Tag Archives: Stupid

The Bosnian Embassy Attack

The big Embassy attack that has people up in arms…. WTF was that?  Guy with an AK rattles off some rounds at the Embassy then just walks around for half an hour waiting for someone to shoot him.

With all those cops around there… it took half an hour to engage the guy with an AK.  Are they serious?

Higher Capacity, Lighter Recoil

The biggest arguments for the 9mm are that the guns have higher capacity and they have less recoil, and this lets shooters hit more and faster.  Okay.  Let’s take that at face value.  So if that’s good, let’s take it to the next step.

Super High Capacity .32 Autos.

Why the hell not?  Even less felt recoil with even higher capacity!   I mean, hell, why shoot a zombie 5 times when you can hit him 9 times!  Imagine your Aim Fast Hit Fast scores!  Come on, don’t be a wuss… it’s all about SHOT PLACEMENT man.  You know that.

Another War?

It is being reported that the President is now sending “About a Hundred” US troops to Uganda.  This is great.  Because I was thinking we were running out of pointless wars… Iraq and Libya coming to ends, that would leave us with only one!  Afghanistan.  Now we don’t have to fret at all.  Military Advisers never gets us drawn in an escalation into a shooting war…

*looks at the history books and turns pages to Vietnam*

Never mind.

Uganda.  That’s great.  At least its not another shithole place like…

*looks at a Google Earth*

Never mind.

Some guys shouldn’t have guns.

A friend of mine has a little brother who was is interested in shooting so he was brought along for enjoyment and learning… Little Brother is not so Little.  He’s pretty much a grown adult.  He just didn’t learn anything and almost killed someone because of it. This wasn’t an Accident.  This was his Negligence. Pure negligence and it almost killed my friend.

He was informed that he needed to get some formal and professional training.  He refused.  He doesn’t need it.

This was a couple years ago.   Recently the same thing happened.  Little Brother “Had an Accident” again… and again, almost killed someone.

An “Accident” is when a Child wets the bed.  When a gun goes off unintentionally, that’s a Negligent Discharge which is a result of Negligence.   So now we have a Strike Two.  We have a situation where once again Negligence – his negligence almost took a life.  But it wasn’t his fault, it was just an accident, and again he refuses to accept that he needs formal training.  When you almost kill people TWICE because of the same thing – this takes a step beyond negligence.  This is  Willful Disregard for the Safety and Lives of Others.  This makes one a Dangerous Jackass.  And to refuse to accept responsibility – I’m sorry… Your Done.  You should not have any firearms.  You are an ignorant and arrogant child that shouldn’t even be allowed to handle guns under Adult Supervision.  I’d even say that you shouldn’t even be allowed in a Training Class – unless you are fully accepting that YOU are the problem.  No – don’t blame the gun.  The gun didn’t Malf.  If you were squared away and followed the Gun Safety Rules – Malf or not – you wouldn’t have almost killed a guy – again.

Some people shouldn’t have guns.


Pants on the head retarded

Now I am all for people thinking outside of the box when it comes to the tools of violence.
However this idea, is pants on the head retarded.
This makes the rifle unable to be lived with. Your rifle cases, anything the rifle might touch… it’s going to get torn up.
What the hell is this crap for? Come on.
For less money, get a BattleComp and get something that is actually going to make your gun a better gun.

Just what the Nation needs

Our Administration seems to really know how to screw things up.  When the economy is as shaky as it is…

They are going to start closing down power plants.    Brown-outs, higher costs, this is going to kick our nation in the sweets.  We need Power and Industry to keep our Nation moving and prospering.  This administration seems to want to strangle that.  If their goal is to ruin our country – they are doing a great job.

Strange News

First Up:  I know guns do a lot of things… but I’ve never considered it as a Wart Remover.  It worked. The wart was removed.  Kind of.   If by removing the finger the wart was on, then yes, shooting the wart worked.

Second:  Scientists are not our friends.  This is bad.  Isn’t there some sort of Peer Review or Corporate Funding Review that could have put a stop to this research on the bases that this is a very bad idea?  Seriously, who is going to try a bite?  Oh wait… this just my sell big in Germany.

And the best one:

Global Warming?  Sorry… no… we meant COOLING.  Global Cooling.  As in, we’re looking at an Ice Age again.  So for all you guys that purchased Carbon Offset Credits.   HA!