Category Archives: Uncategorized

NBC: Giving the Finger to America

NBC edited the Pledge of Allegiance.  If you watch the video, you can see they are cutting the words and splicing in patriotic images.  Which was poorly done and they could have shown those images over the words of the Pledge.  But that’s not what they did because they had a motive.  Watch the video and listen to the words.  They cut out two words.  Under God.

This is an attack on the base foundation that our Nation was built on.  We’re a nation built on Conservative Judeo-Christian Values.  We’re not an Anti-Religious country.   80% of the Country believes in God.  Different views, but generally we are a nation that believes.   And that’s a great thing.  But there is a movement in the country to undermine that foundation.  We see that in the constant attacks against anything that symbolizes Christianity.  And we see that NBC is a part of that movement.

The insulting part is that back-handed apology NBC made.  They didn’t say they were sorry that they edited the Pledge.  They said that they were sorry people were offended.  They didn’t even mention what they cut out.  They couldn’t even say that.   Scumbags.


Who Is Deadliest?

In one corner, we have Gandalf the White.  Wizard of the First Order, armed with a stick that glows in the dark.  In the other corner we have Masterchief.  Hero of Halo, armed with whatever weapons he finds.


I think this just might be just as valid as “Deadliest Warrior”.  Just sayin.


Anyone want to vote for Miss Utah?

Once more, I’m asking The Horde for help.   McKenna is going for Miss Utah again, and word has it, she is the one to beat this year.  The favored girl.  So here is what we need to do.

She's going for Miss Utah, because there is no Miss Super Awesome.

Take a look at all the Pretty Faces here.  And find McKenna’s picture, and vote for her.  Simple thing really.  I think there is even a donation thing to contribute to her Charity or something like that.  Because it’s also a fundraiser.   She’s the only gal there that is busting 30 out of 30 with her Over-Under.  Just saying.

Kenna has done this before and did very well, but didn’t win.  The Pagent People around are paying her a lot of attention this time around.    She’s had some setbacks, but has overcome them.  She went out for So You Think You Can Dance and the Producers spent 2 Days filming only her.   They filmed her shooting Shotguns and stuff… Yeah, they sent a film crew all the way out here and followed her around like puppies.   Then when the show aired, they didn’t use any of it.  In fact, she was only on screen 3 times I counted, for about a second each time.  They didn’t show her dance.  They didn’t show her win the ticket to Vegas or anything.  They cut her out completely.   Why?  Probably because the Brits involved in the show were offended that this girl owns and shoots guns.  She was very hurt.  She said, “It’s like it didn’t even happen.”  Instead of showing her, they showed some lunatics.  Some girl that thinks she’s the daughter of one of the Beatles, and the lunatic that thinks he’s Ringo Starr, even though he’s about a foot taller than Ringo.

Well, she picked herself back up and is moving on.  Because that’s what we do.  This People’s Choice vote can really help her out.    If she goes to a straight up competition, with real judges who are not playing political games, McKenna wins every time.  She has a collection of trophies that can fill rooms.  But in this competition, she needs some support.

.22 Shotgun: The Targo & the MoSkeet Trap

On Armed American Radio last Sunday, Mark Walters and I joked about an Anti-Gun report that mentioned .22 Rimfire Shotguns. I was unaware of any such beast, as was Mark.
Well, Mossberg actually made one. I was looking up a source for a .22 Magazine and found reference to the 1930’s Mossberg Targo .22 Shotgun. So, I was wrong. There is a .22LR Smoothbore out there.  These were produced until, believe it or not, as late as 1968 according to that link.  Remington made one too.  Based on their little pump action .22, it was called the MoSkeet Trap.  These were primarily used in Shooting Galleries, but saw slow sales everywhere else.

So, there you go.  I was wrong.   I am however surprised that Listeners didn’t call this to our attention.


Strange News

First Up:  I know guns do a lot of things… but I’ve never considered it as a Wart Remover.  It worked. The wart was removed.  Kind of.   If by removing the finger the wart was on, then yes, shooting the wart worked.

Second:  Scientists are not our friends.  This is bad.  Isn’t there some sort of Peer Review or Corporate Funding Review that could have put a stop to this research on the bases that this is a very bad idea?  Seriously, who is going to try a bite?  Oh wait… this just my sell big in Germany.

And the best one:

Global Warming?  Sorry… no… we meant COOLING.  Global Cooling.  As in, we’re looking at an Ice Age again.  So for all you guys that purchased Carbon Offset Credits.   HA!

I don’t get Steampunk.

Steampunk seems to be all about Victorian clothes, with Goggles and Boots and Brass Gears and Tubes.   Am I missing something?

Yeah, I heard it’s all about Jules Verne (The Father of Sci-Fi, yada yada yada) and stuff… but I don’t get it.  It’s less Geeky than Cyberpunk, I’ll give it that.   And the people seem smarter and better looking that Cyberpunks… but I’m just not getting Steampunk.

Someone, please explain this to me.

Timbers are Shivered

I have awesome Sisters-In-Laws… One of them is just a force of nature.  She decided to build a Fort for her kiddies to play in.  She can’t do anything half way.   Check this out.

Yeah, that kinda says everything about the family that I married in to.   They kinda force you to Be Awesome just so you can fit in.   So now, if I want to build a Fort too… the bloody thing is going to have to be the USS NIMITZ with a working Cat system.  Hmmmm.


New Laptop!

Okay, I picked up my new HP Laptop running Widows 7.   It’s a Pavilion dm4 with an i5 processor, 4 gigs ram, huge HD with more gigs than I can count.  I like it.  The keyboard layout is good… just like my old one.  But there is one critical difference.   This thing doesn’t have the scroll section on the touch pad.   Not that this is a deal breaker for me… but I am missing it within seconds of using this machine.    I’m also not hugely impressed with Windows 7.   Too many bloody automated “features” keep popping up.  Well, it’s new, so once it learns my preferences it’s going to stop pestering me.   Just a side note, I’m never doing business with Staples again.  Douches.  And I don’t use that word lightly.    

Okay… so I have the new laptop… have to name it.   The last one was “Hordecaster”, the Netbook is “Orcalite”… so maybe “Hordemancer” for this one.  Meaningless frivalties really, the name… but I like naming things. 

New Videos for the MadOgre Channel on YouTube will be coming SOON!