Category Archives: Training

Some guys shouldn’t have guns.

A friend of mine has a little brother who was is interested in shooting so he was brought along for enjoyment and learning… Little Brother is not so Little.  He’s pretty much a grown adult.  He just didn’t learn anything and almost killed someone because of it. This wasn’t an Accident.  This was his Negligence. Pure negligence and it almost killed my friend.

He was informed that he needed to get some formal and professional training.  He refused.  He doesn’t need it.

This was a couple years ago.   Recently the same thing happened.  Little Brother “Had an Accident” again… and again, almost killed someone.

An “Accident” is when a Child wets the bed.  When a gun goes off unintentionally, that’s a Negligent Discharge which is a result of Negligence.   So now we have a Strike Two.  We have a situation where once again Negligence – his negligence almost took a life.  But it wasn’t his fault, it was just an accident, and again he refuses to accept that he needs formal training.  When you almost kill people TWICE because of the same thing – this takes a step beyond negligence.  This is  Willful Disregard for the Safety and Lives of Others.  This makes one a Dangerous Jackass.  And to refuse to accept responsibility – I’m sorry… Your Done.  You should not have any firearms.  You are an ignorant and arrogant child that shouldn’t even be allowed to handle guns under Adult Supervision.  I’d even say that you shouldn’t even be allowed in a Training Class – unless you are fully accepting that YOU are the problem.  No – don’t blame the gun.  The gun didn’t Malf.  If you were squared away and followed the Gun Safety Rules – Malf or not – you wouldn’t have almost killed a guy – again.

Some people shouldn’t have guns.


Why do YOU need training?

I got a smart-ass email from someone who thinks they know more than they do.

“I thought you were a Trainer. Why do YOU need training?  Not as good you wish you were?”

You know, that’s a good question.  Most of the serious trainers that know never miss a chance to continue their own education. I dare say the best trainers never stop learning themselves.  When you stop learning yourself, you stagnate. Your instruction stagnates.  There are some of those trainers out there who think they are so all that, that they wouldn’t dare lower themselves to be a student again.  That arrogance isn’t a good thing, not for them and not for their students.  Their only remaining value is having a “Name” and students can then brag that they trained with them… because the actual value of that training stagnates with the trainer.  I could name names, but I don’t want to start any fights or flame wars or foster any animosity.  I’ll just say this, the best in the business know that they need to continually sharpen their swords.  Those that don’t, they know who they are.  The day I decide to stop learning, that’s the day I stop teaching too.

Getting ready for the MAG-40 Class.

Crusader Weaponry was invited to Massad Ayoob’s MAG-40 course coming up next week in SLC. Here’s the problem. I want to shoot the course with all my guns. Can’t do that. I have to pick just one. One gun, one holster.
Knee-Jerk option is one of my 1911’s. A newer style tactical 1911 that is all decked out, which was my first choice. Then part of me wants to run the course with my old GI 1911 in a G-Code holster, which I wear when working around the ranch or range.  That might be a solid option.  I wear that set up often now days.  Also worn often is my Glock 23, being packed in my Adams Holsters rig.   Choices choices choices.

Glock or 1911.  Hmmm.

The Utah Gathering and Training with Mas

On July 30th, at the Provo City Range (The one up the road to Squah Peak in Provo Canyon) Members of and Friends will be gathering for a day of Shooting and Socializing. We will be shooting in the morning, then a break for lunch at a yet to be determined location, then back to the range for some more shooting. Every Member of WTA is Welcome to come on out.
Then in September, Crusader Weaponry was officially invited to attend the Ayoob Group’s MAG-40 Class in Salt Lake Sept 14-17. This course is hosted by The Gun Dudes, and in attendance will be Daniel Shaw of Gunfighter Caste. This is going to be an EPIC week of training. Crusader will be there to show off some of Crusader’s Wares, Slipstream, and to have an awesome time with awesome people.

How to Not Shoot Yourself. By Daniel Shaw

Guest post:  How to Not Shoot Yourself.  By Daniel Shaw

 Shooters who subscribe to the Ogre’s blog or social networking sites were likely to have seen, in late June, the YouTube video of a gentleman who was doing some training that resulted in him shooting himself in the leg. From his language and the way he handled the pistol after shooting himself, I gathered that he was not a novice. His main purpose of posting the embarrassing video was to let viewers know that negligent discharges could happen to anyone. Even the most skilled and experienced shooters can make bad decisions through complacency and those decisions could lead to an accidental discharge.

Continue reading How to Not Shoot Yourself. By Daniel Shaw

Beware the Serpa

I used to be a fan of the Serpa holster. However, the more and more I used them the more problems I had. I don’t recommend them to anyone and suggest just about anything else over the Serpa. A brown paper sack is preferable in my opinion.

Problems I’ve personally seen:
1. Failure to depress lock mechanism completely, which results in the pistol not releasing during a quick draw.
2. The gun being jerked out of the hand somehow, resulting in a draw stroke that ends with the gun being tossed away from the shooter.
3. The lock failing and ending up with the gun being stuck in the holster.

Sealed Mindset and Crusader Weaponry

Retired Navy Seal, Larry Yatch, is one of the most impressive men I’ve ever met. Great guy. He has started a very impressive training school called Sealed Mindset. We talked at SHOT Show together with Joe Chetwood about building a rifle for a friend of his. Evidently the gun was a success. We now build their guns built to their specs.

Guys, these are probably the most hard core AR-15’s we’ve ever built. No, strike that – they are the most hard core AR-15’s we’ve ever built. And these guns are exclusive to Sealed Mindset. We can’t sell them to you. If you want one, contact Sealed Mindset, and order one.  While you are there, sign up for a training class to go with it.

For more photos of these awesome guns, check them out here.