Category Archives: Government


With all the scandals that the White House has going on right now, it seems the Benghazi issue is being minimalized.  Even Fox News people are pretty much saying that it’s not that important and are more worried about the IRS SNAFU.

While a Tax Audit is a problem, 4 Americans did not get killed in one botched Audit.

And the excuses do not hold water.

A.  “What does it matter?”
B.  “It happened a long time ago.”

Both responses show a lack of care and concern and are pretty much admitting guilt.  The response about budget is bogus and we all know it.  Every US Marine knows it.  The CIA knows it.  Having US Marines sweep in and protect and extract an Ambassador is something the Marines just do.  You don’t even have to call them… they’ll just go.  What you do have to do though is to call them and tell them to stand down.  The choice was made that these men were to die.  What I want to hear is why they chose to let the Ambassador, and those with him, die in Benghazi.

I want FOX and the rest of the Media to HAMMER the Administration on this.

But what does it matter?  It was a long time ago.

Etched Dates

Some places in this nation are banning magazines.  Simple boxes with springs in them that use the same high level of technology found in Pez Candy Dispensers.   In some of these places you can keep the magazines as long as they were made or acquired before the ban.  So it was said that you have to have dates etched on them.  But so many magazines out there in the world with no dates.  This is of course a bullshit requirement and unenforceable.  So I have a suggestion…. here’s the date to etch:

July 4th, 1776.


What we are dealing with.


The Video is found HERE.  She is a complete idiot and thinks you can’t reload a magazine.  The problem that I have with this, is not that she’s rock hard stupid… but that idiots like her have force MagPul to relocate… costing Colorado 600 jobs, and a Private Business potentially millions of dollars in the expense  and interruption of commerce.  

Our Nation is being “Lead” by the most idiotic, self righteous, ignorant, and incompetent people we’ve ever seen.  These fools are in charge.

A good point…

Last week on Armed American Radio, during the Round Table, we talked about possible civil unrest and Police and Federal Agents coming down hard on US Citizens all Jackboot Style.
I said that I have a lot of friends who are law enforcement officers, and agents of Homeland Security that I’ve met are all on our side.  Rob Pincus was also in agreement and doesn’t believe we are heading into Civil War.  Rob is a very level headed guy, a real “Stay Calm and Think” person.
Then the other guest on the Round Table, from Oregon Firearms Federation,  Kevin Starrett, made a good point.  “I remember Wacko and Ruby Ridge.”

That’s been bugging me ever since.  Under my skin.  Clawing at the back of my brain.


Ruby Ridge.

I want to live in an America where I can trust my Government. I don’t know when exactly it all changed… But that 50’s America where we just came through a dark time and everything was Light and Achievement. I believe that was our Golden Age. And it’s all lost. Now we are back in darkness… but we are not fighting Nazis “Over there”. The dark shadow over us is our own Government… A boot that’s coming down on our face…

AWB2 Dropped

Harry Reid dropped the AWB. But don’t break out the party favors yet. For Harry Reid to do this, he has his reasons and its not for the love of the Constitution.  It’s mostly his love for his Seat.  If they moved forward with the AWB, the Mid Term Elections would not go his way.  He would lose his seat as Senate Majority Leader.  He’s smart enough to reflect on what happened last time they passed an AWB.

This also gives Harry Reid the ability to show that he’s compromised on this issue, so the Republicans need to compromise on the Magazine Limitations.   He’s playing Chess here.  Sacrificing one thing to advance another for a greater position later.

Don’t trust Harry Reid.  Don’t trust the Government as a whole.  Buy ammo, buy magazines, use cash as much as possible for this.  If you don’t have an AR-15, go ahead and get one.  Here’s why.

The AR-15 is America’s Rifle.  It’s modeled after the M-16/M-4, our Nation’s fighting rifle.  The AR-15 is our Liberty’s Teeth.  And it scares the shit out of the Libtards.  There are mags out there… Lancers and Troys are great mags, just because Pmags are hard to get, you can still get good mags.  Ammo is out there too.  It’s more spendy than it used to be, but it’s still less than .308 in the same quantities.

Pending Legislation in Utah

There are two key Bills pending with the Utah State Legislation right now.  Specifically HB114, and HB 76.

The first is the Second Amendment Preservation Act.
This bill declares that the regulation of firearms is reserved completely to the state and provides penalties for the prosecution of anyone attempting to enforce federal laws to the contrary.

What that means is Utah can stop and could prosecute any Federal Agent attempting to enforce an unconstitutional Federal Law.  This gives serious teeth to the letter the Utah Sheriff’s Association sent to Obama.   Basically the State is backing up it’s Sheriffs.  This is a very good thing.

The second is Concealed Weapon Carry Amendments.
This bill would give Utah “Constitutional Carry”.  Also known as Vermont Carry.  This means quite simply, if you are legal to have a gun, you can carry it concealed if you are over 21.  No Concealed Carry Permit required in the State of Utah.  Looking the bill over, you would of course still need a Permit if you cross State Lines.
What I’d like to see here is a line that says something to the effect that Utah would honor other Constitutional Carry States Citizens rights, if that state honors ours.  For Example if you are from AZ, you could come to UT and carry concealed if UT residents could do the same in AZ.  A Constitutional Handshake if you will.

What’s amazing about HB76 though is that it’s sponsored by John Mathis.  The guy I ran against for public office and destroyed in the debate in Moab.  (Not my opinion, that’s what I was told after the event by several residence of Moab)  John has been just about completely useless up until this point.  But him sponsoring this bill… I’m impressed.    Honestly, I’m shocked.  I was planning on running against him in the Republican Primaries next time… but really, if this passes, I wont have to.
Now, if he will just remove the law about it being illegal to fish from horseback…

Sick and Tired of hearing Democrats are not Anti-Gun

I’m sick and tired of hearing that Democrats are not Anti-Gun.  That’s such bullshit and I can’t tolerate it anymore.   There are individual Democrats that are Gun Owners, yes.  Some even own Glocks and AR-15’s.  That’s fine.  But as a whole, the Democrat Party is blatantly Anti-Gun and Anti-American.  Forget such adjectives as “Liberal” or “Progressive”, the Party as a whole is disgustingly Anti-Freedom.

Just today, here are two headlines.

Missouri Democrats

Wisconsin Democrats

Forget the rule of law, the Constitution… Rational Thought…