as in a Debate. They fear Cain. Just like they fear Sarah Palin.
A Cain-Palin ticket would make the Left apoplectic. I think Jon Stewart would have a stroke. Bill Maher would shit himself to death. (I remain hopeful of either that or he dies like David Carradine) Quiet seriously, that ticket right there would put political opponents in seething fits. This alone makes it worth while to make that ticket happen.

Logic Fail: Democrats

The Government does something patiently illegal, and the Citizens take the blame. Yeah, I’m not Eric Holder’s Whipping Boy, so don’t look at me sideways because his Agency committed crimes which would land anyone else in the hole for the rest of their lives.  But of course, we all saw this coming.

What we want to see, is Eric Holder and a whole mess of ATF Chiefs get charged appropriately for the crimes they have committed.   The penalty for a Straw Sale is 10 years for each gun.

Straw Purchase 
A straw purchase is any purchase where a person purchases a firearm for another person who is not eligible to purchase it. Although it usually refers to the purchase of illegal firearms, the term can refer to almost anything bought or sold illegally.

In the United States, straw purchases are a felony violation of the Gun Control Act of 1968 for both the straw purchaser (who can also be charged with lying on Federal Form 4473) and the ultimate possessor.

A Firearms Transaction Record, or Federal Form 4473, is a United States government form that must be filled out when a person buys a firearm from a Federal Firearm License holder (such as a gun store). For knowingly making any false statement or representation on Federal Form 4473, the penalty is 10 years.

The ATF did more than just this.  They allowed straw sales against Dealers objections.  Then they went so far as to even use Tax Payer Dollars to buy even more guns to give to the Bad Guys.  Okay, wait, the line between the good guys and bad guys there is really thin and vague.  What the ATF did is horrendous beyond measure.  They broke the trust that was placed on them, broke the faith the American People put on them and this is unforgivable.  The entire agency needs to be Disbanded from the top down.

Pointing fingers at the American Gun Owner is remarkably asinine.  The Democrats solution is to lay down more laws and restrictions? Anyone with more than a pair of synapses can see the truth of this… The people they have to enforce the gun laws are the ones doing their damnedest to break those laws!

1.  Prosecute those that allowed this to happen, Eric Holder first and foremost.

2.  Abolish the BATFE completely.

3.  Wipe every – EVERY – Gun Law off the books nation wide.  Gun Laws should be a STATE issue.  Interstate Commerce is too thin a reason for Federal Regulation.  Some states have allowed Gay Marriage, yet we do not require those couples to never leave the state in which they are married… but they could move.  There’s an interstate issue now.  Does this make it a Federal one?  No.  It’s still a State issue.  I don’t need a Federal Driver’s License.  Yet I can drive in every state.   All Gun laws should be a State Issue.  The Feds need to drop it.  Every gun law on the Federal books should be ERASED.  EVERY ONE OF THEM.



The more I hear Cain… the more I like him.  Perry continues to fall from my favor. I especially didn’t like Perry’s accusation that Romney leaked Cain’s past issue after all evidence pointed at Perry’s camp.  That was very Jr. High of Perry.

Cain just looks better and better.

The GOP Front Runners

I have been asked which of the top three GOP frontrunners I favor.  Hmmm… This is kinda like asking “Which gun would you rather shoot yourself in the leg with?”

Herman Cain:  Looks pretty good, sounds pretty good, and I was even fond of his Pizza chain.  I like a good deal of what he’s talking about and agree with a lot. However, his 999 Tax Plan leaves me feeling rather uneasy. The more I learn about Cain, the more I like him.  He is not the slick, seasoned politician like the others… and to me, that’s a plus.  He says what he thinks, not what he thinks you want to hear.  He is the most genuine of the bunch and he is freaking out the Leftistas.  Janeane Garofalo says that if you support Cain, then you are a Racist.  Unlike supporting Obama, which isn’t, but opposing Obama is.  Thank heavens Madama Garafalo keeps this straight for us… Sheesh.  I get the feeling that the Liberal Democrats are the only ones who are actually Racist.  They are the ones that keep bringing it up.  Race has nothing to do for it.  I vote for ideas, for vision, for leadership.  Color has nothing to do with it.

Rick Perry:  At first, I really liked Rick.  Pro Gun… packed a gun and killed a Coyote with it while he was jogging.  Nicely done! But then like that hot girl with the long black hair you dated in College, the more you learned about her, the less you liked her.  It got to the point with Rick that I flat out don’t like him anymore at all and I don’t trust him.  If Rick gets the Nomination… it would be a very sad day.  The more he talks, the more he turns me and others off.  I don’t think he’s electable.  His statements come off as being ill-suited for a President.  He has a lot of bad history behind him and I think a Rick Perry nomination will mean a second term for Obama.  Perry is at best a “Blue Dog Democrat” with an “R” by his name.

Mitt Romney:  Talk about a guy with Baggage.  His Romney Care is one.  Being Mormon is another.  Both are huge issues.  One is justified.  Romney Care is going to continue to be a problem for him no matter what happens.  But “The Black Spot” for Mitt is his membership in the LDS Church… He’s offended many Mormons by trying to distance himself from the faith.  Then there are those that simply hate Mormons out of sheer bigotry – which shouldn’t be given any airtime, but the media loves it because it prevents the GOP from solidifying Romney as a Candidate.  Then Rick Perry’s man goes and bashes Mormons and Rick supports him?  Far from Presidential stuff, Rick.  Freedom of Religion?  His faith shouldn’t be anyone’s business. Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, The Maverick McCain’s Mom… all Rabid Anti-Mormons… and never mind all the minions of hate that will do nothing but continue to attack Mitt and the Mormons from all sides.  It would be great if Mitt wasn’t Mormon!  I’d rather not have to talk about it!  I don’t need the negative attention on my Faith.  Because, yes, it is Negative.  Maybe I’m a little sensitive, but Mine is the only Religion in the USA that was under a Death Order from a State’s Governor.  Id rather us keep a lower profile.  Then there is the fact that Mitt is just a straight up Dillweed.  I don’t like him.  Not as a person, not as a candidate.  But there is a good point. The upshot to Mitt is that his Financial Experiences is there and it would be truly helpful to the nation at this time.  Romney’s skills in debate have become very sharp and he’s doing very well… he looks, sounds, and acts like Presidential Material.

When it comes to picking the Right Man for the Job – and not just a Candidate – it is down to Cain or Romney now. Other possibles have backed out and losing steam.  Cain or Romney would be a good choice.  It’s a coin toss at this time, but if I had to pick one right now, at this very moment… I’m going to have to hold my nose and give the nod to Romney. Haters are going to hate and it’s about hiring the man that can do the job, not picking someone that the Wacko Liberal Left is going to hate the least.