Category Archives: Uncategorized


Looking at the newest Fords and Chevy’s one thing is clear… Ford is slipping.   Ford is concentrating on making everything look like generic Aston Martins.  Including the new 2015 Mustang.  Now, I’m really digging the new Mustang.  A lot.  I mean… a lot…  Love it.  But when all the cars are starting to look the same way… it waters the Ford brand down.

Chevy is doing much the same with all their cars… The Cruze, the Malibu, the SS… they all look the same from the front.  This is disappointing.   Honestly, it’s hard to tell them apart on the street.  Save for the Camaro and the Corvette.. They all look they came out of the OctoMom.  I’m not saying that they look bad individually… But when you walk around a Dealership… It’s a shallow gene-pool.  It’s like the same guy just phoned in the designs.

Making everything in your brand look the same… isn’t making it all look like Family.  It makes everything look Inbred.  This may have worked for British Royals through the middle ages… but it doesn’t work for me.  I don’t know about you.  What do you guys think about that?
I think where designs have really taken off, is with the interiors.

Continue reading Designs

A changing world

Vladimir Putin is more popular than ever and is going to take the Ukraine with little effort.
Canada is getting itchy.
Scotland is going to split off from the United Kingdom.
Maryland State Police seem to be pissing on the Constitution more than Capitol Hill Insiders.

These are interesting times.  What should we do about all this?

What we need to do, is to get a grasp of our own legacy.  Our American heritage… our American Spirit.  American Exceptionalism.   To quote Mufasa, “You have forgotten who you are.”
We need to remember.



If you say Off Roading to different people, it’s going to mean different things.  And I don’t pretend to be an expert at anyone of them, but I’ve tried them…
Rock Crawling has never had much appeal to me.  Fighting your vehicle over obstacles may be fun for some… Twisting axels and drive shafts and blowing your tire’s bead off the rims… no, I don’t consider that fun.  Sure, it’s fun to watch others do it.  But I’ve never been tempted to do it for sport.  I’ve done it a couple times out of necessity in my Bronco or my Scotsdale… but I only did it to get out of areas I got into and had no other way out of.  No, I’ll avoid rock crawling as much as possible.
I’ve never liked Mudding either.  Sure it can be fun, but it can get you stuck tighter than anything else.  See, the Earth doesn’t like Mud Boggers and Mother Earth strives to punish them… Sucking them down ever deeper into her grasp.   I was once stuck for over 14 hours when I went Mudding with some folks in Washington State.  We were so stuck, a couple of us had to hike out to find Search and Rescue.   The Rescue vehicle showed up, pulled them out (While me and another fellow hung out at the Rescue Station and waited for them to make it back) and then got stuck them selves.   That cured me of all my desire for Mudding.   And then as further punishment, the Mud will get into your axles and bearings and everywhere else it can cause havoc and if you don’t get it washed out good – will act as a grinding compound to eat your vehicle alive.  No, no thank you.
Now then there is Overlanding.   This is my kind of off roading.  Overlanding is about traveling.  It’s about going some place, not just getting through some thing.  The way I see it, Overlanding has a point.  A destination as well as the journey.
I see a lot of Off Road vehicles guys are setting up and a lot of them just make me scratch my head.  What are they set up for?   To me, it seems they are set up for looks only.  Some look like they could be set up for Mudding or Rock Crawling until you look closer.  Few are set up to be an actual Bug Out Vehicle, yet that’s what their owners are saying they are.  I’m sorry, but Jeep is cool with your 454 on a stock 18 gallon tank turning 44″ tires isn’t going to get you much distance, so I hope you are not Bugging too far Out.
To me, a good Bug Out Vehicle has to be a good Overland Vehicle.  Imagine it this way… You have to get from one coast to the other, without going on a Freeway or passing through a city and avoiding as much population as possible, and avoiding Points of Entry along the way.  Now plot that course out.  You may have to take some trails or fire roads.  You may have to cross open BLM Land.  Forestry Trails.  Follow power line trails.
Okay, let’s get serious here.  Think about your Zombie Plan.  Your SHTF Plan.  Your Bug Out Plan… Where are you Bugging Out too? How are you going to get there.  Now think about who you are taking with you.  Okay, now think about what you are going to need.  Now think about how you are going to take that with you.  Yeah, just having a 4×4 isn’t the solution.   You may not actually need a 4×4.  If your plan is just “getting up into the mountains”… You need a better plan.
This is where Overlanding has some good value.  It’s like a how we go to Shooting Courses to learn the art of gunfighting… but for Bugging Out.  Get out there… get into the wilderness. Get away from Wi-Fi.  Disconnect from things.  And put yourself to the Bug Out Test.  By actually Bugging Out for awhile.
Man, I do miss my Chevy Scotsdale 4×4 right now.

Frequently Asked Questions from Facebook Messages.

What is your favorite pistol?
Depends on the intended use.  Since I mostly talk about defense use of firearms, I’m guessing you are talking about my favorite defensive pistol… In that case it’s the Glock 23.   I’m sure most readers are shocked about that.  (Sarcasm) Overall and ultimately, the favorite pistol that I posses is my 1911.  It’s a bone stock Springfield 1911 GI model and it is my favorite handgun.  While I do not shoot it or even talk about it with any regularity, it holds a special fondness in my heart that I can’t explain, and if I had to explain it to you then you would not understand.  My favorite gun to just “plink with” would probably be my Beretta 92FS.  And I can’t explain that either.

What is your favorite caliber?
Again, depends on the purpose… overall and ultimately my favorite cartridge is probably the .17HMR. That little round continues to baffle and amaze me.  It’s insanely accurate and the damage that the .17 Hornady V-Max load is capable of is almost supernatural.  If you are talking defensive cartridges for handguns, well, 10mm but I am economically disadvantaged to enjoy it as much as my appetite for it allows.  So I satisfy myself with the shorter and weaker version called the “.40 S&W”.    For big bore rifle hunting, 7mm Remington Magnum is my pick for longer range hunting while .45-70 is my choice for closer range work.  However anything I can do with .45-70, I can probably do and would rather do with a 12 Gauge Slug.

If you had to “Pick Just One”?
That’s easy, and I’ve said it before… If I could only have just one gun, it would be a Remington 870 12 Gauge.  Potent and versatile, I can hunt anything from humming birds to African Elephants by just using the right shell for the job.  And I’ve hit targets with it from 0 to 400 yards (Have Witnesses) with my 18″ smooth bores, nothing fancy or specialized.

Do you still hate the AR-15?
No.  When I wrote “That” the AR-15 was finicky and troublesome, and I personally had several that were completely useless as rifles.  Moving on from that time, the AR-15 platform has had a lot of development and people have generally figured out how to build them to run.  Now days, even a cheap entry level AR from a 3rd tier maker is going to run pretty well if you take care of it.  And a good one will run pretty well even if you don’t.  My current rifles have reliability records that I would not have believed when I wrote the Why I Hate The AR-15 article.  Daniel Defense remains my top choice for an off the shelf rifle.  Crusader Weaponry for a custom rifle.



Woke up from a nightmare that I can’t stop thinking about.  It was extremely vivid and real.  HD Dream.  Sight, sound, smell… and when I woke up, I could still feel the phantom pains of my injuries.
In the dream,  I was leading my youngest child to the car.  It was night and I was parked in a dark area of a large parking lot filled with vehicles.   I put my boy in the car, walked around and got in… and suddenly this huge guy made of darkness that smelled of coal and burned rubber jumped me.  He started grabbing me through the open window.  I had to fight him off from a position of disadvantage.  He had a box cutter.  I had a gun, but it was not chambered and I struggled to get it loaded while fighting this dark – thing. I was getting cut badly, but finally got my gun into play.  Keeping my left arm high, I emptied the gun under it and into the Attacker, who fell away.  The muzzle blast was ferocious with heat, light, and concussion.   My boy was screaming.  I had blood everywhere. There was lots of pain. 
And then I woke up.

I can’t stop thinking about this dream.

My situational awareness was high.  But everything was wrong and I knew it.  Where I parked, the window down, the gun in Condition 3.  

I can only come to one conclusion.
I need a new gun.

Celebrity Addicts.

Another Celebrity has killed himself with drugs.  Many say he was a good actor. Lots of talent. That this is a terrible loss.
Yet I’ve got no sympathy for this. 
He was making millions of dollars for a few days worth of work.  He had everything the American Dream could ever offer.  A List, as they say. Yet he chose to do drugs… because he was unhappy because his life felt hollow and meaningless.
Why is that?
Probably because it was hollow and meaningless.  He chose a more selfish path… of indulgence and self gratification.  He didn’t do what he could have done… make a difference in the world.  I’m sorry… playing make belive in front of a camera isn’t making a difference.   He’s not helping people.
He’s not being a part of things… and thats why he was unhappy.  He knew it and that’s why he was found with a needle in his arm. He was running away from life… being selfish.   It’s the most pathetic end.  And I have no sympathy for it.


A good Browning High Power has always been my #1 Unicorn. Followed very closely by #2, a SIG P210.
Those are so close as to be more like 1 and 1.2…

The Browning is a very special pistol to me.  Not that I’ve some nostalgia for it… but I’ve just always held it in high regard.  The pistol is almost as historic as the 1911 and is considered by many to be John Moses Browning’s crowning achievement in handguns.
The SIG has it’s own merits that make it extremely desirable.  One is it’s fabled accuracy. The other is its accuracy.  The downside to the SIG P210 is that it’s a very expensive pistol.  It requires a lot of machining processes, which naturally increase it’s cost.  But there is a cult following of the 210 that doesn’t allow used 210’s at reasonable prices to be found.  Those that are put on the market are snagged up so quick it’s insane.  Now that SIG is officially making them again, it’s going to mean new used 210’s on the market, so hopefully this changes.  But most guys who buy one, and shoot it, do not sell them off.  I’ve yet hear anyone that has actually owned one that said they didn’t like it.  Not one.  I’ve heard some guys who’s borrowed one sour grapes..


More on this later.

First Post of 2014

Well, let’s just get this out of the way.  I have a new desk calendar, so that means it’s a whole new year.  I’m really not all that hyped about the whole New Years thing.  This just means we’re all a little older and we still keep plugging along doing what we’re doing… except now we’re doing it with 58 Billion in new taxes and 40,000 new laws.  This also means we get to start worrying about Taxes and all that… Let me find my party whistle for that.

I started out 2014 as optimistic as ever, but that faded faster than my list of New Years Resolutions.  Which was first to have one.  I couldn’t find it.  SO.

For us Gun Guys, the New Years means getting ready for SHOT SHOW which is in a couple weeks.  Why is SHOT always in January?  Really it needs to be in March.  March is a much more reasonable time.  Spring time.  The new beginning.  Where as January is the dead of winter and I’ve yet to travel to or from SHOT without having to use Four Wheel Drive at some point.  Well, Last year I did drive a 4×4, but didn’t engage it.  We were however engaged by Homeland Security armed with HK MP5 topped with EOtechs… And this year I’m looking at a lack of snow and now suddenly wondering if I should fly to Salt Lake and rent a 4×4 for good luck.   Alas, the flight is already booked and the down side is that the flight plan actually takes me to LAX before rebounding back to Vegas.  So not only do I have to enter California, but I’ll be in Los Angeles of all places.   I must have been unusually cruel to puppies in another life.  But still… SHOT SHOW.  I’ve got a schedule of meetings I’m putting together, and in between, I’m going to be looking at some of the New Hotness.

Already there is much buzz about the Remington R-51 pistol, which you have all already seen.  Quick note to all those telling to look at the Remington R-51 Pistol. Yes, we’ve seen the new Remington R-51 and are blown away by the resurrection of the strange design from 1917 that was then a commercial failure but will now be a dramatic renaissance. It is a good looking pistol and different from what is current fashion. We are sure it will sell like hot cakes.  However it does not impress me. The action seems wonky to me and I don’t like it. While it has some nice features, I’m just not as impressed as some folks.  I eagerly await the return of the Savage 1907 and the Borchardt C-93. I shall start saving immediately.  But I’ll look at this new R-51 and give it a fair shot.  I will strive to be open minded, as I always am and will freely admit that I was wrong if it turns out that I am.  I’ve changed my opinions on many things as new information comes to light.  So while I’m not impressed in the slightest, if it feels good in the hand, if it has a good trigger, those are certainly pluses.  But reliability is my main concern and reliability will not be proven at SHOT Show.

An Open Letter to all Democrat Mormons.

Your hypocrisy disgusts me to the core. You are Mormon and yet you follow the wicked persuasions of Democratic Party and “Liberal” (though they polluted the meaning of the word) Ideology. As a Mormon your Faith requires you to avoid even the appearance of Sin… Yet you support the Party that delights in it. It promotes sexual promiscuity, and removes the responsibility of it. It excuses it as “there is nothing wrong with that” and dismisses the repercussions to the soul.
It’s the party that fosters it and forces it to children through public education where the curriculum teaches oral and anal sex as alternatives to intercourse to avoid pregnancy. And should that unfortunate “condition” occur… The child is able to ask for and be granted abortions, without parental consent or notification. The allowance and excuses for the murdering of infants… killing life so precious they are spotless before God. Your Party supports all of that and you support that Party.
All of this against the tenents of your Faith… You, Democrats make very poor Mormons and I am ashamed that you are members if my same Church… To think I would have to sit in a Sacrament Meeting with you and watch you take the bread and water and make a Mockery of those covenants. Blood and Sin are the hallmarks of that you support. You need to repent to the God of Heaven and beg his forgiveness. How any Democrat is allowed in His Church I’ve no idea… but they should be driven from his Houses like Jesus drove out the money changers from the Temple.

Or am I wrong on this? I know that Church is for Sinners and all that… but if I don’t pay a full tithing, I can’t go to the temple. But if I believe Democrats are awesome and Reid and Pelosi are heroes for keeping the USA Pro-Choice… supporting hundreds of thousands of abortions. I can just slide on through into the temple. Is it a money thing? You can buy your way in? Because that’s what it seems like. Harry Reid is a Mormon, and it is rumored that he goes to the temple.
What did Jesus say about rich men entering the kingdom of heaven? Eye of needle, what?
To get your temple recommend, your pass to go into the temple… you have to answer some questions. One of them is “do you support any organization that is counter to the beliefs of the church”. The Democrat Party is 180 Degrees opposed to Mormon belief.

Maybe I’m wrong here. If I am, tell me why… not with political reasons… doctrine reasons. Show me where in the Scriptures or Articles of Faith or Gospel Principles or Conference Talks that I’m wrong.
Show me.