I am very pleased with how well these Crusader Sterlings have done. This project is going to be a lot of fun and I’ll be working on these things personally, along side GunDoctor. I am really looking forward to getting my hands dirty and taking a photo amongst a bunch of SMG’s.
I might have to change the name of the Blog to The Happy Ogre.
Teaching our children about Patriotism… respecting the flag… all that…
“I can’t, Mom. This isn’t the country you taught me about.”
Ouch. The boy speaks a painful truth. He’s right. This isn’t the country I and my brothers swore oaths to defend. Especially when you consider Day Time Curfews…
There has been a lot of talk by Obama and his henchmen about crushing Coal. In his own words, what has Obama said about Coal? He said he wants to bankrupt them.
Coal is one of the true measures of the energy strength of the United States. One quarter of the world’s coal reserves are found within the United States, and the energy content of the nation’s coal resources exceeds that of all the world’s known recoverable oil. Coal is also the workhorse of the nation’s electric power industry, supplying more than half the electricity consumed by Americans.
Here’s the deal, America is rich with natural energy. We have oil and natural gas under our feet. Energy should be CHEAP for us. But it isn’t. Why isn’t it?
On the way to Church this morning, I saw something interesting. A hawk swooped down on a dove that was sitting on a powerline. The hawk drove the dove to the ground, tearing it’s chest open. The hawk wasn’t much bigger than the dove… it was a small hawk. Not sure of the species. The hawk tried, but was unable to carry the dead dove off. So it feasted on it’s kill where it laid. One of my younger boys who saw this as well, declared that this was “COOL!”
It is with both a great deal of amusement and with some disappointment that I read the news about the games Senate Democrats in the great state of Wisconsin are playing.
Before you can take your ball and run home with it… it needs to be your ball, Senators. You people have sworn oaths of office, and I know that means so very little to Democrats, but you still took the oath. The topic of controversy is spending, and here you are running off into another state, which is costing the Wisconsin Taxpayer even more money for your silliness and you are holding up the functions of the Wisconsin State Government.
This is not what you were voted for. You folks are behaving foolishly. Yet at the same time, not unexpectedly. The Democrat Party has been reprehensible for some time and your behavior as a national party has only been getting worse. You people are disgusting. Either get back to work, or quit and let those willing to do the job step up.
The BATFE needs to make some amends here. There is much to be accountable for. The BATFE has broken the faith and committed a massive violation of trust. I think the BATFE has outlived their usefulness. Gun Dealers have been villainized by these guys, and it turns out that they have committed the much greater sin.
Let’s have Congress set a budget, and any spending over that budget gets paid for by Congress out of their own pockets via Wage Garnishments. Just a thought.
I bet they could find ways to keep the spending in check then.
The National Debt is now equal to the National Economy.
This news is more disappointing than it is surprising. We’ve seen this coming from a mile away. We’ve seen the spending like the proverbial “Drunken Sailor”. But this is an insult to Drunken Sailors. Congress is much worse, because I know several drunken sailors and when they get really hammered, they wake up the next morning with a new tattoo and an empty wallet, but their partying never put me and my family in debt. Sure, I did have to post bail once for one particular guy, but I got that money back… and I didn’t have to cover his bar tab.
Obama wants to cut the deficit. First thing he wants to cut, as all Democrats are want to do… Military Spending. Who could have seen that coming? Yeah, that’s shocking. 78 Billion reduction in spending. That’s interesting, because I bet we could cut a lot more from other useless programs before we touched our National Defense. For example, we gave the Art Institute Of California Hollywood a total of 16.5 Million dollars. The Art Institute Of Houston was given 38.9 Million. 28 Million went to the Art Institute of Las Vegas. Of all this money, really and honestly how necessary was this spending? In what national interest was this spending made?