1. Skyfall.
2. Quantum of Solace.
3. Casino Royale.
That’s it. Everything else sucks and is a cartoon by comparison. Daniel Craig is the best Bond there ever was.
That is all.
1. Skyfall.
2. Quantum of Solace.
3. Casino Royale.
That’s it. Everything else sucks and is a cartoon by comparison. Daniel Craig is the best Bond there ever was.
That is all.
Message on FB: “Why you bragging about being Mormon?”
My response: First off, I wasn’t bragging. I’m proud to be a Mormon. I’ve taken it for granted in the past. Forgot who I was. I remember now. I was born LDS. I served an LDS Mission. But I’ve not always been Mormon. There is a difference.
Even if you are born into a Mormon family, there is still that moment when you are “Converted”. I remember that moment when that happened to me.
While looking through the scope of a rifle on an overwatch and feeling so empty inside. I prayed that there had to be more to life. The feeling that I got after that – I can’t explain it. Here, let me tell you what Chocolate tastes like. But I do know what that feeling was and where it came from. I can’t just put that away anymore.
I decide that I was going to be Mormon or I wasn’t. No more in between.
I’m Mormon.
If you don’t like that and can’t accept that, then you are not, nor have you ever been, my friend.
I’m proud to be a Mormon. We have an awesome history in this country and around the world. We had a State give an official Extermination Order against us, yet we remain Patriotic Americans. We’ve be been reviled in society yet we remain helpful to the community. It’s a tough example to live up to. But I’m trying.
I don’t know why this popped up on my Feed from YouTube… maybe because social media friends I don’t actually know liked these videos and that’s why it became a suggested video or whatever. But a video of Miley Montana or whoever she is… “Twerking”. Evidently she has a couple of these videos.
This was the Disney Child Star of the Country Star with the heart condition. I think her dad’s song was about just this thing.
Good hell I am so glad I don’t have enough Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice in my system to have gene-seeded a Girl Baby.
Because she would end up at some point probably watching something from Disney. Other than your average American High School, Disney seems to be in the Lead for inventing Whore Idols.
Lindsey Lohan – Epic Train Wreck. At least Miley Cyrus cirus citrus circus surplus (sp?) has someone to look up to. Is that a career path? Go from Adorable Girl to something attractive (Lohan was hot as an older teen – yeah admit it – you thought so too) and then straight to graduating with a Master’s Degree in Crack Whore thanks to a full ride (too soon?) scholarship from Disney.
Let’s look at the path. Disney teaches through these young children that Parents are stupid and clueless clowns and kids always have it figured out and are right in the end. They give these kids Money and Fame. And instill in them a sense of entitlement and that they can do whatever they want and their Fans will support and adore them. And then at some point they end up dancing on a stripper pole.
If I had a daughter I’d have nothing Disney is my house. Is this how our Culture wants us to raise our daughters? I have friends and family with daughters and just don’t know how they can do this… The cultural influences to utterly destroy girls is in full force. Sexualize them, objectify them, and let them self abuse themselves into state sponsored baby factories. Democratic Voter Vending Machines.
Thank you Disney for turning out people girls can look up to as role models for success and standing up for the Good and Right things in life. I don’t know… Maybe this is a Preacher’s Daughter sort of situation. But when my Boys are looking at Girls, who are they seeing these days? Tramp Steamers on a collision course with a train or are they seeing young women with strength and dignity and value as human beings and daughters of God who should be treated with respect and put on a pedestal? How can I raise my boys right, when the cultural influence is to ask a girl if she spits or swallows? We can’t turn to Social Media – good hell… We can’t turn to the mass media and entertainment. So where can my boys find lessons outside of Dad’s Lecturing? Reading Books. Good Books. Literature. Classic Literature.
But those books are no longer found or encouraged in Schools. Thanks to “Common Core” Education.
When children are raised in such a culture, what is the future going to look like?
Edit Update:
This was posted before MTV’s VMA Show. Before Cyrus’s “Performance”. All I can say about that is that I found it to be utterly revolting. Twerking as it’s called is not dancing. Its vulgar. I’m no prude, but its disgusting. Cyrus has proven she has no talent, so pulling this sort of stunt was all she had. Because thats what it was. A stunt.
She needs to get over the novelty that she has girl parts. Flat and sad girl parts.
Holy Crap. The Jerry Doyle Show! On the Radio. WINNING!
Do you guys listen to Jerry? He freaking rocks. And he’s on a local radio station. Awesome.
For uninitiated, Jerry Doyle is the cat that played Garibaldi on Babylon 5. He’s a Conservative, ran for office, stands behind his beliefs, and is a solid American. He makes so much sense he makes you want to throat-punch a Political Science Professor.
Made my night hearing Jerry on the radio again. Jerry, You The Man.
Yesterday morning my wife and I went to look at some motorcycles. Huge dealership not too far away.
Honda, Zukes, Yamaha, Kawasaki. All bike types. They had everything.
Many bikes to drool upon.
But one bike specifically caught my attention and held it and I’ve not been able to think of anything else. It’s like it was designed for Me. It fit.
The Star Bolt R Spec with the Ogre Green tank.
Its not a fancy bike. Or fast. Or anything special. Its just a simple motorcycle.
I love it. I’ll have to get one some day.
I hear and read the word “Testing” a lot in the gun community.
Stop it.
That word does not mean what you think it means.
You are not testing anything that hasn’t been tested already a million times over. “Trying it out” or “Plinking” or “Blowing shit up” are usually the more accurate terms rather than testing. They just don’t sound as self important. To some guys, every time they thumb a round into a magazine, they are “Testing”. No… No you are not. You are not applying any Scientific Method, recording results, or following any metric to make any comparison to anything else other than the last shot you fired, which was probably from a different stance with a different grip at a different empty Mt. Dew bottle.
Testing is boring. It is all about observation and control and measurement. Running your mags dry as rapidly as you can generally only turns money into noise and yields little scientific results.
Some guys hate the use of the word Clip. Well, we misuse the word Test a lot more and I’m starting to hate that too. I love how someone is doing an “Accuracy Test” yet only fire Remington UMC FMJ ammo. And then they do so free hand. You want to test accuracy? Really test accuracy? Read any article by Charles Petty. Look how he does it. He uses a Ransom Rest quite often, or when not available, sandbags the pistol in an effort to remove as much human error as possible. And then he fires controlled groups using 5 or more different loads. That is a test. That is boring as shit, but that is a test and that’s how you do it. As much as his articles are as thrilling as a Restaurant’s Menu, the information is good and solid because the man knows how to run a test.
I’ve read too many reviews from guys who should know better, who test accuracy and reliability with only 1 box of ammo. Just because your gun doesn’t like Remington UMC ammo doesn’t mean the gun is second rate. It only proves Remington UMC ammo is shit. I’ve had better consistency with Tula ammo. And don’t give me “Well if the gun can’t run UMC” line. Because crap ammo is crap ammo and has no bearing on the accuracy or reliability of the gun. Guns are Ammo dependent and are only as good as the ammo you run in them. In other words, if you are testing Crap, you are only running a Crap test.
This is why there are so many arguments on the Gun Forums about a gun. Because no one is Testing. Your experience with a Firearm and 1 box of ammo is too small of a sample size to base any judgement on. Don’t fool yourself. You have an Opinion based on a First Impression. Nothing more. Such a limited experience trying out the gun that belongs to a friend of a friend who let you run a Magazine or Two only gives you an impression based on whatever ammo he had in that caliber. And usually guys out shooting are not shooting “The Good Stuff”. But don’t tell everyone that you “tested” it. You got an Impression and nothing more.
Don’t get me wrong, guys. There are many suspicious Mt. Dew Bottles out there that need to be shot. That’s fine. Just don’t call it ”Testing”.
There are differences between Utah and the East Coast.
1. Pretty Girls Riding Bicycles and Smiling. If you drive around Emerald Island, or pretty much anywhere along the East Coast that I’ve seen… you will see Pretty Girls riding bicycles. They are all over the place. And every one of them is smiling. At first I thought this was lovely, but the consistency has become disturbing. There is something Stepford’ish going on here. I don’t trust it. I stopped at a Stop Sign waiting for traffic when one of these Stepford Girls rode up and stopped next to me. She said “Hi” and smiled. She was gorgeous. I screamed and drove off in a cloud of tire smoke.
2. If you buy Grits and the Grocery Store the Cashier doesn’t look at you funny.
3. They have Grits at the Grocery Store. The real stuff. Not Quaker Instant.
4. BBQ is a Serious thing and it’s not to be taken lightly. Do not – Do NOT – ask for Ketchup at a BBQ place. I witnessed this happen to a guy who had New Jersey plates on his car. The establishment’s Pit Master damn near jumped the counter. No, I mean he was half way over when other people in the kitchen caught him and dragged him back. I believe this is where the term “Ruckus” comes from. The New Jersey Guy was ordered to leave or he’d be thrown on the grill next. He left. Very quickly.
Also, going along with this… Don’t be from another region and try to boast that your region’s BBQ is better than the one you are in. You just eat your BBQ in the manner of the locals and shut your dirty heathen mouth.
5. People will Abide. In Utah, people are always in a rush. No matter where or when, they are always in a rush. No one just takes a moment to enjoy where they are at. If there isn’t something going on, their noses are in some Electronic Device. Here on the Coast, I’m seeing people just kicking back, taking in the awesomeness of their surroundings. I did this myself. Just sat on a bench by the docks, and watched the boats and people and the sea birds… You know what? I could do that every day for the rest of my life. It’s nice to just… Abide. Turn off the Cell Phone. Turn off the MP3 Player… and just be where you are. People will do that here. They don’t do that in Utah.
As many of you know, I’m doing a series of books about getting into guns. This is the intro to the first one:
You are taking your first steps into a new world. Into “The Gun Culture”. Hopefully with a little coaching here those steps will turn into a run.
First off, we’ve got to define what that Gun Culture really is. Because the Mainstream Media will have you believe that the Gun Culture is full of banjo playing, illiterate racists. This is not the case. For the last (almost full) decade I’ve been selling guns at what is my favorite gun store in Utah. I’ve sold some guns to people that, yes, could be called banjo playing illiterate racists. But I’ve sold far more gun to people who can not be categorized and labeled so the Media can easily dismiss them.
Ballistic Theater. A live Spreecast discussion of movies and TV for gun guys by gun guys. Wednesday nights at 8pm EST. Daniel Shaw, host of Gunfighter Cast and head of Paratus Academy and yours truly, George “The Mad Ogre” Hill.
First episode: Getting To Know Your Hosts – Our Favorite Gun Movies.
This has been two years in the making. Daniel had to move from Japan to the East Coast. George had to move from Utah to the East Coast. No excuses. No quarter. No Editing. No missing this… We’re not Pod Casting This… We’re doing this Live.