Category Archives: Uncategorized

To Blog or not to Blog

If you think you want to Blog… Go for it.  Just do it.  Its easy.
Oh, wait… you want to have a successful blog?  Define successful first.
First thing you need though, is something to say.  If you just want to run your mouth, use Twitter or Facebook. If you want to really publish your words, then Blog.
The best way to do it is to pick a topic or two, or even three. These are you main subjects and stick to those.  These should be subjects you are knowledgeable about.
Blog regularly, but make sure you have a point.
Blog for yourself.  If you have an audience then great.
Don’t look at Blog Stats.  Just do what you do.
If you don’t suck, people will dig it.  If they don’t, who care? You blog for yourself.  If you stay true to this, people will dig it.

I am considering, very strongly, starting a new blog.  This would be a Food/Road/Character blog.  A division of  Not a replacement.  If/When I do that, I’m going to kill my Facebook Account and just concentrate on my blogs and WTA.

Gunfightercast vs MadOgre

Just a heads up.  There is going to be a little competition at some point in the future, next year.  An M4 Throw Down, between myself and Daniel “Shaw of Japan”.
The Smack has been Talked.
See, last year Daniel and I had a little competition going on with Pistols.  I won.
The Young Jarhead wants to take on the Old Grunt on his terms now… Carbines.  I’m Game.
But I think I want to make this something more.   Let’s take bets… Donations… With the pot going to The Wounded Warrior Foundation.
The Challenge should be a tactical scenario perhaps?  Such as a Kill House or Jungle Walk… Timed of course, but with accuracy deductions, like IDPA scoring.    Shaw of Japan, since he lost last time, gets to go first here.  He sets the pace on his run.  A Judge will also award or deduct points based on his Tactical Performance…. IE, use of cover during a reload, slicing the pie, etc.   After he does it, then I make the run.  To be fair… Neither of us will see the course of fire ahead of time.


Gun Blogging

I’ve been “Blogging” for a very long time.  Even before there was even a term for it.  Blogging and Gun Blogging are terms the newer blogs have thrown out there into the Interwebs in the classic human condition of Mandatory Classification.  Humans have to have everything Labeled for them to be comfortable.  So they can easily Accept or Dismiss something based solely on that label.  I’ve seen many a Blog come and go.

I’m not the oldest blog on the internet, but I’m one of them.  One of the oldest Continuing blogs certainly.   I’ve been called “The Blogfather” by a great many.  I just smile, and nod, say “Thank You”, and then delete their blog from my list when they stop blogging and vanish into the internet ether.  Too many to count.  When I started this, it was called a Home Page hosted by HOTBOT.  Remember that?  Wired Magazine’s search engine page?  Then it was switched to Lycos when they bought out Hotbot.   The stuff I had back then is still found here… I don’t remember when I got the Domain.  a decade ago?  More?  I can’t remember.   In internet years, that was back when the Myans were carving rock calendars.

So it’s with great amusement when I see something like this:  “Is Truth about Guns killing Gun Blogging?”  As if what one new start up blog does is going to effect me.   Seems a lot of people have made cries of Shark Jumping.   Come on, that blog is what, 2, 3 years old?  I don’t know.  Hard to pay attention to so many coming and going.  Only really pay attention to those bloggers who are friends any more.
I’ve considered doing collaborative blogging.  Bringing in guys to guest blog.  I’ve accepted many guest posts for sure.  But really, is just me.  It’s me venting my spleen.  Getting stuff off my chest.  Spouting my opinions to a brick wall… or in this case an LCD Screen.  Sometimes it gets read.  Great.  At one point my readership swelled to greater than that of the New York Times printed newspaper.  That made me smile.  Then made me think.  Then I stopped thinking (read that how you will) and just did what I have continued to do.  Write about whatever the hell I damn well feel like.  Because I am beholden to none.  I tried taking advertising.  Some money coming in was all groovy, but it felt like I all the sudden had a leash.  It was uncomfortable and took away the fun of doing this in the first place… so I stopped Advertising.  I’ve also pretty much stopped using Ogre located at this Domain for any serious communication.  Facebook and a Gmail is used for that now.  Of course now that has this slick Comments widget, direct email is not as important.

Anyways.  So I’m going to continue to do what I do.  Spout my unwanted opinions and criticisms.  Jump the Shark?   It’s my Shark.  Go make your own.

Concealed Carry Magazine

I can’t say anything right now… but you guys are going to want to subscribe.  There are a lot of great new things planned for the magazine, it’s going to be totally different and awesome.  I’m looking forward to this!

Joined the USCCA ASAP if you are not already a member.

Dear Colt and Remington

The State of New York is going to pass the Micro Stamping requirement. They do not believe you would actually move out over handguns stamping as they are a smaller portion of your business.
Well, here is the thing… your customers are not going to want stamped guns.  Its bullshit science, easily removed or worn off, its a useless requirement.   But is going to do this regardless. NY thinks you guys are blustering.
The stigma of rolling over and doing the stamps is going to hurt you worse than just pistol sales. I sell a lot of rifles, tons of Remingtons. I can easily see the customer base turn against you, even here where you are hugely popular.
Look at S&W and the Department of Urban Housing Agreement.  S&W almost didn’t survive that, and they are still suffering from it today.
You guys need to move to a state where you would be cherished, appreciated for who you are.
Come to Utah.
A state that has one the highest guns per capita than anywhere else. Not only come to Utah… but come out to Vernal, Utah.  We have the highest per capita in the State. 
Just saying…. why live where you are not wanted?  Live where you would be loved!
Besides… Utah was built by people leaving New York.  Its like a tradition.

New Link Section

Some of you have already noticed that I have a new section to the Right… Over there… Under A List Links.  “Podcasters”.

Check them all out.  Download them to your MP3 Player.  What else would you rather listen to?  Your Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga music?

Armed American Radio problem

I don’t know if you guys caught this last Sunday night.  But about 5 minutes into Hour 2, we had a Technical Glitch.  The feed to the studio where Mark Walters and Rob Pincus dropped.  They could hear the Producer, Shawnto, in Dallas, but no one could hear them.
Take a listen.

I heard the worry in Shawnto’s voice and knew he was having a bugger of a time, so called in.  Listen to the relief in Shawn’s voice when he hears me.  Well, we covered the rest of the segment together and then Shawn rolls some archived stuff until they got the Feed back online.

This is Live Radio.  This stuff can happen when you run a live show.  Other Gun Rights type talk shows are pre-recorded.  Not Armed American Radio.  This makes AAR a lot more fun.