Tag Archives: Savage 93R17

It’s only Feb 2nd.

Today was a great day… Here we are in the second day of the second month in North Eastern Utah… Dead of Winter.  Snow is usually measured in Feet…

And today I rode my motorcycle, got my first Prairie Dog Kill of the year, and had a Pelican Burger.  Awesome Day.

The ride was just a couple miles at the most… from where my Bike was parked to the Shop where it’s getting a new chain and tire and some general servicing.  The rear tire is completely bald and squared off from all the miles I put on it last year… starting out with a brand spanking new set of tires.   That’s a lot of miles.  I hope to put on a lot more this year.

While at Beers Harley Davidson, I took a look at some of the bikes for sale.  The Honda Fury is still there.  Give me a million bucks and my first Splurge Purchase would be that.  But there was a Harley there that caught my eye too.  One I’ve never seen before but is evidently old hat to a lot of people… The XR1200X.  It’s a classic Harley, but set up as a Standard and not a Cruiser or Touring bike.  But it has something the other Harley’s don’t.  Lean Angle.  I don’t know why… I can’t explain it… But I really really like that bike.  To the point that I want one.  It’s about the same price as the Honda Fury, or close enough so that price doesn’t matter.  But it looks like the XR1200X would be a better Daily Driver.

The Prairie Dog kill was fun.  Fenris and I just kinda rolled around one of our desert areas.  He got the first one of the year.  Then the next two.  Then I finally got one myself.  About a 60 yard thump with my Savage 93R17, Killswitch.  I would have had more, but the magazine self destructed.  The feedlips decided to go in two different directions.  This turned Killswitch into one of the worlds most awkward single shot rifle.   I need a new magazine, and I need to put it on paper and get it fine tuned adjusted again.

The Pelican Lake Cafe remains awesome.  I had an Ouray Burger there… which is two thin patties stuffed with onions and cheese… filling the burger full of flavor.  It was very good.

All in all… a very satisfying day.  And it’s only Feb 2nd.  This is shaping up to be a great year.