Category Archives: Government

Magpul Leaving Colorado?

Colorado passed a very strict Anti-Gun measure today.  It bans ammunition magazines above 15 rounds capacity.   It also bans the manufacturing of higher capacity magazines.

Because 15 rounds is a reasonable number.

This is where MagPul comes in, as everyone knows, MagPul makes one of the very best magazines for AR-15 rifles.  Some say the best.  I have several and yes, they are indeed very good magazines.  But now Colorado has basically said they can’t make them anymore.  MagPul’s only options are to either A, comply with the law, or B, leave the state.

MagPul has said that if this law passes, they would be forced to leave Colorado.   And since it did pass, I think it’s time get to moving.  I think as Industry Leaders, MagPul has to.   A solid message has to be sent to these Anti-Gun states.  You can not be Anti-Gun, and yet enjoy the wealth that resident Gun Companies provide.  MagPul gives a huge amount of money to the State of Colorado.  Through Taxes directly, and through the Taxes paid by MagPul’s Employees via State Income or Sales Taxes.  These Employees also cycle the businesses of others… because they need food, drink, shelter, entertainment, and everything else that people spend their money on.    And Colorado as basically said “We don’t want you, but we don’t want to lose your Money.”  That’s nice.

I’d like to see MagPul pull up their stakes and head out.  Utah would be a great place to go, but I believe Texas has been mentioned.  Doesn’t matter.  Just go.  Show Colorado that their stupid legislation as cost them and the MagPul’s community a great loss.  I’d like to see all of MagPul’s employees move too.  I know this is hard, but it would show the rest of the country what happens when they legislate a company out of business.  This would send a message to the other Anti-Gun States, and Companies effected, such as Remington and Kimber behind enemy lines in New York.

Don’t reward Anti-Gun States with your Money.

This is Voting with your Feet.  Rewards States that value your Rights, and Punish those that want to infringe on your rights.  We need all of our brothers across the industry to look at a Relocation if they are in a State that wants to crush our Liberty.  The Shooting, Hunting, and Outdoor Trade industry is almost a 5 Billion Dollar Industry.  That’s a pretty big pull if it could be used wisely and all together.  Thousands of small companies and employees.  Some pretty big companies as well.  Anti-Gun States should not get any slices of this pie.

And what is this 15 round limit supposed to accomplish?  I can reload a Magazine in my AR in about a Second Flat.  Same with any number of my handguns.    Is this limit supposed to slow me down?  Slow down a Crazed Psycho?  How is this supposed to be of any benefit for the people of Colorado?

You know what happens when people are limited on the number of rounds they can have?  They opt for bigger rounds.  If I can’t have 30 rounds of .226, I might as well have 15 rounds of .458 or such.  This is what we saw during the utterly pointless Clintonian AWB… High Capacity 9mm’s were limited to 10 so what did people do?  They went to .45’s and we saw a huge resurgence of popularity for the 1911 pistol. Generally they only hold 8 rounds, but they are 8 rounds of a potent and military proven ordinance.   So instead of limitations the American Gun Owner ramped it up and went with as much power as they could handle.  This is going to happen again.  Trust me.  Go ahead and do an outright ban on AR-15 type rifles.   A rifle that uses ammunition with pictures of Rodents on the box.  And people will opt for rifles such as the Marlin Guide Gun that is fast handling and easy to use… and fires a round that damn near causes the Genocide of America’s Buffalo and can Curb-Stomp damn near everything that lives and breathes, walks and crawls, on this planet.  From Prairie Dogs to African Elephants.  .45-70 is a Monster of a Cartridge.  But that’s okay, because it’s not fed through the rifle by a Box with a Spring in it… Whatever, you Liberal Idiots, you do what you feel you must.  As will we.
Limit me to even one shot.  And I’ll use a rifle that fires projectiles the size of Coke Bottles that could punch through Armor Plate like it was tissue paper.
Here’s the other thing about the AWB.  Their are millions of these high capacity magazines out there.  All a Ban does is make them a little more expensive and you change where I get them from.  Because during the AWB, I still bought, sold, and traded many a High Capacity Gun.  It really didn’t effect me.  And I’m nothing special.
Prohibition didn’t effect people from getting a Drink either.  For all it’s Liberty Crushing Efforts, what turned out from Prohibition was that it became more popular than ever to Drink and it ushered in a new form of Organized Crime into the USA to supply the demand of Booze.  I remember staying at a big house in Northern Illinois some time ago.  Big nice house.  Had a huge – HUGE – ballroom and Bar.  This house was a “Speak Easy” during the Prohibition Era.  So you couldn’t go to the local bar that had to close down, that was almost closing anyways… you came to this house… which was bustling with people enjoying what they were not supposed to be enjoying.  The owners of this house did quite well for themselves.
Much like the Drug Trade is doing now.  Prohibition hasn’t stopped illegal drugs.  In fact, you can now have former illegal Drugs in Colorado, Weed, and you can smoke it all you want.  But you can have a Magazine that holds 16 rounds or more.  How is that working out?  Considering that we now have Drug Cartels warring for control of Mexico and Central America, openly, taking on the Mexican Government head to head.
This is all especially stupid considering that with a cheap 3D printer you can PRINT your own 30 round Magazines.  You can make one as easy as clicking “PRINT”.  Come on.  Use some Common Sense, People.  Gun Laws put people in Danger.  If Gun Laws worked, Chicago would be one of the Safest Places in the World.  Chicago would be a Utopia of Peace.
It isn’t.
Because Gun Laws don’t work.

Which one are you going to believe?

A Sheriff that’s trained, experienced, and knows his job inside and out. He says you should buy a gun. Buy a gun and get some good training on how to use it. Sounds like common sense to me.

We are living in dangerous times.  There are dangerous people out there that want what you have.  Listen to the Sheriff.  Buy a Gun.  Get Training.  Protect Yourself and your Family.

The Democrats would have you believe otherwise for some reason.  They want to take your guns.  All of them.  They have pretty much admitted to that several times, which is interesting.   Threaten to take all, then there is less resistance when they only take some.  Bite by bite, that’s how you eat an Elephant.  And that’s how you wear away our Constitution.

What’s interesting is who’s coming out that is on our side.  Phillip DeFranco shocked me.


I love how he turned “Sheriff Joe Biden” into a babbling idiot.
Of course, that’s like asking a fat kid if he wants cake and icecream.

Ban Liberalism

I just read that Stephen King says that the NRA should “clean up the blood and brains after the next the next massacre.” 

These people are shockingly ignorant of reality.  Even more so, they are dangerous to the health and safety of our nation.  All of these mass shootings have been happening in “Gun Free Zones”.  An idea set forth by Liberals.  Most all of these maniacs that caused these grievous incidents have all been Democrats, or have been known to support Liberal ideology.   Now, let’s take a look at an interesting map.


The most “Gun Violence” is happening in areas of high gun control, in areas where the Democrats have been running everything.  Not only have Democrat Policy have been failing America, but they are failing themselves.  Now they point at the NRA as the ones to blame?

The solution is very clear.  We don’t need to Ban Guns.  We need to Ban Democrats from Owning Guns and from Public Office and Administration.

Update:  It was brought to my attention that the crime map is fake.  Okay.  So let’s put up a real one.


This one shows us that pretty much – Pack a Gun to keep you safe no matter where you are.  And Democrat States remain the most dangerous.

Here’s a new one by one of our Readers…


Unified Front

Rob Pincus as written an article that has had me thinking ever since I read it.  You guys need to read this. Because this is important.

At what point do people step beyond the protection of the “Unified Front” clause of the RKBA Movement?

As usual, Rob is Spot On.

We can not bend our will to satisfy Fud’s and Fence Sitters.  This is an All or Nothing affair.  We give up anything today, it’s giving up everything tomorrow.  We need to police our own.  And I’m happy to see that the NRA has stepped in.  Like them or not, the NRA is our 800 Pound Gorilla, and when they lead, things happen.  The NRA called for a Boycott of gun show, because Reed Exhibitions banned AR-15 rifles from this gunshow.  As a result, they cancelled the show.
Some folks may be upset because of this.  Because they don’t like, or don’t care about AR-15 rifles.  But this is about far more than the AR-15.  Your Browning BAR in .30-06 is next.  Your old Browning Hi-Power is next.   And it’s not the gun.  Look at Diane Finestien’s “List”.  Look at those companies.  Thousands of good hard working Americans, our Brothers and Sisters, will be out of work.  I’m sorry some of you didn’t get to go the gun show to find new butt-pads for your “Kicks like a Mule” .264, but this is more important.
Cheaper than Dirt needs to feel the crunch too.  Those smug bastards were at SHOT SHOW.  They were not treated well by many.  Weak of Will, opportunistic price gougers… I’ve ordered from them in the past, but will never again do so.  And neither should you.

The AR-15 is a rifle Americans should be proud of.  It’s the Semi-Auto version of what our Military uses.  America has a long tradition of it’s Citizens owning and using the same rifle that our Military uses. After WWII thousands and thousands of used and surplus military rifles were turned to public sale.  There was even the Department of Civilian Marksmanship which sold rifles at a very low price.  (Now that is a privatized organization) I remember looking at old newspapers that advertisements for these surplus guns for 10, 25, 50 dollars.  An M1 Garand for fifty bucks, and a 1911 for 25 dollars, which left enough out of a hundred for some ammo.
But now we cant deal with our new crop of Vets and Citizens owning our military’s rifle?  This makes no sense to me.  The AR fires are around that is far weaker than that of the M1 Garand.  The Garand has been used not just for War Fighting, but for hunting everything in North America, from Deer to Elk to Moose to Brown Bear.  It’s a .30-06.  The AR-15 fires .223 Remington, a cartridge that comes in boxes with pictures of Rodents printed on it.  Yet the AR is the font of evil?

The prejudice against the AR-15 is based on Ignorance, Fear, and a huge case of “It doesn’t effect me”, well, let me tell you… It does effect you, and it will effect you a great deal if the Democrats get their way.  Your shotgun will be too powerful and you don’t need that much power to kill a little bird.  Your deer rifle will be labeled as a Deadly High Power Sniper Rifle that you Assassinate Bambi’s Mother with.  They will take away everything.  They have said themselves that this is their intent.  They have said that more than a few times.  They had even tried to ban any rifle round that can defeat police body armor – which is in fact, every rifle round.  They want our guns.  All our guns.


An Open Letter to your Sheriff

The highest Law Enforcement Authority in any given area is the County Sheriff. He is an elected official and thus has more authority than any appointed commissioner or chief. This is by design. He is the arbiter of law enforcement and sets the tone for how laws are enforced in his area.
Most Sheriff’s are solid patriots that hold the Constitution close to their hearts. As do all patriots in our Nation.
In the light of the recent political dialogs, we feel a great pressure against the Constitution, specifically against the Second Amendment. Most of the new regulations that are threatening our rights are not applied to Law Enforcement. Famously, the New York 7 Round restriction was not written to exempt Law Enforcement and it was quickly altered. Weapon types, Magazine restrictions, all of these Reasonable Infringements on That Which Must Not Be Infringed, are Law Enforcement Exempt, and only apply to “Civilians”.
Let me make something very clear. Law Enforcement Officers are Civilians as well. A Local PD Officer or Sheriff’s Deputy, for all their authority, are not subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, the UCMJ. As such, they themselves are also “Civilians”. They are US and we are Them.
The Sheriff and his deputies swear Oaths, just like those of us who enlist… to uphold and defend the US Constitution and the Rights of the People.
Here is how you do it. The Sheriff has the right to appoint special deputies. I submit that the Sheriff’s in Utah swear in everyone with a Concealed Carry Permit and everyone else he knows to be a Patriotic American that is legal to buy a gun and carry it… Swear them in as Volunteer “Special Reserve Deputies”. Put them in a Roster and assign them a Badge Number. Thus doing so, any Federal Regulation that would effect the masses, would not effect them. Allow these people also to purchase a “Badge” of some sort with that number. This also will serve as a National Carry Permit. This way, the Sheriff’s Constituents, and Citizens, can travel anywhere while being Armed and Safe, thus increasing their safety and the safety of those around them.
All of this would only take the Sheriff a moment and for the Department to keep an extra Spreedsheet file. So if someone is stopped, the officer doing the stopping can verify that the person is on file and is legal to carry, just like they already do.
They could even allow these Patriotic Citizens to attend, at their own cost, training classes, which could in effect help pay for the training for the rest of the department. I am pretty sure that in our local county, it could pay for the training of the deputies themselves and then some.
This would cement the relationship of the Deputies with the Citizens and foster much greater cooperation between the Agency and the Public. This also gives the Sheriff an large roster of willing people to call immediately in the face of an emergency or other event that could overwhelm the capabilities of the department.

A Sheriff doing this, would also pretty much never have to worry about getting re-elected and would then be able to focus on what he was elected for and not have to play the politician every four years and waste that time and money… as long as he serves the public well. And in doing this, he would.

Angry Rant Time

Maybe they are right. Who needs “Shoulder Thingies That Go Up”? I mean, that’s some serious effing firepower right there.

predator drawing
Alien Predator Weapon Tech is not to be taken lightly, for sure.  But who needs it?

Let me tell you.  If the Government has it, then we need it too.  And here’s why.  We have the Second Amendment, and this is exactly what it’s for.

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

While we can throw out the argument about Artillery and the always tossed “would you want your neighbor to have a nuke?” bs response… We can consider all Small Arms as valid and necessary for the security of the people and these are exactly the Arms that shall not be infringed so we can bear them.  Penn said it best when he broke the Second Amendment down.  Because the Militia is Necessary, we having just fought a war against a well regulated militia, The People – meaning us and not The Militia – will not have our right to keep and bear arms infringed.

To keep and bear…. That means to Have.  To Bear, that means to be able to Carry with us.  In a holster or over the shoulder on a sling, or even carried in a Low Ready Position – that is bearing arms.

What of these Arms?  What are we talking about?  Muskets?  Certainly not.  The British had Muskets, but the Colonials upped the ante with the use of cutting edge weapon technology… We had Rifles.  Much more accurate than the Muskets of the standing Militia.  Fast forward to today’s times.  The US Military rifles are the M4 Carbine and the M16A4.  These weapons should be available to the public.  But they are not.  This gives advantage to The State over The People.  Because the people can only have an AR-15, which are Semi Auto Only Sporting Rifles which can be no shorter than 16 inches.  The Military has Full Auto and Burst Fire with no restrictions on barrel lengths.  If we can not have at least the same rifle as the Military – Our rights have been infringed on.  Simple as that.

The big problem with this infringement is the National Firearms Act of 1934, which basically gave rise to the ATF, which is one of the most useless Government Agencies on the Planet.   The NFA pretty much infringed on everyone, and insured that the Government is able to put a boot to your neck any time they wish.   Ruby Ridge happened over two shotguns that had been cut off slightly shorter than the prescribed 18 inches.   A Wife, a Son, and their Dog, along with a Federal Marshall, were killed over an arbitrary length decided on back in 1934.  This is ridiculous.  But things like that happen all the time with the ATF, because that is their business… the bullshit Dotted I’s and Crossed T’s, they hunt them like IRS Accountants and act as if they are personally insulted if someone forgets to put “UT” behind “PROVO” on the place of birth.  Really, how many Provo’s are there in the USA?  But that is a violation… VIOLATION!!!  Punishable by FINES or the loss of your LICENSE… they can put you out of business if you make too many mistakes in your paperwork, no matter how small.
No other industry is regulated like this.  The ludicrousness of this so over the top, no other industry would tolerate it… but it’s done because of the great cause of “Public Safety”.

If this country want’s Safety, it’s pretty easy to do.  Disband the ATF and repeal the NFA.  Use that budget to improve road signs and put up Hazard Warning systems to alert drivers of dangers ahead in the road.  Or for a system that enforces the common sense of not Texting While Driving… you know… things that would actually save lives and not cost them.

What you’ll see in the rebellion

Bob Owens wrote a chilling article about a very possible future in this nation.   It’s something everyone should read.  
Note, Bob is not calling for violence.  He is explaining a dark vision of what could happen within even just one year.    It’s clear to me that Bob is a Patriot that loves his nation and he’s a solid blogger.  He’s added to the Blog Roll and worth bookmarking.  This piece is a tip of the iceberg of good stuff you need to read.

Here’s the meat of the article I want to point out.

Here, the President will doubtlessly order the activation of National Guard units and the regular military to impose martial law, setting the largest and most powerful military in the world against its own people. Unfortunately, the tighter the President clinches his tyrannical fist, the more rebels he makes.

Military commands and federal agencies will be whittled down as servicemen and agents will desert or defect. Some may leave as individuals, others may join the Rebellion in squad and larger-sized units with all their weapons, tactics, skills, and insider intelligence. The regime will be unable to trust its own people, and because they cannot trust them, they will lose more in a vicious cycle of collapse.

I’ve had quiet discussions with NCO’s and Officers at all levels in every branch.  What has been said can not be shared, but what I can say is that Bob’s vision of what could be is chillingly accurate.  Because these men swore an Oath.  To protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies.  Foreign and Domestic.

Armed Security in Schools

Okay, just so we are clear…
It’s perfectly acceptable that our Politician’s have Armed Security at their Children’s Schools.  But if you or the NRA expect the same thing, you are an extremist and are delusional.

Got that?
It’s for your own good… THEY know what’s best.