Tag Archives: GunfighterCast

Vitals of Defense

I know a lot of Firearms Instructors. Let me rephrase that… I know a lot of excellent Firearms Instructors. One of the best, and one that I am proud to call a Friend, is Daniel Shaw. You may know him from GUNFIGHTER CAST.  Daniel spent a lot of time training US Marines to be better Marines. He has translated his Military experience into a very good practical approach to Self Defense with a Firearm. This isn’t a regurgitation of other training, this isn’t rehashing of other training programs. This is a fresh and new approach without hype, and without fanfare. Daniel is very easy going, none of that over the top bravado that some trainers have… Outside of Training, He’s one of the best guys I know. You are going to enjoy this training program, you are going to learn a lot from this program, and you will be glad you got it. I’ve been watching it and it’s fantastic. I look forward to taking one of his courses in person one day.

There are two parts and each is only $5.56.  That’s less than lunch a drive through.


Gunfightercast vs MadOgre

Just a heads up.  There is going to be a little competition at some point in the future, next year.  An M4 Throw Down, between myself and Daniel “Shaw of Japan”.
The Smack has been Talked.
See, last year Daniel and I had a little competition going on with Pistols.  I won.
The Young Jarhead wants to take on the Old Grunt on his terms now… Carbines.  I’m Game.
But I think I want to make this something more.   Let’s take bets… Donations… With the pot going to The Wounded Warrior Foundation.
The Challenge should be a tactical scenario perhaps?  Such as a Kill House or Jungle Walk… Timed of course, but with accuracy deductions, like IDPA scoring.    Shaw of Japan, since he lost last time, gets to go first here.  He sets the pace on his run.  A Judge will also award or deduct points based on his Tactical Performance…. IE, use of cover during a reload, slicing the pie, etc.   After he does it, then I make the run.  To be fair… Neither of us will see the course of fire ahead of time.