Obama is freaking up in the night. No, I don’t want higher taxes, Mr. President… you jackass. Since you’ve been in office, my income has been lower and the cost of everything has gone higher. My savings are depleted and debt is rising. All of this as a direct result of your policies. Direct and tangible results of the Obama administration’s actions.
No, I don’t want to pay more. I want this Administration to go away. I can’t wait to Vote you jackasses out of office come November 2012.
Obama’s popularity is crashing. He is unable to just make “suggestions” to congress with any expectations that they will get done. If he does so, all the Blue Dog Democrats are going to stand up against him because they remembered what happened when they passed the AWB under Clinton.
This means he’s gong to have to make an Executive Order. Something that we’ve known he’d do if he won reelection. A Second Term Obama means an Obama without his Mask. If he wins, not only is his mask off… but also the gloves. He’s going to be a disaster of biblical proportions that makes the damage he’s already done look like a simple bad hair day. But what we are starting to see here now is something actually potentially worse. We’re starting to see a Cornered Obama. Backed up against the wall he’s going to be desperate to advance his agenda in his last days in power.
One mistake people make is in thinking Obama is stupid. He’s not. Acting incompetent like a greenhorn is how he’s getting a pass from the masses of the growing uncomfortable supporters. So he’s going to make some seriously draconian actions that can be argued as “Reasonable”.
It’s going to hurt he says. What is going to really smart is the thrashing the Democrats are going to get come the 2012 elections.
The American Economy is a huge engine. Extremely powerful. Powerful enough to spin us, and to spin the economy of many other countries. But ever since the Democrats took over Congress, it all started going downhill. Then the Democrats took the White House as well and everything has gone to hell in a handbasket. We hear the Whitehouse talk about all the jobs they have created… Horseshiat. They don’t create jobs. All the Government can do is to choke jobs. Strangle growth. I believe in this Nation… and I believe that it can be healed and can regain its momentum. And a lot faster than the Democrats think. The Administration needs to take the weight off this great engine. But they are not going to do it. What is going to have to happen is to get a regime change. When that happens, we’ll get some momentum back.
In the light of Gun Safety, our Beloved Leader is going to propose more Gun Control.
Considering the Administrations bungling of everything… and the hiding of the bungling… I think the best thing the Administration could do would be to disband the ATF.
For those following the SNAFU called Operation Fast and Furious, aka Project Gunwalker by the guys that busted this case wide open… The situation has taken an interesting twist.
Mexico wants to put the officials on trial in Mexico. Considering the violence and damage this has done to Mexico, I am willing to let them have them. The ATF willingly armed violent criminals in Mexico. While normally I don’t like the idea of another country extriditing Americans to be tried in a foreign country… this was clearly an offense against Mexico and I think they have every right to do this.
Operation Fast and Furious is a clear violation of the laws they themselves were tasked to enforce. The ATF has invalidated their charter… the reason for their existence was to prevent this very thing, and here they are the ones doing it. Do we need a new agency to keep guns out of the hands of the ATF?
So here is the real question. Who is more irrelevant, useless, dangerous, and needs to be done away with ASAP: The ATF or the UN?
When dealing with people who want to change the Constitution, those that say it’s a “Living Document” and can be altered at will… Remember what John Adams said and you know the character of who you are dealing with:
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
I have some observations to add. Out here in the Deserts of Utah, I’ve seen people dump illegally in public lands… even where the Municiple Dump was only a few hundred yards away. Shooters get blamed for dumping a lot. I’ve never seen a Shooter back up a truck and push a Washing Machine and a broken Lazy Boy out of the back. I’ve watched guys kick out bags of garbage in areas where people shoot, and then drive off in a cloud of dust. There are shooters who leave can and stuff, yes. But far more are those that just dump trash for whatever their reasons. I’ve also seen far more often Shooters back up their trucks and pick up the trash to clean the area up. I’d hazard a guess that Shooters pick up more trash than they drop off.
The USFS wants to stop shooting, and they are using some’s bad habbits against us. Don’t give the enemy ammo. Pick up your trash. If you shoot it, pick it up.
Is summed up right here. 25K to Harry Reid? Let’s also not forget he dropped being the Utah State Governor so he could accept Obama’s appointment to be Ambassador to China. Yeah, I don’t think I could play ball with Huntsman.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the Huntsman family and everything they have done for the State of Utah… The Huntsman Cancer Institute is the best in the nation. When my Grandfather was stricken with cancer, he went there… and he was treated with the utmost dignity and careful attention… better than any hospital treating any patient I have ever seen. I appreciate that greatly.
But I could never vote for any Huntsman for any office. Sorry.