In my brief on the FN Reflex, I let slip that I owned the HK VP9SK. This pistol has been on the market for some time now (2017). Since I mentioned it, I might as well talk about this one too.
The VP9SK is as the name implies, it’s simply a compact version of the VP9 which has been out since before Trump’s first presidential term. 2014 actually. Back when I was helping run a certain Gun Store and Range, I was able to spend some time with the VP9, and it impressed the hell out of me. It was a good looking piece, with good sights and one of the best striker triggers I had ever felt. In fact, it shot so good for me, I actually won a bullseye contest with it.
I snagged this one when a sweet trade option came to me because I really did like the VP9, and this EDC Friendly Version of that just seemed like a great way to go. The trade offer was straight across and the gun I traded was completely useless to me, so why not?
The ergonomics on it are great, due to the swappable back strap and side plates on the grip… you can make it fit your hand perfectly. Which is a huge advantage for those with Tiny Hands or Huge Paws. I like mine best with the Small Side Plates and the Medium Back Strap.
The most un-ergo thing for a lot of shooters is the HK Magazine release. Americans prefer buttons and the VP9 series doesn’t have them. Instead it uses a padlle style release… an ambidexterous style lever that you push downward. I’ve run the HK USP as a Duty Pistol back in the day and I got used to that, so the German Way is not unfamiliar to me. One can get in the habit of using your trigger finger to release the mag with some practice and range time.
Firing the HK VP9SK is a pleasure. For one so compact, this little HK feels absolutely plush compared to other pistols in this class. Compared to most Micro Compacts which can feel rather “Snappy”, the VP9SK feels like a Cadillac. The accuracy is very good. And with some practice getting reacquainted with the paddle mag-release, speed reloads and “Tactical” reloads are very easy and quick. Something some of the Micros cause struggles with.
The VP9SK is an interesting pistol… Because the newest HK that just dropped, the CC9, is basically a VP9SK that got into Crossfit and Bicycling and Veganism and won’t let you forget about it. I think the CC9 is a bit late to the Micro Game, and is kind of unneeded because THIS EXISTS and the CC9 doesn’t offer anything over this, save for being slightly skinnier, has the Button mag release, and is made in the USA… and now we’re MAGA Country again, so we’ve got that going for us. Which is nice.
In short, if you are considering a Micro Compact, but don’t quite like the way any of them feel… The VP9SK is probably a great choice for you. But don’t take my word for it. Go find one at your Local Gun Seller, and wrap your hands around it. You’ll be glad you did.