Category Archives: Uncategorized

I’m going to kill my Facebook account

I’ve decided that I am going to kill my Facebook account.  I’m going to switch to Google+.  I don’t really know why I did Facebook in the first place… but I kind of liked it.  And then all the sudden I started getting Friend Requests from not just people who I don’t know… but also from Companies I never heard of.  If you are company that wants to be my friend – give me something.  A gesture.  Not access to my Friends List.   It’s just all too unwieldy now.  With Google+ I’m only going to accept people who I actually know.  If I don’t know you… that’s too bad.  My friends on WTA and such are welcome, Family of course, but if you are from Romania and I don’t know you and can’t pronounce your name… I’m sorry.

Probably by the end of the month I’ll kill my Facebook account.

Fun with Advertising

I had a Saiga 223 that I had to get sold.  Consignment gun for a friend.  I was also in a goofy mood.  So I had some fun with the ad.

Read with a Russian accent.

In case the ad disappears, here is the text:

Siaga 223 Russian Kalashnikov sporter
Vernal, UT   84078   –   Jul 4, 2011

Is good gun. What do you need to know about it? Is Russian. Was carried with pride across Red Square in Moscow. Was designed by the Peoples Hero, Michael Kalashnikov. Is very good gun. Is chambered for .223 like the American AR-15 rifle which is not as good as the People’s cartridge for the AK-47, but is what you like in Americas. Is just what you want. You buy. You like it. Has not shot any Chechnyans. That we know of. Trust us.
Is comes with scope mount… Which is usually costing you more rubles extra, but we’ve had lots of vodka and are in pleasant feeling. Or maybe was brake fluid from T-72… we don’t care much.
Great for hunting Varmints, Imperialists, Fascists, Home Defense, or just for some fun going out and blasting stuff like a Cossack.

Call us at *********** and tell them you saw this on and ask for Comrade Ben. He is good guy. Is his personal gun. Why he is selling it… we don’t know. We suspect he is being Capitalist. Do not call if KGB.

After posting and the last editorial change… the gun sold in 10 minutes.

Bane’s made some good points

Our friend Michael Bane (and if you are a Shooter, he’s your friend too) made a great post that everyone should read.   I’ll not quote from in, instead link to it so you can read it whole, there.

I have some observations to add.  Out here in the Deserts of Utah, I’ve seen people dump illegally in public lands… even where the Municiple Dump was only a few hundred yards away.    Shooters get blamed for dumping a lot.  I’ve never seen a Shooter back up a truck and push a Washing Machine and a broken Lazy Boy out of the back.  I’ve watched guys kick out bags of garbage in areas where people shoot, and then drive off in a cloud of dust. There are shooters who leave can and stuff, yes.  But far more are those that just dump trash for whatever their reasons.  I’ve also seen far more often Shooters back up their trucks and pick up the trash to clean the area up.  I’d hazard a guess that Shooters pick up more trash than they drop off.

The USFS wants to stop shooting, and they are using some’s bad habbits against us.  Don’t give the enemy ammo.  Pick up your trash.  If you shoot it, pick it up.

New writing project

As you guys know I’ve finished the first book of Uprising and as we speak, the publisher is going through it with a fine tooth comb getting it ready to print. When that happens, I don’t know just yet. Uprising’s sequel, Uprising UK is almost finished… But as it sits, I am needing to take a break from zombies.
I was going to work on Privateer or Silvershot, but a story idea smashed me upside the head and I’ve got to get it out. It’s a Sci-Fi. Something I’ve just never been able to write before. Moreover, it’s a Horror. I’ve recycled the title Vibrant Darkness for this work and I’m well underway.
In this universe, spaceships are sub-light, but can cross the vast distances by traveling through “warp space”. Similar to Warhammer 40K, but I’ve strived for Warhammer’s inspiration, HP Lovecraft. My goal is to make this a Lovecraftian Sci-Fi. But I’ll have to let the readers be the judge of that.
For those who are not WTA members, you will have to wait.  This book is going to be published before summer’s end, as is my goal for it.  For those that are members of, it’s in the Creative Writing Forum, a Sub-section of the R&R Forum. For Members, here is the direct link.


If you have a Kindle, or if you have a PC or Mac or Smart Phone and downloaded the Kindle e-reader, I got something for you.

My brother is a Prolific Writer.  Get his books.  They are cheap and Good Reads…

I have to admit that I really like his ghost story: Behind the Shroud.  In fact, he has characters that make a cameo appearance in “Privateer”, one of the books I have in the works.  Gorgon is also a very awesome work of Fantasy that takes a different look at fantasy “monsters”.   His books are good, people.  Worth the downloads.  And quite frankly, he could use the support since he’s basically an out of work Substitute Teacher here during Summer Vacation.  (also, he’s working on Gorgon II, so you’re going to want to catch up.)


Raise your Gator-Bulls high! I have good news!

I’ve finished the editing and as of right now, the publisher has the manuscript and is reading it… and he’s digging it.

Final Word Count is 151,586 words.  This translates into about 600 pages.