Category Archives: Government

Post Election Violence

The media is throwing their arms in the air because there might be riots if Obama loses the election.
I’d be more worried about the possible Civil War if Obama wins.

I feel that no matter what happens, there will be blood. Its just a matter of degree.  If all we have are some overturned and burnt cars is a few of the big cities, then we will be lucky.  A few riots is probably the best case scenario. 

I remain optimistic about the future of our Nation, only because I am optimistic that Romney will win.  I can see things getting back to normal.  If Obama wins… the Nation will forever be changed into something it was never meant to be.

Vice President Debate Prediction

Tomorrow night we are going to watch Joe Biden say some seriously stupid crap. 
Here’s what’s going to happen.  He’s going to go with the Party Line, quoting from his flash cards they’ve been prepping him with.  He’ll start out fine. 
Then he’s going to get frustrated because Ryan is going to dissect him… then he’s going to spew some epic level stupidity.
Or he thinks he is doing well, gets cocky, and then spews epic level stupidity. 
Either way, Joe is going to show his ass and it’s going to be a huge win for Ryan. 
But the Media is going to minimize it and dismiss it all as Bidenisms, and play it off, because it’s “just Joe”. 

Presidential Debate

Last night, like many of you, I watched the debate.
It really was not so much a debate as a severe thrashing.  Without his teleprompter, Obama really showed his lack of experience, qualification, knowledge, and ability.  It was almost painful to watch, which is why I found it to be so delightful.
What makes it so delicious was everything Romney could have said, but didn’t have to.  Obama was up against the ropes almost the whole time.   Romney had loads of ammunition he could have used.  Best to keep that stuff in reserve for the next time.

I woke up this morning optimistic about my country. 

Even the San Francisco Chronicle admitted Romney won the debate… though they used the word “narrowly” 163 times.

The State of Utah continues to Screw Up

The State of Utah can really irk me something fierce.

They instituted a Coyote Bounty to reduce the number of Predators that have been tearing up the population of Utah’s Big Game species.  50 Bucks for a pair of years.  That’s good.  But then Utah requires not just the Ears, but the Jaw, and GPS Coordinates of the where the Coyote was taken.  And you can’t take more than one in the same location.  You have to fill out forms… Its pretty much a mess and it makes it not worth pursuing Coyotes.  Many hunters have pretty much given up on it thanks to the over-regulation and making it more of a pain in the ass to deal with.  So they took a great program that could have done some good… and ruined it.

Then the State has sold out the Uintah Basin by approving a Pipeline to take water from Flaming Gorge to feed Denver.  This is going to drop the Gorge by an estimated 20 feet.  This pretty much is going to ruin all the best fishing spots.  Thanks a lot, Utah.  The Flaming Gorge is a travel destination for people coming from all across the country – and Utah just decided to sell it out.  Never mind the businesses that depend on people coming to the Gorge… Screw those guys.

And this last one… this one pisses me off almost as much the the Flaming Gorge pipeline…  And this is the US Forest Service that did it, not the State of Utah, but the State didn’t do anything to stop it.
My brother and I went to a Ghost Town location.  A place called Bullionville.  It was a Mine that went under back in the 20’s.  It had a number of cabins and such.  In the 30’s it was revived again that’s to the use of the CCC that came in, used the location, fixed it up even.  I’ve seen photos of the location, the buildings, and cars and trucks at the location.  It’s a piece of Utah’s history.  Or it was.
My brother and I found the location to the spot.  Nothing there.  You can see though, where it was, where the buildings were, where the ponds were.  But there’s nothing left.  I was told the US Forest Service tore it all down and out.  Destroying a piece of Utah’s History.  Thanks a lot US Forest Service.

Dear Mr President

You swore an Oath, Sir.

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

You have failed miserably in this matter and in fact have acted counter to your Oath.  I would ask you, Sir, to read that document you Oath binds you because you seam to not know anything about it.


I posted this on Facebook this morning:

How come we are not bombing the shit out of Libya for murdering our Ambassador? How come we are not doing anything about this? Why is our President setting America up as the kid that anyone on the playground can pick on?
Fuck that. America should be FEARED. Americans around the world should cause a wake of fear and caution as they walk around because everyone knows that if you fuck with an American, we will saturate your world with pain and despair. You will show America respect or we will take it from you.
Our President is such a pussy he is putting every American at risk instead of protecting us like the Commander And Chief is supposed to do.

My anger has not subsided.  In fact, it’s only gotten worse.  Because instead of our President actually doing anything about this, he has Apologized To The Murderers and Terrorists!  WHAT THE FUCK, OVER?  WHAT THE FUCK?
One of my young sons learned of this attack, the murder of our Ambassador, the removing of our the US Flag… He observed that “the Libyans have in effect declared War on America.”  My KID sees this… Why can’t our damned President?  Apologizing to Murderers?  When did we start apologizing to evil?

Officer Safety

I’ve got a lot of friends in Law Enforcement, including a brother. It’s very hazardous for them to make a traffic stop because of other traffic. Lots of cops have been hit because of this, and the resulting interview of the drivers that hit the cops always comes down to “They didn’t see them.”
Also, there has been a lot of cases where Fake Cops pull people over and kill or rob them or just get their jollies off acting like cops.

For the concern of Officer and Public Safety, I think all Law Enforcement Vehicles where the Officer may make a traffic stop… I propose a simple idea. All vehicles driven by Officers who are authorized to make a traffic stop, County, City and State… Nation Wide… All vehicles should be painted High Vis Green.
Don’t like this idea?  Tough.  This is for Safety, so get used to it!
This has been proven to work in the UK!
This way, Motorists can see the Police Officer from farther away, and be mindful of Officer Safety.
You are not against Officer Safety are you?  Public safety is better as well.
Let’s extend this to all Emergency Vehicles as well.  Firetrucks have been rolling in High Vis Green for some time now, with reduced accidents because of it.  So only Law Enforcement and Emergency Vehicles should allowed to sport High Vis Green.  So if someone tries to pull you over, and he’s not rolling HVG… Call a real Cop.   If a Cop sees a guy trying to pull someone over and he’s not rolling HVG, he knows something is wrong.
Hey, this is for SAFETY.  So get with the program, or you are NOT SAFE!
We should implement this nationwide starting next month, with full implementation by Jan 1 2013.

Guest Post: Activist Carry

Irresponsible Open Carry Activism Jeopardizes The RKBA

Guns should be carried for personal defense, not Activism.
The best way to do that 99% of the time is Concealed Carry. Even if people do choose to Open Carry, they shouldn’t do it to provoke confrontation nor be uncooperative with the police while doing it. It makes gun owners look bad, turns cops against us, wastes their valuable time and certainly isn’t going to make it more likely that people will think “oh, gun owners are normal people, not trouble makers.
Spread the Word. Most people have realized that the time for “solidarity” through tolerance of the guys carrying guns with video cameras has come and gone. Their bravado is jeopardizing our RKBA and should be seen as an embarrassment to responsible gun owners. When the OC Movement started, people carrying while going about their daily business to show responsibly armed people are part of everyday life, it made some sense… but, the extremists have spun out of control. Let’s make sure that the firearms community is condemning this behavior.
I am not calling for a change in laws or for us to ostracize people who carry openly in a responsible, civil manner. Perhaps responsible OCers should be most concerned and the most openly critical of those who are using their guns to get (inevitably negative) attention?
Obviously, I am a proponent of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and do not want to to see OC made illegal, but I fear that will happen more and more often, in more and more places (as it already has it one state), if the confrontational actions of a very few reckless people continue.
-Rob Pincus
-I.C.E. Training Company