The old show is new to me. I’ve never watched it before, but i’m loving it. The Shield. Great series… good writing, good twists, good actors and characters.
The main character, Vic Mackey, is one of the most interesting characters on any TV shows. A Bad Guy that does good things for good reasons some times… and does bad things for good reasons some times… and every once in a while does a good thing for bad reasons. But you end up rooting for him.
The whole series is on Hulu Plus. This makes Hulu Plus well worth it to me.
The new show is VIKINGS. A Semi-Historical drama that is pretty accurate in some things. Cool characters, and a smoking hot Shield Maiden that is worth watching just for her. Rower. Overall, I find the show extremely compelling. Even if it’s much like Sons of Anarchy on Long Boats. You could call it Sons of Vikings. But that’s not quite fair. This show is unique. And very well done. I enjoy it a lot.
You Armchair Historians can stuff it about historical inaccuracies… it’s the best we’ve seen so far, eh?
I remember the first time I ate a Jalapeno. It made me cry. I was young… still watching Saturday morning cartoons. Just a kid. I think we had just moved to Fircrest, Washington. I remember going into the kitchen and seeing these peppers on the counter. Don’t remember why, but I picked up the pepper off the counter and started eating it. Never had one before, seen one even. I was unprepared and unfamiliar with the heat of that little thing. Thought I was going to die.
Now, if I’m in the mood, I can eat them whole like I would a carrot or something. I’ve learned to enjoy the heat. Tolerance is the word. I built up tolerance to the heat and found I liked the flavor. Took some time of course, but now I do not consider them to be all that hot.
Much is the same with recoil. Especially with Shotguns. I don’t mind the recoil and I enjoy the devastating results a shotgun can give you. People perceive spicy food’s heat, and recoil differently. This is based on familiarity and tolerance of the thing. The more you are exposed to it, the less it effects you. It’s not that one guy is packing more sack than the other guy… it’s just a matter of getting used to it.
Speaking of hot peppers in Fircrest. I remember pranking my brothers, Josh and Zack. I coated a couple apples in Tabasco Sauce. Multiple Coatings, let dry, coat some more, and let dry again. The apples looked normal. Then I made sure there was nothing in the fridge to drink. Then I filled the faucet with Tabasco.
Like a good big brother, I offered my brothers the apples. In a very short amount of time, the boys were in great distress and running around… they ran to the fridge… nothing… they ran to the sink. One of them put his head under and opened the tap. Hilarity ensued.
To this day I feel bad about it… but still laugh at the memory of it.
Speaking of Recoil. I got the latest issue of Recoil Magazine on my Nexus 7 Tablet. I had little interest in it, as I had cancelled the subscription. But since I knew Ian took over as Editor & Chief I thought I might give it a look through. I’m impressed. The magazine is good. I’m not through reading the issue, but I am liking everything I’m seeing. It’s less GQ with guns and more Gun Magazine, with Style. It makes most news stand gun rags look tired and old. If they keep it up, I’ll renew my subscription.
Your failure to pass Constitutional Carry was deeply disappointing to me. Sure the Governor vetoed it, but this is a Governor who is obnoxious and disliked. He’s a Rino at best, and a total jackwagon on top of that… he’s not going to win the next election. So what if he vetoed it? Your Constituents wanted it. The people who voted you in, wanted it. It would have put us in line with our fellow western states to the north and south of us. Colorado is nothing more than Eastern California, and thus doesn’t count… full of Broncos fans anyway. And Nevada is full of Unionized Gambling Addicts and Whores, so really, they don’t count either. Arizona, and Wyoming though… Our Brothers!
You’re jobs, by your very title “Representatives” need to represent us. We wanted Constitutional Carry. And you guys know it. It flew through the House and Senate so fast, it was unbelievable… so much momentum. Only to be stopped by pompous stuffed shirt? That’s not right. You guys could have taken it the very next day and Overridden that clown. You guys could have done that in a matter of minutes. You had the votes, your just had to cast them one more time… but you couldn’t do it. That was disappointing, but not as disappointing as what you guys did to the bill along the way.
Somewhere along the way you took Constitutional Carry and ruined it. You watered it down and made it useless. Not just useless… but you in fact made it even more dangerous. Just like the asinine Open Carry Law… you insisted on making concealed carriers run unloaded. Open carry, unloaded, is dangerous. It puts the Citizen behind the 8-Ball in reaction to a criminal action. You in fact, make the Citizen a Target for a criminal attack, because the Criminal knows the Citizen is unloaded! And you did the same thing to Constitutional Carry? That’s reckless. It’s in fact, irresponsible. Allow me to show you why.
It’s not just about speed, as this young man illustrated. It’s also adding in unnecessary manipulation that can be fumbled when the defensive tool is needed the most. A fumble here at such a critical moment could cause the gun to jam, or an accident to happen. There is no reason to insist on empty chamber carry. It’s wrong, and I don’t know any professional firearms instructor or expert that advocates it. You are putting Citizens at greater risk by insisting on Empty Chamber Carry. You guys need to fix the bill, vote it again and pass it… Then override this Governor who is single handedly blocking what your Constituents want done.
See what I mean? Jeremy Clarkson is the Mouth of Sauron. He’s always had bad teeth, but in seasons 17 and worse, 18, they are so bad that they are distracting and horrifying. You would think that a man making as much money as he is, could afford to know what a dentist is.
He is the most Tactical Man in the World. He’s Teeth are Disruptive Multicam Flat Dark Earth.
Both the gun bills at the Utah State Capitol have been defeated.
Utah has decided not to back up its own Sheriffs. And even though the Constitutional Carry Bill flew threw the House and Senate, the Governor decided to Veto it. And its not looking like they are going to bother trying to override the veto, even though the bill had more than enough support.
I’m disappointed and saddened by Utah.
Utah does not know how to look ahead. Utah can not see the possibilities of the future and prepare for it. I’m at the point now with Utah, that I really could just leave it. Not just for these issues, but for a great many others that I’ve not mentioned before here on this site.
If I had a good job offer some place else, I could probably just move out of this sad sack state.
Better yet, if the Uintah Basin could become its own State, that would be great.
I’ve been a guest on Jimbo’s show a couple times now and it’s one of my very favorite radio shows to do next to Armed American Radio. Jim is a great host and it sure is fun talking with him and his callers.
The UK is all a tissy over the use of horsemeat in processed foods. And now it’s found in Ikea meatballs. You would think people were being poisoned. The truth is that our foods are so over processed that no one would have ever known had the news story not broken and not been run as headlines all over the place. I’ve never eaten Ikea Meatballs, and now that I know they might have Horse in them… I want to try them now. Horsemeat is good stuff. Lean, low cholesterol, and all that… but more importantly… it’s Horse.
I hate horses. Useless things. They are expensive to own, and require a lot of care, attention, and food. And what do they give you in return? Mountains of shit. They are nothing more than pretty-eyed shit pumps that make little girls all gooey inside. Riding them? Why? You don’t control a horse, you don’t tell a horse what to do… You ask it. They have minds all their own and can do things you don’t intend. Then if you stop and get off it, the damn thing will wander away, or even run, and then you get to spend time trying to get it back. An ATV or Bike does none of this, and they don’t fart and shit everywhere. Sure, I’ve crashed bikes. But I’ve also been thrown from a horse. It threw me into a patch of cactus. Then it came over and laughed at me. My motorcycles have never laughed at me. And any time I’ve crashed, the bike was hurt worse than I was. Horses? Hate the damn things. Eating them and using them for industrial applications like Glue… I’m all for it.
Wild horses? They are not a native species… the BLM round ups… I’m fine with. Use them for Dog Food, Glue, Leather, I don’t care. Grill them into Kabobs… Sure. I’ll have some. The only reason this is an issue is that too many girls wax fantasy and get misty eyes at the thought of ponies and horses with a devil horn sticking out of it’s head.
Don’t get me wrong… Sure, horses had a time and place in History. So did Spears and Moats. Now we have internal combustion and fuel injection and GPS.
A horse is just a prettier sack of meat than a cow is.
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If you want read about Zombies, click the link to Uprising.
The Uprising series is about winning the Zombie Apocalypse, not just surviving it.
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I’ve said this on about 9 different radio stations now.
“If there is any pattern to these mass shootings it’s that they were done by Liberals.”
The longer version is “If you are looking for a pattern in all of these shooting sprees, it’s not the Gun. The one similarity they all have is that they were Liberals. Maybe that question should be on the ATF Form 4473. Because Liberals with Guns is pretty much a bad thing.”
I think this is a good message to get out. It could force some people to look in another direction when it comes to the gun control argument . We don’t need Gun Control, we need Liberal Control.
If we take a look at what the Leading Liberals have been saying… Take a Look.
Gun Owners are not dangerous. Liberals Are. All these mass shooters, maniacs, psychos… Liberals.
The Left will counter that OK City was done by a Conservative Right Wing Wacko. True. But he didn’t use a Gun, did he? Fertilizer and Diesel Fuel. 9-11 was done with Box Cutters too, that arguement proves our point that EVIL doesn’t need a Gun. In China two incidents happened at schools, one a man with a knife and the other a man in a Car. Evil is not defeated by disarming and making yourselves better victims. Evil is defeated – by Defeating It. Standing up and fighting it. All of these mass shootings ended when the Evil was confronted by Strength. That’s when it stopped.
Am I saying that Liberalism is Evil? I’ll leave that up to you to decide.