Category Archives: Training

Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

My brother Zack, and my friends Mike, Larry, and Tom were at ConDuit and were all on a panel together about surviving in a world gone Zed.
First point of order… When it comes to winning against Zombies, ignore everything Max Brooks has ever written. If you have to get a book or two to follow, the first book to get is the Boy Scout Handbook. Not a new one, but an old one. Then, if you can, the US Army Ranger Manual. Just to make you feel safer.

Continue reading Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

Zombie Survival

With the CDC warning of Zombies, and the Zombie Survival Discussion Panel that’s going to happen Friday Night at ConDuit with Larry Correia, Mike Kupari, and my brother Zack… I thought I’d preemptively put out my opinion on the subject.  Luckily, I found that my good friend Terry has made my argument for me in language so clear and concise as to command acquiescence and affirmation.

CDC warns of Zombies

The CDC is warning people about Zombies.  It’s kind of funny that he CDC is using Zombies as it’s Disaster Analog, since Gun Owners have been doing it for years and years.   We call it our “Zombie Plan”.  The ZP can be activated for any disaster/situation which requires drastic actions for survival.  Now the CDC report I linked to doesn’t mention it… but Firearms and Ammunition are also critical.  Because even if you don’t face Brain Eaters, you will face other people who will want what you have… everything you have.
Get your Shotgun ready.


I’ve been asked if I was going to get back into competition shooting. I tell you what, I would really love to. I get invitations to matches all the time… and it pains me that I can’t go do them. What’s holding me back? Straight up – I can’t afford the ammo. If I had an Ammo Sponsor, I’d be all over it.

She’s just a girl

One of the things that I find irritating is that when a guy who doesn’t know a whole bunch about guns wants to buy his wife or girlfriend a gun… it’s always in tiny calibers.  The mentality is that “She’s just a girl.”

A rifle will be a .243 and a pistol will be .380 or a 9mm or even smaller.  Come on guys.  Get real.  A woman, especially a red blooded American woman, can handle any gun that she wants to handle.

My wife can shoot the hell out of her 12 gauge pump, and a .45 1911.  My little Sis-In-Law rocked out with my AK and my 7mm Rem Mag, and she’s all hair and eyelashes.   Are these women special or other wise incredible?  Well, yes, they are amazing gals… but they are not Xena Clones or anything… but the reason they can handle these guns is that they want to.  Give them more credit.  Taken them shooting more often.  Managing bigger guns is all about Will and a little experience to show them that they can.  Work them up to a bigger gun, but don’t buy them something puny because “she’s just a girl.”

.308 Range Ups in MOA

I had posted this on my Facebook page… thought I would hit it here too for those guys asking about .308 stuff and for those guys getting into .308’s.  This is generally what the US Marines teach their Snipers, and what I learned at LRI.  You and your .308 set up might be different.  But these will get you in the ball park.  You will still have to get out there with your rifle, your Data Book, and a Spotter to help you, so you can find your scope’s dope at each interval… but this little road map will help you get there. Continue reading .308 Range Ups in MOA