Category Archives: Uncategorized

Fire for effect!

It seems that the news media would have us believe that most of these wild fires across the west have started because of target shooting.
This is bullshit.
I’ve fired millions of rounds, and the only fire I caused was when I fired tracers – after protesting because I thought there was a risk – and lit half of Camp Williams.  Regular ammo just doesn’t cause fires.  I doesn’t.
The Libtards are going to use it to enact more gun control.

Light Blogging.

Sorry about the light blogging, guys. There’s a reason for this I’ve been reluctant to share… Long day selling guns, I usually come home and chill and write and such. But lately that’s been different. Long day at work, then I go to the Outlaw Trail Theater where we are practicing for the opening of the show and as the story goes and luck would have it, I’m in the show. I’m playing two roles in fact.
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.
It’s not my fault… I didn’t even Try Out for it.  You see, my wife is an assistant director for the production and I needed to talk to her.  So I stopped by.  I rode up, jumped off my bike, had a few words… and left.  Well, the caste pretty much drafted me into playing the leader of the Hairy Bunch of Ishmaelites.  Okay, fine.  I only come on stage twice and I have no lines or dances or songs.  Fine.  Next thing I know, I’m drafted as Jacob as well… Some song, though brief, thankfully… but I’m on stage several times, and yes, I shall have to dance on stage… a couple times.   So I am officially in another Musical.  Yes, I’ve done this before.  I sang and danced to another Musical… and I was in not one, but two Ballets where I did indeed perform on stage in front of pretty large audiences.
I don’t know how I get myself into these messes.
By the time I come home from these practices, I am spent.  I ride my bike up to the front of Ogre Ranch, drag myself off and up the stairs, to my bedroom, where I fall on the bed and don’t move till the alarm goes off in the morning.  If I’m lucky, I’ll have taken off my boots.  No, don’t cry for me Argentina… I don’t need sympathy.

But if you want to see any pictures of me in Costume – That would require substantial amounts of Bribery.



Zombies and Cannibals

Like many others, I’ve followed the Florida Bath Salt Zombie stories with morbid interest.  Drudge has also been putting up articles able a couple Cannibals.

As a public service announcement, we must address the differences between a Zombie and a Cannibal.

Zombies have no will of their own, the wander around as if in a daze, voting Democrat, and they are undead.  There is ample proof of this as a great many Registered Democrat Votes in hotly contested districts are indeed from people who have died…. then this Floridian Bath Salt Zombie… Yes, Zombies are real and they are out there.  

If they bite you, there is a 90% chance you too might become a zombie.   That last 10% chance – that’s your buddy shooting you in the head before you turn.  If he is a good friend that is.

Cannibals however are very different.  They can be very intelligent, careful planners, and they can craft elaborate traps for their victims.  They are still human and are just like the rest of us… except they want to eat the rest of us… My point is they look at act (mostly) like anyone else. You can’t tell who is and who isn’t a Cannibal.  But that just makes them all the more dangerous. Cannibals however could be found wearing Turtleneck Sweaters, Popped Collars, Berets, and Tight Pants that are not quite long enough.

The question remains – what to do about these two types of people eaters.  The answer is simple.  Once identified, the same counter measures and responses work well in both cases.  SHOOT THEM IN THE HEAD.

Works every time.

The More You Know…

Congratulations to the Adams Family

Luke and Sarah Adams, my friends and my Holster Makers Extraordinaire have just had their first child.

The labor was a long drawn out horrible affair, but all is well now and the baby is reportedly healthy and well cared for and loved.  We all hope he starts making holsters with Dad soon!

Congratulations, with all my heart.  Luke, give her and the baby a hug for me!

For all you guys saying the lead time is too much – Give them your order and cut them some slack – their whole world has just changed.  For the better.   Your new holster will get to you and you will be happy you had the patience.

My Home

Just got home from work, and I’m sitting on the front porch waiting for the sunset.  It’s a cool evening, not hot like normal this time of year. It’s feeling perfect.  To my left, I can hear the wheel lines watering the field of alfalfa almost ready for the first cutting. The water it’s spraying is casts a hundred little rainbows along the line.  To my right, northward, there was rainstorms earlier in the mountains, but now Sun rays are making it glow vibrant green… for now. Later this year, those rays will burn the mountains to a scorched brown.  The sun is getting lower in the west… The purple mountains westward, straight in front of me on the other side of the valley has a pass shaped like Buckhorn rifle sights… Beyond it is Salt Lake, and many of my dear friends.  All around me, birds are singing. Robins, Larks, Sparrows, and Doves. All claiming this as their area… I grin… Because its mine.

Slipstreamed my Superhawk

We here at Crusader have been slowly working on automotive products.  Very slowly since we don’t have a dedicated Test Mule. 
I’ve been wanting to use Slipstream in my bikes engines.  Unfortunately my bikes have all used wet clutches.  Slipstream in that type of engine would mean I would have no clutch at all.  So instead, I Slipstreamed the Clutch Lever and Brake Lever.  I pulled the levers out, cleaned up the brackets, and used Slipstream Styx on the friction points.  The results were dramatic increases in the smoothness and feel.
Is it possible for a bike to feel “happy”? Because it does.
Still haven’t tried it on the chain yet.
There are other applications I’ll be testing as well.