I’m going to pass on seeing this movie. I have to.
You see… I watched Starship Troopers. I watched Battlefield Earth. Left the theater with teeth clenched, fists balled up tight, and tears in my eyes. Hollywood ruined a couple of my favorite books.
I didn’t read comic books as a kid, I read thick novel of epic scale. The comic kids have had it easy. Ironman. Captain America. You don’t have be humiliated saying you loved reading it… Or looking at the pictures as the case may be. But saying Starship Troopers was your favorite book is tantamount to saying you eat boogers. Those films of my fondest memories were so bad… I just can’t do this again…
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Rush called a spade a spade. He was absolutely correct… perhaps a bit rude about it at worst but correct nonetheless. Why should others pay for her sex? I find the woman to be disgusting.
As far as health insurance goes, most don’t offer dental… Can we get dental first before
Rush hit the nail in the head.
Because of this, some Advertisers dropped Rush. Such as Carbonite. Few things these days make me laugh out loud. This did. Oops! Oh man… my sides are aching and I have hiccups at this moment.
A question in search of an answer
Is Facial Hair a Combat Multiplier?
Huey’s Gunsight answers this important matter.
That’s some prestigious company I am in… Especially since I have trained with them all. Quite a furry and ferocious council.
For everyone in Utah
This is a Utah specific Gun Forum for Gun Owners and Gun Related Companies. Go. Register. Be a part.
This last 48 hours has really given me a new perspective on what is important in life. One of my sons, my 12 year old, came down with Croup… an uncontrolled coughing thing. This triggered multiple Asthma attacks.
No sleep for the last 2 nights. No rest at all. Multiple trips to the ER where the morons there treated the asthma attacks but did jack shit about the croup which is what was triggering the asthma attacks. We finally got some stuff to control the coughing and since then we’ve had no more asthma incidences.
For my wife and I, this is the scariest thing in our lives. A threat to the life of one of our children that we can’t do anything about… we can’t fight this enemy. Give me a round in the Octagon with any MMA Fighter. Drop me into Iran with a rolled up newspaper. Give me an enemy I can fight! Anything but this Asthma shit. All you can do is watch your child struggle to just breath, and all you can do is pray.
Everything seems to be on the mend now. No more fits of uncontrollable coughing, no more asthma trying to strangle my boy. He’s breathing… he’s sleeping… I think we have things back in control.
We didn’t get picked
Looks like RAW TV picked another group of people to do the show. Let me back up. RAW TV is the company that did GOLD RUSH ALASKA for the Discovery Channel. They are looking at doing another show and we were in the top 6, but didn’t make the cut. This was going to be a show for the Discovery Channel… and it could have been huge for us. But they wanted more people that could be a bit more volcanic with each other… that’s what Discovery likes. Crusader doesn’t yell at eachother… so I guess we are not good TV for that. Oh well.
I’m disappointed.
It’s only Feb 2nd.
Today was a great day… Here we are in the second day of the second month in North Eastern Utah… Dead of Winter. Snow is usually measured in Feet…
And today I rode my motorcycle, got my first Prairie Dog Kill of the year, and had a Pelican Burger. Awesome Day.
The ride was just a couple miles at the most… from where my Bike was parked to the Shop where it’s getting a new chain and tire and some general servicing. The rear tire is completely bald and squared off from all the miles I put on it last year… starting out with a brand spanking new set of tires. That’s a lot of miles. I hope to put on a lot more this year.
While at Beers Harley Davidson, I took a look at some of the bikes for sale. The Honda Fury is still there. Give me a million bucks and my first Splurge Purchase would be that. But there was a Harley there that caught my eye too. One I’ve never seen before but is evidently old hat to a lot of people… The XR1200X. It’s a classic Harley, but set up as a Standard and not a Cruiser or Touring bike. But it has something the other Harley’s don’t. Lean Angle. I don’t know why… I can’t explain it… But I really really like that bike. To the point that I want one. It’s about the same price as the Honda Fury, or close enough so that price doesn’t matter. But it looks like the XR1200X would be a better Daily Driver.
The Prairie Dog kill was fun. Fenris and I just kinda rolled around one of our desert areas. He got the first one of the year. Then the next two. Then I finally got one myself. About a 60 yard thump with my Savage 93R17, Killswitch. I would have had more, but the magazine self destructed. The feedlips decided to go in two different directions. This turned Killswitch into one of the worlds most awkward single shot rifle. I need a new magazine, and I need to put it on paper and get it fine tuned adjusted again.
The Pelican Lake Cafe remains awesome. I had an Ouray Burger there… which is two thin patties stuffed with onions and cheese… filling the burger full of flavor. It was very good.
All in all… a very satisfying day. And it’s only Feb 2nd. This is shaping up to be a great year.
Emails like this make my day
I love it when I get an email like this... After having one of those days, this really picks me up.
Mr. Hill,Just wanted to send a quick e-mail. After listening to the Gunfighter Cast podcast that you were on I ordered BOTH Uprising USA and Uprising UK and finished them both on less than a week. I am now waiting patiently for the next book. I also ordered Slipstream in both grease and oil from Crusader Weaponry that should be here next week. I look forward to spending thousands of rounds evaluating Slipstream in all my firearms.I am now a proud follower of both WeTheArmed.com and MadOgre.com.
Keep up the awesome work.
Thanks, Doug.
Shooting themselves in the foot
I know a lot of guys that enjoy Mixed Martial Arts. One of the outlets of that is the UFC. Well, the UFC has now banned Shooting and Hunting Sponsors. Shooting and Hunting Sponsors have helped and supported a lot of MMA Fighters the last 10 years. This isn’t so much for cutting off the advertising for the gun companies… but for them cutting off what is essentially our support for their sport.
This is highly insulting.
So what we need to do, is to vote with our wallets. If our sponsorship isn’t good enough for them, then our money isn’t good enough for them either. We need to get the word out, that Shooters and Hunters will now not patronize the UFC.
When Gunners Play Golf
This is what happens when you let Gunners on a Golf Course.