This is an older Smith & Wesson auto. I’m not sure of the value as the blue book on it only showed the 745 IPSC model, which looks just like this, but has a fixed rear sight. It’s Single Action Only. The safety lever is only a firing pin blocker, and does nothing to prevent the trigger from dropping the hammer.
The grip is slim, giving it a feel much like a SIG P220 with factory synthetic grips. The checkering on the front strap is a little rough, but it’s factory checkering. Over all, I like the gun.
Tag Archives: S&W
A nice day at the Range
When friends come out from Hill AFB and say they want to do some shooting – we go shooting. So Mike and Tony came out yesterday, and Tony picked up a nice Savage 10 FCP topped it with a 6.5-20×44 Vortex Viper. Mike brought out the finished Crusader Broadsword. Both guns needed to be zeroed, so today, we went to the range, including WTA’s Khorne.

.44 Mag Smiths
Nightcrawler is an unrepentant Wheelgunner. He’s also an advocate of the .44 Magnum. NC sent one gun off to S&W’s Performance Center for special tuning. The other one, with the short barrel is a gun that S&W gave him as a replacement for a previous .44 Mag that he sent in for repair… which turned out to be unrepairable. So they gave him some options and he picked this one. It’s a great little gun. Looks sexy. But is exceptionally unpleasant when firing. The wood grips are just gorgeous, but do not belong on a .44 Magnum firing full power loads.

Wheel Guns
I’ve been eyeballing a certain .357 Magnum in the gun case for some time now. It’s growing on me. The gun in question is a simple S&W 686SSR.
S&W Bodyguard .380
S&W Bodyguard .380
It’s been some time since my last article for Concealed Carry Magazine. I’ve been meaning to write one sooner, but to be perfectly honest, most of the new concealable handguns that have been coming out have just not sparked much of an interest in me. I’ve been bored with most of the options out there and no one wanted another Compact 1911 article. Most of this time off I’ve been packing SIG C3’s and 229’s and all year I’ve been packing a G23-RTF2 and that has all been from Mark Walter’s bad
influence on me.