I took a break from editing “Uprising” to catch some news that Mark at Armed American Radio suggested I check out. Texas Governor Rick Perry spoke at CPAC this weekend. Did you catch this? Listen to this. His voice sounds like GW Bush, which is fine… I don’t mind the Texas Drawl. But that’s not what I’m hearing. If you listen to what he says, I’m hearing Reagan. I’m hearing a Solid Conservative. I’m hearing the next President of the United States.
There are going to be those that are going to hate on him simply because he sounds like Bush because he’s a Texan. But I think that’s a good thing. I’ll take a Texas Governor over a Chicago Thug any day of the week. I still don’t know what a Community Organizer is… but do know what a Governor is. Governor means executive experience. Community Organizer sounds like bullshit to me.
Here’s what we know about Rick Perry. He’s Conservative. He’s Pro-Gun. He’s the guy that shot the coyote while he was jogging with his Concealed Handgun. Now Rick hasn’t announced it yet, but Mark and I both agree – Rick Perry is our Top Pick.
(Okay, no more blogging – I gotta get Uprising edited and to the Publisher!)
Credit is not always given where credit is due. All the news about the ATF’s SNAFU… it’s all sourced from our friend David Codrea, who broke this story wide open and now has all the Media Outlets tapping his information. But not all of them are attributing him as the source. Some have… and that’s great. But if it wasn’t for David’s persistent hard work – The American People would not have known about this gigantic violation of Trust.
I’ve had a link to one of his sites – War On Guns – for years. Go to that blog and in his column on the left side, scroll down and you see links for the whole enchilada on Project Gunwalker… and evidently you’ll know more about it than the head of the BATFE.
Thank you, David, for your diligence and all your hard work.
So the Democrats response to the ATF’s SNAFU, we’re calling Operation Gunwalker, is to bring up the need for more Gun Control. If that makes any sense to you, please don’t ever come back to MadOgre.com again.
I have a better solution to prevent this from happening again – Don’t let the ATF have, possess, deal with, or even look at any Firearms. They can’t even have a copy of Guns & Ammo while on Duty. This situation is so bad, that any and all claim to have done any good whatsoever as an Agency… is completely undone by the damage that this situation has done. You have Agents that protested. You have Dealers that protested. You have Administrators who protested, and you have a Chief that claims he didn’t know anything. He’s either shockingly stupid, or infuriatingly incompetent. Or both. A, B, or C, the response is the same. The BATFE Chief needs to be dismissed. No allowing him to Step Down. I mean kicked out of his office, Perp Walked out of the building, and thrown physically to the street. But that’s not what the Democrats want. They want more Gun Control. Basically giving the BATFE more power. This is like giving a Drunk Driver who just crashed a Double Rum and Coke and the keys to a faster car. Is the DNC completely staffed by morons?
I don’t click the links, so I’m not following the story. But the headlines have pretty much painted a good enough picture I wish I hadn’t seen. Every time I go to a news site, there is another story about Rep Weiner’s junk. I’m sick of it. The DNC, if they had any credibility left, would demand that this guy steps down. But they’ve not done that. Because Weiner’s Junk is a puppet show that takes away from attention that could be paid on more important issues. Such as the Economy. It’s all about the Economy right now… specifically, how bad it is. Yet we don’t hear a lot about it on the normal news outlets. The Democrats are crashing our Economy and instead of getting the reports on that, we’re getting Weiner’s weiner wagged in our faces. Next election, break out the shears… let’s cut these guys off at the root.
The Democrat lead Administration has driven the US into the ground so far that it’s going to be impossible for us to climb back out of. We need a drastic change in the USA and luckily such change is still able to happen peacefully. We still have our votes. We can still fix this by voting out every Democrat in every office… if we can take back our Government from the Socialists, we can fix our country.
Since when does the BATFE have the right to define what my Sport is?
Since when does the 2nd Amendment have a “Sporting” requirement?
The BATFE is overstepping their bounds. They are an old, outdated agency and society and the shooting industry has outgrown the need for them… Well, maybe the “E” part. I can can see the continued regulation of explosives… so disolve everyone out of the agency that doesn’t deal with explosives and rename their new smaller Charter. The B.E is fine… We can call them the Bang Boys.
This is something that doesn’t surprise us. In fact, we’ve seen the results of it. We’ve seen thousands of guns going straight in the control of Drug Cartels in Mexico and Southern Border states.
Not content to destroy only the Auto-Industry, Oil Industry, Housing, Construction, Banking… The Feds are now after Fishermen. (Again)
A new Federal Regulation called “Catch-Share” is ruining lives, families, and causing suicides.
If the goal of the Government is to ruin everything they touch – they are batting a thousand. I swear, it’s like the Feds are the King Midas of Crap. Everything they touch turns to…
I’m tired of hearing from Liberals that Bush was such an idiot. Bush graduated with an MBA from Harvard. Unless you did the same or equivalent, STFU. “But Bush was a drunk in college.” Okay… Let’s go there. Let’s say that’s true. Bush did better drunk than his critics did sober… so again, STFU.
16 hours to do decide on if he should have the SEALS go get Bin Laden.
Really, 16 Hours? What was there to think about? Target Number One, and he had to think about it for 16 hours? Yeah, I’m glad he made the right choices, but 16 hours tells me he had a lot of conflicting opinions on the operations. And yet he is milking the credit for it as much as possible. The jackhole.
Let’s be clear on this: OBAMA did NOT kill Bin Laden. An American soldier, who Obama just a few weeks ago was debating on whether or not to PAY, did. Obama just happened to be the one in office when our soldiers finally found UBL and took him out. This is NOT an Obama victory, but an AMERICAN victory!!