Category Archives: Crusader

Ogre Edition 1911?

I’ve been thinking about what a Crusader Ogre Edition 1911 would be.  I don’t have any photoshop skills, so I can’t do up a picture to show you.  But let me paint the picture for you in the mind. A stainless Dan Wesson V-Bob, a Commander length… with a blued carbon steel slide, and a muzzle treatment like a Nighthawk T3, and Straight 8 night sights.  Done.  Simple.  Oh, and it would be a 10mm.


Sterling SMG’s

Yesterday I went over to Crusader HQ and helped work on the Sterling SMG project.  I had some fun doing it… I really did.

The Sterling is a unique weapon.  It’s simple to the point that it makes an AK look complicated, yet it has a crude elegance about it.  The parts that came were all in various conditions and each one had it’s own personality. The parts had to be all be cleaned, resurfaced / Slipstreamed.   It was time consuming, but we knocked them out pretty good.  Joe still has to do the finish work…. One of them is going to be Pink.  It should turn out awesome.

One thing that impressed me was the Slipstream process.  It’s easy to describe, but very challenging to do.  It’s a blind process that is done by feel.  It takes an experienced touch to do it, and Joe has that.    The result is a Sterling that actually feels like a weapon.   No grinding feel, no grit.  Huge difference compared to the last Sterling I fired.   Photos Soon.

Are you ready for a Crusader 1911?

Joe has surprised me, yet again.  When it comes to making things happen, Joe is the man.  Check this out:

… a good friend of mine just happens to be a master smith that apprenticed at Wilson Combat. The man knows everything there is to know about building a fine 1911. If there’s anyone that can build a Crusader worthy 1911 it is my friend Paul.

So that leaves us with a little problem. Paul is in Virginia….yeah, that’s why we haven’t done anything about this. Well that may not be as much of a problem as previously thought. Paul approached me with a proposal last night. To start out with he is building up a pistol for us to shoot, photograph, and do a write up. From there we will leave it to you. We have the best 1911′s on planet earth to offer you. We will work out pricing with Paul and he will build them there in Virginia (we’ll add our logo here) until such a time when we can bring Paul out here to build for us full time.

One thing we are also able to offer is the ability to convert your stock pistol into a full custom, perfectly tuned 1911 that your friends will drool over and covet until they have one of their own.  Stay tuned and we’ll have more info for you.

Government Models, Commanders, Officers, in .45ACP and 10mm.  Hell Yeah!