Category Archives: Uncategorized

Someone looks silly…

The Bible says that no one knows when it’s going to happen.  This Rapture Preacher is just bugnuts to have the audacity to say that he knows.  Well, the day came and went and nothing happened.  If God was talking to him, and telling him when it was going to happen, I kinda think it would have happened.

Now he’s saying “Oh, it’s in October“.  Yeah, that’s not how God works.  We’re talking about the God that hit the Egyptians with plagues, knocked off the first borns, parted the Red Sea… brought down pillars of fire and handed Moses the Commandments.   That’s how God works.  He tells his Prophet he’s going to do something, it happens.  This Peacher is no Moses.  You know what the Bible was right about?  That there would be many False Prophets.

Dissapointed in the Atom

I’ve decided that I totally hate Netbooks.  This unit is as decked out as you can get it.  Big optional hard drive for storage.  Lots of RAMs running around.  In fact with RAM and HD space, it’s actually just as good as my late Laptop… but that’s where the good points end.  The wireless antenna sucks and gives crap for signal strength, even when within feet of a wireless access point.  But that’s fine, I can live with that.  But what really sucks the most is the little anemic processor.
Continue reading Dissapointed in the Atom

Confession: Hoodies

I love them. They are my favorite thing to wear… Hooded sweatshirts with a front pocket… Hoodies… Over a t-shirt that’s tucked into a pair of jeans, fresh socks, and a comfortable pair of sneakers. This is my favorite sort of outfit. Super comfortable is a bonus, but the best thing about this style is that there is no limitation on what one can pack concealed. No requirement that your defensive tool has to be as small as a Matchbox and chambered in something the size of a grape seed. You can pack a full sized defensive handgun that is massively effective in skilled hands.
Continue reading Confession: Hoodies

Great day

I have to tell ya… I had a great day today.  I slept in until a late 0800.  Then the wife made me breakfast… I relaxed for a bit and then took off on a good ride on the motorcycle with a friend.  Then when I came home, dinner was steak.   Gotta love it.  No bad news.  Nothing bad happened.  Just enjoyed a day off.  Beautiful.

CDC warns of Zombies

The CDC is warning people about Zombies.  It’s kind of funny that he CDC is using Zombies as it’s Disaster Analog, since Gun Owners have been doing it for years and years.   We call it our “Zombie Plan”.  The ZP can be activated for any disaster/situation which requires drastic actions for survival.  Now the CDC report I linked to doesn’t mention it… but Firearms and Ammunition are also critical.  Because even if you don’t face Brain Eaters, you will face other people who will want what you have… everything you have.
Get your Shotgun ready.

My first book

I’ve completed my first book. It’s somewhere between 700-800 pages. 151333 words. I still have to edit it, clean some things up, continuity, and throw in some back stories to some characters… and it’ll be ready to publish. But the book as a whole is done.
After my first editing pass, I’m going to send it out to a small handful of volunteer readers.


Mike Huckabee says that he might give a Presidential run in 2012 a pass.  Oh joy!  I have a serious dislike of Mike Huckabee… he should stick to his radio show.  But I hate his radio show as well.  He’s always shilling his Simple Books, Simple Government, Simple Christmas… with his Huck This and Huck that… it really gets under my skin.

Why?   Because Huckabee gave us Obama.

He stayed in the race only to make sure Mitt Romney couldn’t win.  He divided the votes on purpose to allow McCain to win by such comfortable margins… McCain – the last guy any Conservative wanted to win the nomination.   Then with some many people saying that they would never vote for McCain… they stayed home from the polls… Our turn out was low.   Obama won each state by small margins overall.   If we had a less distasteful candidate things would have been different.  Instead, we got McCain and that allowed Obama to ride the Soul Train into the White House.

I hold Huckabee accountable for that.  I also don’t like the fact that The Huckster is rabidly Anti-Mormon.  Religious Bigotry because one Christian group believes differently than another Christian group.  That’s small minded, pathetic, and is not a character trait that we need in a President.

Screw Huckabee.

Information + Time = Value

I’ve spent several hours with an individual who had talked of ordering a rifle from me.  We talked ballistics, caliber, BC, trajectory, rate of twist, air pressure, spin drift, shockwaves, bedding, trigger, stocks, brakes, MOA… I educated this guy for a very long time, to the point that other customers were going to other guys at the counter and making other sales.

Continue reading Information + Time = Value