Tag Archives: 9mm

HK’s most slept on pistol

In my brief on the FN Reflex, I let slip that I owned the HK VP9SK. This pistol has been on the market for some time now (2017). Since I mentioned it, I might as well talk about this one too.

The VP9SK is as the name implies, it’s simply a compact version of the VP9 which has been out since before Trump’s first presidential term. 2014 actually. Back when I was helping run a certain Gun Store and Range, I was able to spend some time with the VP9, and it impressed the hell out of me. It was a good looking piece, with good sights and one of the best striker triggers I had ever felt. In fact, it shot so good for me, I actually won a bullseye contest with it.

I snagged this one when a sweet trade option came to me because I really did like the VP9, and this EDC Friendly Version of that just seemed like a great way to go. The trade offer was straight across and the gun I traded was completely useless to me, so why not?

The ergonomics on it are great, due to the swappable back strap and side plates on the grip… you can make it fit your hand perfectly. Which is a huge advantage for those with Tiny Hands or Huge Paws. I like mine best with the Small Side Plates and the Medium Back Strap.

The most un-ergo thing for a lot of shooters is the HK Magazine release. Americans prefer buttons and the VP9 series doesn’t have them. Instead it uses a padlle style release… an ambidexterous style lever that you push downward. I’ve run the HK USP as a Duty Pistol back in the day and I got used to that, so the German Way is not unfamiliar to me. One can get in the habit of using your trigger finger to release the mag with some practice and range time.

Firing the HK VP9SK is a pleasure. For one so compact, this little HK feels absolutely plush compared to other pistols in this class. Compared to most Micro Compacts which can feel rather “Snappy”, the VP9SK feels like a Cadillac. The accuracy is very good. And with some practice getting reacquainted with the paddle mag-release, speed reloads and “Tactical” reloads are very easy and quick. Something some of the Micros cause struggles with.

The VP9SK is an interesting pistol… Because the newest HK that just dropped, the CC9, is basically a VP9SK that got into Crossfit and Bicycling and Veganism and won’t let you forget about it. I think the CC9 is a bit late to the Micro Game, and is kind of unneeded because THIS EXISTS and the CC9 doesn’t offer anything over this, save for being slightly skinnier, has the Button mag release, and is made in the USA… and now we’re MAGA Country again, so we’ve got that going for us. Which is nice.

In short, if you are considering a Micro Compact, but don’t quite like the way any of them feel… The VP9SK is probably a great choice for you. But don’t take my word for it. Go find one at your Local Gun Seller, and wrap your hands around it. You’ll be glad you did.

Glock Model 45 Quick Take

I’ve handled the Glock Model 45, but haven’t fired it… But I have fired the Glock 19X. Here’s my take on the G45: It’s the best handgun Glock has ever made. Period. It takes that “Glock Commander” form factor that make the 19X a pleasure to shoot, but improves it. True Glock Gen 5 features, forward slide serrations, and no droopy lip on the bottom of the front strap like on the 19X. And no lanyard. All you need to do to the G45 is to put Night Sights on it. Done. It’s the first Glock that I’ve ever looked forward to seeing hit production.

SIG M11-A1 a Unicorn captured.

The SIG M11-A1 has been one of my Unicorn pistols for some time.  It’s basically the latest version of the P228 that’s no longer in production.  I had used a 228 many moons ago as duty weapon when I did patrol work.  The M11-A1 simply adds factory night sights, the SRT trigger, and that’s about it.  If you are unfamiliar with the 228, that’s a shame.  But it’s what the 229 became with the addition of a frame rail.  The M11-A1 keeps the lines clean by being free of rails.  
Now, a lot of new Shooters out there might not know anything about the M11.  In the 80’s when the US Army adopted the Beretta M9 pistol as the service pistol, they quickly found that it did not meet the needs of everyone that needed a pistol.  So the Army adopted the M11 shortly thereafter. 
The M11 was primarily issued to Investigators and other DOD Agents that needed something concealable.  It also found its way into the hands and holsters of Aviators and others that the M9 was too large for.  The M11 has been quietly seeing service ever since the late 80’s
During that time, the civilian P228 was gaining popularity with Law Enforcement and I remember if a LEO wasn’t packing a Beretta, it was 226 or a 228.  I myself carried a 228 on duty until I switched to an HK USP, a decision that I do not regret.  But I did regret giving up the 228 from my arsenal.  It was a good balance of size, weight, and capacity and really worked well.



A Rep from Arex came by to show us their new REX Zero 1 pistol.
At first glance it looks like just another SIG knock off, like we’ve seen before.  But there’s something different about this one, and it warrants a closer look.   First thing you’ll notice is the Ambi Safety where the classic SIG slidelock lever is.  So it does have a manual safety.  The Magazine release is Ambi as well, and works and feels exactly the same from either side.  Deliberate push but not too much effort… damn near perfect actually.  And the magazine (comes with two 17 rounders – they have no desire to sell to California or other restrictive states) drops freely and cleanly.  20160511_112416

The gun is very SIG-Like.  With full length rails and much of the architecture is classic SIG.   Remember when I said the Slide Lock is a Safety?  Well, these guys made the Decocker the Slide Lock Lever as well as the Decocker.  So it works like a SIG, and it works like every other gun on the planet, all in one Lever.  It’s really very clever.  Kudos to the engineer on that.   What surprised me is the nation of origin.  Slovenia.  Slovenia is a nice little country surrounded by Croatia, Italy, Austria, and Hungary…. a region that is very beautiful, but not know for Technical Exports into the USA, but evidently they do well exporting to the rest of Europe especially in the more technical aspects of the automotive industry… So they do have the technical chops.
Miss Slovenia kinda looks like a Discount Kristen Stewart.  But I wont hold that against them.

The gun breaks down just like SIG, the Barrels look like they could be interchangeable as well.  The internal machining is very clean, like a SIG.  The only real departure is the normal coiled spring instead of the multiple coils.20160511_112429

The Magazine locks at the front-center which makes it naturally Ambi.  The Mags look to be very well made, smooth, and seem to be of high quality.  20160511_112440

The test example had very even wear marks, with the wear only finish deep… very normal looking.  And all the parts, fitment, and finish seem to be of very high quality.20160511_112525

Typical SIG take down.  No surprises, no warts found.  It’s an impressive gun.  I did put some rounds through it… and it functioned reliably.  The trigger was smooth, no grit, no stacking… it was very SIG-like.  But it was a bit heavier than my SIG P220’s trigger.  Not much, but I noticed it.  This did not hamper the gun’s accuracy.  It shot VERY accurately.  I’m not going to show the target, because after I shot it, other shooters followed on the same target.   But trust me – the accuracy was very good.20160511_112540
The only downside to the pistol that I found was that the dovetails looked strange… and when I asked the Rep, he informed me that they are proprietary and nothing on the After Market will fit.  (Same with the Grips) He then told me that they are working on other Sight options for the gun.  The standard 3-Dot sights are fine for most shooters… but Defensive Shooters will want Tritium sights and Competitors will want Fiber Optics.  I did not ask how easy it would be for a Gunsmith to cut the dovetails to fit a more common type… but I imagine it could be done rather easily.

Talking pricing, this is where it’s Un-SIG-Like.  You’ll be able to find these retailing anywhere from 200 to 400 dollars less than a SIG 226.    And that makes this gun a very viable option – but remember this was just my initial impressions from a brief (But careful) examination and a brief range session…. I would love to test one through a 2,000 trial.

My take away is that if I want a Discount SIG, I’d find a good used SIG and buy that, instead of this one that has different sights and different magazines and will need different holsters, I’m sure.   But if I wanted a brand new gun that is unique and operates more like a normal gun but still has that SIG look and feel… well… this is that gun. It has a lot going for it and buyers will most likely be very pleased with the purchase.

For more Information on the REX Zero 1, check out the factory website.

Ruger’s new American Pistol

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There’s a lot to be said about the new Ruger American Pistol.   But let me start out by saying that it’s a great shooter.  It’s a great looking gun too.  Out of the box, it’s been 100% reliable.  First shots with it – were exactly where I wanted the bullets to go.  The trigger is great, and easily one of the best in the business.  It’s up there with Walther PPQ and HK VP9.

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The internal machining of the new Ruger shows that’s up there with SIG and FNH in terms of quality.  That says a lot.    Every part is done exceptionally well.

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The feel of just the polymer frame is excellent.  It doesn’t feel chinsy and hollow like say, a SIG 320 does.  It feels like it’s quality.  Because it really is.    20151228_122108 (2)

The American Pistol departs from the normal “Like a Glock” pattern. This is a whole new mechanical system here, and the proof is in the feel of the trigger… Which is excellent.  20151228_122144

I like how they beveled the leading edges of the frame rails.  Which makes assembly easier than most autos.   The rails are also much longer than normal Poly-Strikers, and they are polished.  Thus giving the Ruger American Pistol a very smooth action.20151228_122206 (1)

Another nice thing about the Ruger American Pistol is that the steel sub-frame is machined out of one solid piece of steel.   Giving the whole pistol a much more solid feel than other gun of this type.20151228_122215 (1)

And dare I say it?  It’s one hell of a good looking pistol too.    The lines, the proportions… it looks “right” and it feels just as good too.  20151228_122223 (1)

The sights are standard Novaks, so finding and installing aftermarket sights should not be a problem.  It you like Novak 3 Dot sights – you are in luck.  If you like something different – the options are vast.  20151228_122230 (1)

Take down and such is just like a S&W M&P or a SIG P320… Lock it back, push the lever down, pull the slide off the front.
Ruger has said that these pistols will not replace the SR series of pistols.  But let’s be real – it will.  Because to buy an SR pistol, you will have to look at this gun and say “No, I don’t want that”.  Which is a statement you will not hear very often or ever.

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Interchangeable backstraps are included with the gun.  It comes with the Medium size installed, and you can opt for the Small or Large as you wish.  The Medium size though, feels small as it is.  20151228_122244 (1)

Ambi Slide lock lever and Mag Release.  Works perfectly from either side.  I love the angles on the gun.  It looks fantastic.  This is the best looking new gun to come out since the HK VP9 and M&P…. Both of those are sexy looking pistols too.  But I really like the looks of this new Ruger.20151228_122250 (2)

Ruger has said that they have no interest in a Military Contract. And have in the past refused to even participate. Ruger looks to have changed their minds on that.  In fact, they have mentioned the military requirements in the development of this pistol.    And having shot this gun and the other possible contenders – Ruger actually has a dang good shot at a Military Contract for this gun.  As well as contracts for LE Agencies across the globe.

Well done, Ruger.  Well done indeed.  I’ll be buying one soon enough.  Speaking of buying them.  They should be available for ordering as of Jan 1st from your local dealers.  Initial supply is very limited, so patience will be required for some time.  MSRP is 575, which means this should hit the streets at about 500.  It’s easily on par with everything else on the market at that price – and better than most.
Ruger, you’ve come a long way, Baby.  You have arrived.
Now make a Compact version for me.

Beretta 92FS change?


I love shooting my Beretta.  I just do.   But I’ve had a “Wake up” moment about it.   Let me explain…
I’ve never had a problem with the safety.  In fact, I rather like the safety mechanism as I consider it to be one of the safest safeties in the industry.  Now, when I carry my Beretta, my routine is to safe the gun, holster, and then flick it off safe.   This allows the first trigger pull to be unhindered.  More like a SIG.  I like that.

Friday the 30th, I participated in PointBlankRange.com’s Zombie Shoot.  It was a blast!   However in one stage, at two different points, I ran into some thorns.   From the first position of 3, you fire your string and safe your weapon and move to the second position to engage.   So I hit the safety, scooted to pos-2, and tried to engage.  Trigger was nothing but slack.  Two pulls, “Oh”, *flick*, bang bang bang… And then it happened again, exactly the same going into pos-3.

This was all me.  I recognize and own this.   It was not the gun – it was me.  Normally, the safety never “gets me” because I almost never keep it engaged.  I just don’t.  But because I did – broke from my routine – it got me.  twice in a row.   And I really really don’t like that.

Also, I’d normally have run my 1911… I just don’t run the Beretta enough.  Again – this is all me and my Ogreish habits.  How I do things.  And I was tasked to do things outside of my operating procedures – and evidently I don’t do that well.   I’m not making excuses here, I’m recognizing my malfunctions.

I think it’s time to look at doing “The G-Mod” on my Beretta.  Converting my 92 FS to a 92 G.   This changes the safety mechanism to a De-Cock Only.  So the lever will automatically spring back to the Fire Position.  This is evidently something that is so much of an issue for enough folks that Beretta even HAS a G model.

So now the question that I must ask myself… and only I can answer this for me.  Is do I get the G-Mod done, or do I train on this safety more so I don’t have those stumbles again?

Ruger SR9C

This gun has been on my mind lately.  Packing a full sized 1911 and a full sized 92FS poses difficulty when entering areas where you really don’t want your concealed gun to be made.

It’s a good looking gun. Short, small, and I can reload with a full sized mag.

At some undisclosed point in the past, at some undisclosed location, I was carrying concealed in a place that had it surfaced that I was packing concealed… would have been bad.  Not technically illegal, but it would not have been a happy situation.

While I knew my gun was lawfully concealed, I felt distracted and self conscience  because this was a less tolerant place.

Unlike past Ruger center-fire autos, the SR series is well sculpted and suitable for concealed carry.

Normally I operate and a Total ZFG situation when it comes to this sort of thing.   I just don’t care what others think… But when others could take actions that, while wrong, would… how should I say… hinder my calm.  I’ve not decided, but am thinking about getting something that is a bit more concealable.  I don’t want to go IWB, but I’d consider it.

The only double stacked gun I can remember that is narrow like the SR series, is the Browning BDM.

So I’m thinking a gun that’s shorter and as reasonably narrow and still be comfortable.   Now, I’m not wanting to go Single Stack… Because while I am not all that concerned with a high capacity, I like even more the idea of my reload giving me a boost… because if I Go Loud, I probably need a lot more ammo.  Especially if I’m using something as anemic as 9mm.  Which I consider Fine, but I’d like Finer.  I love my Beretta and shoot it quite well… and carry it often… but it has a lot of rounds.  Going down to a single digit round count for concealed carry – I’d rather have my reload give me as much as it can.

The Ruger SR9C gives me all of the above wants.
Of course, a Ruger SP101 would serve just as well.


I am conflicted.  Maybe we can chalk this up to New Gun Itch.  (The GP100 is still happening – eventually)

Apple iPhone’s iOS7 Review

The reason for this video was really just to give me an excuse to test out the Beretta 92FS after installing a new D-Spring in it which dramatically effected the trigger pull.  In fact, it cut the weight in half, or so it feels.   This one shot was the first live round I fired through it after I changed it.    To say the least, I am satisfied.  The Double Action pull, which I fired later, was also just as impressive.  Much lower weight than previous, with an overall better feel.  If you have a 92 series pistol, the D-Spring swap is a must.  It just is.
The truth about the iPhone – yeah, it’s a real iPhone, and it was mine, and I really shot it.  However it died the day I bought it because it got a little damp riding in the same pocket as my Droid phone in a water proof jacket, in a water proof pocket… but what moisture got in evidently killed it.  None of the “fixes” actually fixed it.  It was just DOA.  So I kept it.  Always with the intent to shoot it… because Apple.

SIG’s Latest

I’m thinking George Lucas must have joined SIG’s board of directors.  Check this out.

That my friends, is a SIG P228.  I used to have one.  I liked it.  So did other guys.  But not enough to keep SIG making it.  SIG discontinued it for many years.  Then they brought it back, briefly, with the addition of a rail.  Then they discontinued it again.

Now they are bringing it back with the Military Designation M11-A1.  To the Milspec Guys, the A1 designation means it’s all revamped to the newest standards.   And now some gun dudes (Not THE Gun Dudes) are getting all mushy about it.  “It’s a completely different pistol!” They say.  Oh for the love… No, it isn’t.  It’s a bloody P228!  If I take my wife’s Ford Explorer, scoot the seat back, and spray A1 on the back with Krylon, this doesn’t make it a completely different vehicle, it’s still a Ford Explorer.  And this M11A1 is still a P228… The same gun everyone ignored for the last 20 years.  But now all the sudden because it’s being sold under it’s Military Designation, it’s somehow better.  It’s just a 228.  And that’s a good thing.  The P228 is one my favorite handguns… It handles better than a 229, lighter too.  It’s a great gun.  But the way some guys are jizzing their pants about this is just crazy.  Where were you guys 20 years ago when SIG dropped the 228?  Because the M-11 has been around since 1989, used by the Military since then… and SIG still had to discontinue it because you guys were not buying it.

Hey SIG, just go ahead and Drop the “P” Designation of your pistols and make it “M”.