Category Archives: Government

Government Shut Down.

The only problem I see with a Government Shut Down is that they well eventually Re-Open.

If the Government shuts down – all the Congressmen should have to pay for their own flights home.  One way.  And their .Gov Credit Cards should be Cancelled.

The Military should still get paid, but other than that – Let it all shut down.


New School Uniform?

Last year I taught a lot of Teachers, School Administrators and other School Faculty Members defensive shooting skills. I taught them for Free. This was in Utah, where it is Legal for Teachers and Faculty to carry concealed if they have a Carry Permit. For a teacher standing in front of a class room, I can’t think of a better holster than an INCOG carried in the Appendix Position, with a Glock 19 or an M&P 9C in there.

Watch this video below and tell me your thoughts.

What I’m taking away from this is that no one else in the family is wearing a target… just the little school boy going to school. Schools being “GUN FREE ZONES” which makes them Fish in a Barrel situations. Everyone else is safe, because evidently they are not going to Gun Free Zones.
My take – Get rid of Gun Free Zones. Let Teachers who stand up and are willing to bear the responsibility protect the students they teach. If they are not willing to protect my kids, why would I be willing to let them teach my kids?

Obama is not acting in our Nation’s best interests

He is pushing his own Agenda in backing the Syrian Rebels, who are backed by both terrorists, and the Muslim Brotherhood.  (Same thing?)  Pushing against international opposition to strike Syria plays into the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood and basically the entire Muslim Street agenda of doing away with Israel.

Obama’s backed the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, given them weapons and aircraft.  To fight who?  Who would Egypt need fighter jets to fight?  Israel.
Who is the target if the US strike’s Syria?  New York?  Israel.  Everyone is pointing guns at Israel, and Obama is giving them the ammo.

And the guns.

For what?   His Anti-Israeli feelings?  This is going to cost thousands of lives, if not hundreds of thousands of human lives.  Many Americans.  Many families of Americans.  Friends of Americans.  Business Partners of Americans.

Who Wins in all of this?  America?  No.  Who?

You know who…  The same people who we’ve been fighting against since September 11th, 2001  They are winning.

If we do this, what do we get out of it?   Nothing but more Cattle Car Security, Federal Scrutiny, and Higher Taxes… and the sacrifices and deaths of our Military brothers.

I do not support this push for war.  I do not support this President’s agenda.  I am sorry that Syria is a train wreck of a country and so many innocent people are dead and dying… Syria has never been our Friend, they chose to befriend the Axis of Evil, Russia, China, and those oppressive Communist regimes.   I say those allies of theirs can help those people.  Not us.  We don’t need to sacrifice ourselves and Israel to help people who would have loved to have seen these Chemical Weapons used on Americans.


As the situation in Syria is heating up, I grow more and more disappointed in this administration.
Their bungling of this crysis is an epic failure.  Obama is rattling sabers at people who have nothing to lose, no respect of human life, and are filled with seething hatred.   They are not people who are going to be intimidated by John Kerry shaking a finger at them.
Especially with Russia standing behind them.
Russia needs Syria.  Russia will defend Syria.  Because Russia wants their Port there.  Russia has a Naval Base there.
So why do we not let Russia handle this situation?  There is no need for us to meddle in these affairs.
What about the other Arab nations who are our allies?  We shouldnt have to get our hands dirty in this.  This is Syria’s civil war.  It’s horrible.  It’s disgusting.  And it’s none of our business.
Pushing War at this time in this area threatens us economically and Israel quite physically. 
So what should we do?
Nothing directly.   Have Lebanon and Turkey, or Russia handle this for us.  Incentives for them to take care of this.
Offer Russia Favored Nation Trade Status.   Offer Russia some business deals.  Build some factories in Russia… whatever they want that benefits both of us.  Everyone wants something.  And its usually money. 
Someone give Obama a copy of Game of Thrones.  Sheesh.

How’s that working out for you Prez?

If we elect Barack Obama as President the entire world will love us.  That was basically the promise the DNC made America.  Everyone in every nation around the world will love us.
Obama cottels, aides and abets Extreme Muslim groups around the world.  Financing them and even giving them weapons.  Because he’s Obama and they will love America then.

Now we are closing Embassies around the world.

Tucking our tails GLOBALLY.   Obama is showing us his ass.  Not just showing us his ass… But right there at eye level like a cat walking away… With a Press Conference.  “LOOK AT MY ASS!”

People… His plan isn’t working.  None of his plans have worked.  The Democrats plans never work.  Look at Chicago.  Democrats Gun Free Utopia.  Murder Zone USA.  Look at Detroit.  Bailout City!  These plans don’t work.  Liberal Ideology Doesn’t Work.


A couple things I want to talk about briefly.

First off, congratulations to the UK for the birth of a potential new Monarch.  The little bundle of blue blooded joy is 3rd in line.  Tremendous national adoration for a Bronze.  Thankfully the Royals no longer play by the Richard III rules.  Even though that would be entertaining.
Just saying.
Because I’d put my money on Royal Ginger that drives Tanks and Apaches and shit.  He’s awesome.  Whoops it up in Vegas “Hangover Style” then goes off and kills shit with high tech weapons of awesome destruction.

Okay, no, really… In all seriousness…

He should do that.  Fight his way to the Crown.  Take over England and rule it with an Iron Fist.  Remove all Gun Laws and Traffic Laws and let Health And Safety have a permanent Holiday.  Then the entire UK can run through the Darwin Filter so the only ones left are the Brits with Big Enough Balls.

Now, if that works in the UK.  We do the same to Washington DC, New York City, Chicago, and Southern California.  See if things level out.  Give it a couple years.  If that doesn’t work, re-institute Dueling.  It used to be legal way back when and we didn’t have half the problems we have now.  I think the nation started to go down hill when we outlawed it.  I think if we had Dueling, CSPAN would be Pay Per View and the Democrats would become the minority in this country.


I was paid a great compliment last Monday, after the Defensive Handgun course, by one of my Students.  And it was one that stuck with me.
He said my course should be the State’s Concealed Handgun training.
Wow.  That’s awesome.
Then I thought, all of my philosophies should be State Policy.  Within the boundaries of the Constitution of course.

Let me get this straight…

I heard this as interpreted by a hottie on Fox News…  the Government says “Help me, help you to protect you, from me.”   I chuckled at that for a bit.  A couple days later I was listening to an Obamacracy Official, and damned if that just isn’t exactly what he was saying.

So we need more legislation to keep these guys from overstepping boundaries, when we already have laws stating that they can’t over step boundaries.

And you know it’s bad when even The Huffington Post is holding up their hands and saying “Whoa, wait a sec here.”

Things were fine when they were just targeting Fox reporters, but they crossed the line when they went after the AP reporter.  That was the trigger that made it all blow up in their faces.   What’s asinine is that all of this was known well before the election and it’s only coming out after Bama’s got his second term.

I don’t envy the Dems come Mid Terms… the results are going to be scathing.


I hope.