Tag Archives: USFS

Bane’s made some good points

Our friend Michael Bane (and if you are a Shooter, he’s your friend too) made a great post that everyone should read.   I’ll not quote from in, instead link to it so you can read it whole, there.

I have some observations to add.  Out here in the Deserts of Utah, I’ve seen people dump illegally in public lands… even where the Municiple Dump was only a few hundred yards away.    Shooters get blamed for dumping a lot.  I’ve never seen a Shooter back up a truck and push a Washing Machine and a broken Lazy Boy out of the back.  I’ve watched guys kick out bags of garbage in areas where people shoot, and then drive off in a cloud of dust. There are shooters who leave can and stuff, yes.  But far more are those that just dump trash for whatever their reasons.  I’ve also seen far more often Shooters back up their trucks and pick up the trash to clean the area up.  I’d hazard a guess that Shooters pick up more trash than they drop off.

The USFS wants to stop shooting, and they are using some’s bad habbits against us.  Don’t give the enemy ammo.  Pick up your trash.  If you shoot it, pick it up.