Fox just reported Bin Laden has been killed. WOOT!
Different news sources are putting out different stories about it… he was shot in the head, he was hit in an airstrike, he was killed in Afghanistan, he was killed in Pakistan, he was killed this afternoon, the was killed a week ago… Yada yada yada… Doesn’t matter. The SOB is now DOA. Retribution was delivered. Justice has been served.
Some reactions is that now the terrorists will be all the more hostile. Really? Oh, they want to kill us even more deader than before? Care a lot. The message is that we will get you and we will never stop hunting you… because that is how you deal with terrorists – you kill them. I say we feed his corpse to some hogs. Done with it. There is no making friends with the Terrorists. There are no moderate terrorists to worry about being nice to. We find them, and we kill them. That’s why we sent the Military after them, not the FBI.
So today I get a phone call from the Libertarian Party. Evidently my membership in the party has been absolved. What’s strange about that is that someone from the Libertarian Party HQ had to personally call me to inform me of this. It’s kind of funny, because I thought it was kind of a given when I didn’t send them another check to renew my membership card. Well, I’m just completely heart broken.
To make me feel better, I did get a personal invitation by the Governor of Utah for dinner. Awe… that’s so nice of him. Too bad I’m two seconds away from giving the State of Utah the middle finger. I’m not actively looking to relocated, but let me tell you… I get a decent job offer in another state – I could be very tempted to take it. Utah State has pissed me off. Retarded laws and policy and procedures. My tolerance is very low for Utah’s bullshit. If you guys know of a good job, suitable for an Ogre, give me the heads up.
For those who are fans of the movie, “The Thing”… either Classic or Carpenter… then delight in this little short story. It’s The Thing from the perspective of the Thing, and it’s a brilliant piece of creative writing.
Thanks go to Terry on WTA for posting this up. It’s great stuff.
This morning the Ubuntu updater popped up and said that Ubuntu 11.4 was available as an update. So I told the system to proceed with the update. There are some some changes.
Our prayers are with those in Alabama and the other states effected by these severe tornadoes and related storms. There are few things that can make a man feel so completely helpless and at the mercy of God, like a Tornado or a Hurricane. Or a flood.
I keep telling people to read Monster Hunter International, and his following books. They are Awesome +10. His stuff is so good, Larry is now a Finalist for the Campbell Award.
There are two TV shows that I want on DVD, the full series collections…
1. The Shield. I’ve not seen a single episode, because I want to watch it all from the very start. Reason that I want to see it, because I’ve heard only universal praise of the show. I’m not into Cop Dramas… But I think I can groove on The Shield. The show has been praised by my most trusted advisors. This is all I need to know.
2. Sons of Anarchy. I started watching in season 3 on Hulu. I need to catch this from the start too. Season 3 rocks to a shockingly high degree… If you guys have missed SOA – you missed some tight story telling and compelling characters and a kick butt cast.