Category Archives: Uncategorized

Open Letter to the Gun Industry

Please for the love of all that is holy… Stop using cheap Styrofoam in your packaging.  Use better quality stuff.  Remington uses some, but it’s denser and generally problem free.

Here’s a Winchester.

This was a Shotgun and the area where the barrel’s gas ring was chewed the foam up during shipping.  This caused little foam bits to be all over the gun.  Not too bad but I hate cleaning brand new guns after just opening up a box.  Even when a little bit comes apart… it quickly becomes a mess.

Here’s a Stoeger.

This was just ridiculous.  That stuff was freaking everywhere and it had collected some static so it stuck to everything and fought being wiped off.  It took some time to get it cleaned out.  But for weeks after we would still pull foam bits out from inside parts.  External, Internal… just a train wreck.

Not gives a customer confidence in a product they have just purchased, when we open the box up and it looks like that.    There has got to be a better way.  Eh?

Show Me

To all you idiots that want to ban guns…

Show me where Banning anything has gotten rid of the problem.
Because what happens, according to history, is the problem only gets a Hell of a lot worse.

Banning drugs.  Congratulations, now the Drug Cartels have pretty much taken over Mexico.
Alcohol Prohibition.  Created the Mob’s foothold in America.

So, for you Liberal Geniuses, what do you think will really happen if we ban guns?  Criminals will just be nice, plant flowers, sing songs, and drive Priusi?

Wake up.

Defense against the Dark Arts

So many people out there wringing their hands about gun control again.  These poor frightened, misguided idiots.  I’d like to slap the shit out of all of them… because it’s people like them that have lead us to where we are now as a nation now that has incidents like these.  I blame the Shooter for doing the evil deed, but I blame Liberals for creating the environments where these things can happen.

This Theater that the Colorado incident happened, was a Gun Free Zone.  Trolley Square, was at the time of the shooting spree there, a Gun Free Zone.  Columbine High School, a Gun Free Zone.  Every place these Shootings happen – they are in Gun Free Zones or in Cities where the Police actively harass Legal Gun Owners who are Legally Carrying their Guns.  Places where Guns are accepted – These things don’t happen.  You Create a Gun Free Zone, you INVITE this sort of thing to happen there.  Because these Psychos are not going to do this at a GUN SHOW – where I am sorry but the “No Loaded Gun Signs” are disregarded by damn near everyone with a CCW Permit.

Just one guy could have offered some resistance and could have stopped this event from going on like it did… One guy could have cut this spree short like the incident a few years ago at Trolley Square in SLC. The argument against an Armed Citizen Response is that the CCW Holder could have hit someone else.  Well, yeah, that’s true… by Accident.  Because the Evil Psycho Shooter sure as hell wasn’t hitting anyone by accident.   This becomes a War of Good vs Evil here… collateral damage does have it’s risks.  But evil isn’t stopped by running away from it.  Evil is stopped when Good Men (or women) stand up against it.

The incident in Florida where one 71 year old guy stopped two thugs who had evil purposes… He fought back and no innocent people were injured.  None.  This old guy is a Hero.  He was armed.  He was not afraid.  He took action.  Right or Wrong – Taking Action is the right thing to do.  Rolling over and taking one in the back of the head does no one any good but the Evil Doer.  It serves his purposes…. that’s why he was there.

The Cops responded as fast as they could.  We can not shake a finger at them.  They are always behind the 8-Ball in things like this because they have to respond to the call.  See, Bad Guys generally don’t do Bad Things right in front of Cops who could put a stop to them.  Sometimes they are stupid enough to do this… but generally they try to avoid cops.  So Police have to go to where the action is and then try to stop it.  Usually they get there after the fact…. after innocent people have been killed.  Also, the US Supreme Court has ruled that the police have no obligation to protect you.  This means you are responsible for your own safety and the safety of your loved ones.  You are the one that must make that stand in the face of Evil.  No one else is going to do that for you.

Taking away guns from Good People only serves the purposes of Evil People.  Even if the Evil People had no Guns… they would have used other means.  IED’s are very popular in many places in this world now.  Knives.  Hammers.  Clubs.  If an Evil Person wants to kill – he will.  He could have just got a big heavy truck and rammed into the line of people waiting to get into the movie.  But because he used firearms – Liberal Idiots are making this to be a Gun issue.  It’s not a Gun Issue – it’s an EVIL issue.  We already have laws against Evil Acts… fat lot of good they are doing, eh?  Killing innocent people is already against the law, is it not?

The fact of the matter is that Guns Save Lives.  Dr. John Lott’s book “More Guns, Less Crime” should be required reading in every school as soon as the children are old enough to read.


There is a shooting competition called Cheapskate.  .22 LR’s.  I think I’m going to get into this.  But I don’t have a rifle for it and there isn’t a .22 rifle that I’m really digging as is.

Looks like I’ll have to CRUSADERIZE a Ruger 10/22.

Tactical Solutions Barrel, Slipstream ST-1 treatment on the bolt and inside the receiver… Oh yeah.  I can see it now.

Humans are a Violent Species

Admit it… Human Nature is a violent one.  Everything we do is about one of two things… sometimes both.  Sex and Violence.  Those two things rule our world.  The scriptures say someplace that the “Natural Man is an Enemy of God.”  Well, that’s unfortunate because Violence is in our Core Programming.

Our Entertainment… The top money making movies are the ones with gratuitous violence.  The more unique the violence, the better.  Top movie in the last few months.  “The Avengers”.  What’s it about?  Kicking Ass.  Best scene in the whole film – The Hulk grabbing a guy and slamming him around like a rag doll.  People cheered.  That was some delicious violence wasn’t it?  Spiced with humor… oh yeah… we all loved that bit.

You roll past a car crash and you have to look.  What do you want to see? What are you looking for?  Blood.  Gore.  The more the better.  You are disappointed when you see the driver of a wreck sitting on the side of the rode… Ah man… he’s okay.  Dang it… you wanted blood.  Admit it.  That Morbid Curiosity is in you…  You wanted that violence.

We watched confrontations on TV… Jerry Springer is famous for it.  Get people together that act like Sodium and Water when mixed.  Why do people watch that train wreck?  Is it for the story?  Or is it for watching the people jump up off the couch and go all Gladiator on the other guy?  NASCAR… you don’t like racing all that much.  Especially not Round Track stuff.  But you watch it for one thing.  Those hideously violent wrecks.

Even small children are violent.  I watched a small child of some British tourists come through… This kid has never held a firearm, let alone fired one.  Highly unlikely being from Essex.  Yet the little child, 4 years old?  Bragged with pride that he knew how to shoot one of those pistols.  One of my own boys… my oldest.  When he was born we hid all our guns and didn’t watch any violent TV around him.  He had no influences on him for violence.  He chewed a Gramcracker into the shape of a pistol, held it like a gun and made Pew Pew Pew noises.  How did he know how to do that?  He was totally insulated from it?  How?  I’ll tell you how.  It’s in his blood.  Not just my Ogreish blood – but our collective human blood. Just like the little Oliver Twist kid…  It was in his nature, in his DNA, in his blood.  We are violent at the cellular level.

We have Canine Teeth.  What are those for?  Eating meat.  And the best way to get it – to Hunt it.  Find the tasty looking animal you want and your Predatory Nature kicks into overdrive and you visit violence upon the Prey.

And we wonder about the Roman Gladiators and how they could fight to the death… and how people could watch that.  Blood Sports…  Come on.  We still watch that stuff.   Not only that but those Athletes are paid like they were Royalty.  We reward our Gladiators very well.  All of our Sports are all metaphors for Conflict.  Men run at each other, knocking them down, smashing them while all the time chasing the ball.  Forget the ball.  That’s not why we do sports or watch sports.  Football… it’s for the Crashes, just like NASCAR.  Even the NFL puts out a Greatest Hits highlight reel.  We celebrate those most violent moments because above all… We thirst for Violence.

We are a violent species.  We are, as a whole, brilliant when it comes to Violence.  Even the Pacifist type people, deep down inside, want to do violence.  They openly call for a new Civil War and mass executions of Conservatives.  But there is one thing those guys don’t understand… How to do great violence.  Conservatives… We do.  We are the ones in general that get out there and Hunt, Shoot, and we train ourselves doing it.  We excel at violence. It’s in our nature.

Some guys strive to bury that instinct.  But it’s there.  Suppressed and locked away under layers of Reason and Understanding.  But that isn’t who we are and eventually those people erupt.

Sex is a powerful motivator… but they are mere shadows compared to Violence.  With sex… come on, we’ve all seen the girl’s goodies and it’s pretty much all the same… like flowers… different colors sizes and shapes, but they are all pretty.  Sex however is only just the reward for Violence done well.  Sometimes sex has violence in it as well, because we just can’t get enough of it.

As a Nation, America is the best when it comes to violence.  Victors of World Wars.  We even had or own Civil War.  Other countries can be violent, sure.  Murderous and Genocidal… but they don’t compare to the level of Violence that America is capable of.  As a Nation we have a great deal of tension built up… muscles taunt and ready to throw a swing.  We are just waiting for that bell to ring.  We’ve been at “Peace” for too long and these police actions in Afghanistan just isn’t doing it.  We need a real enemy that we can duke it out with.  We need the Germans to rise up again and get us going.  We need an adversary.   Someone to really fight.

God help whoever stands up to challenge us.  We are ready to throw down.

I’ve ordered a few things from Great service.  Great people that answered all my questions… Even talking helmets and headshapes. I bounced the same questions off other sites, and they didn’t know or didn’t respond.  The Revzilla Crew knew their stuff.  Also, Anthony does great videos, reviewing things in detail that makes ordering sight unseen a lot easier.  They put out solid information, and they know their stuff… I respect that.  This is why Revzilla is my goto site for Gear. I’m fine with paying a bit more to make sure I’m ordering what I need.  But these guys are pretty price competitive anyways.  So if they have it, I’ll just get it there. Shipping is fast too.
Last things I orderd there, Joe Rocket Gloves, Speed & Strength jacket, Joe Rocket Mesh jacket, Bell Vortex helmet… All arrived before I expected.
Can’t say enough good things about these guys.
Normally you only hear about an outlet when they screw something up… Well, Revzilla gets it right.

Hot day, cool ride

The day was hot and sweaty… we had an Outlaw Trail Caste Party in town so I rode in. Taking it nice and easy. There was a weather front that moved in and cooled things down. My new Joe Rocket Mesh jacket really felt good, flowing a lot of air through it. A little bit of rain splashed me… Oh man… No other feeling like it.
Grilled burgers in the park was awesome.

Unfortunately the ride home had me accompanied by a Law Enforcement escort almost the entire way. From Naples to Vernal, UHP. Then VCPD through to where I gassed up at Morts. After gassing up, another VCPD picked me up. He peeled off and I thought I was in the clear, but stayed chill. Up ahead, UCSD was on location in one of their new rigs sitting there watching the Round About. I didn’t speed through it, but I didn’t slow down for it. Gave the Deputy a wave as I memorized the rig. Turned by the Maeser Sev, and another UHP picked me up and followed me most of the way home. WTF is going on? I checked into it and there was nothing going down about me… just epic level chronic bad luck for a guy wanting to twist his wrist.

The Scariest Movies has an article about the 13 Scariest movies.

This list is for Horror Lightweights… Which means for most people living in Utah.  But the Ogre lives in Utah and this list is something he might watch at 3 AM because he can’t sleep.  *Yawn*.  I’m bored and tired just looking at that Fail Roster.

Okay, The Ring and The Thing are right up there for great Spook Flix… but they don’t SCARE me.  I’m not exactly sure what it is that really scares me… but there is one that stands out that scared the shit out of me.


There are two kinds of people out there… Those that have seen EH in the theatre… and those that have only seen it at home, safe, in your little box.  Event Horizon scared the shiat out of me.  3 days later, I climbed a wall backwards trying to get away from my wife… because I was having a nightmare about EH.  Uncle Musket did the same thing 2800 miles away after watching EH, three days later.  Hell, I had nightmares and couldn’t sleep for a week.

The Woman in Black… with Daniel Radcliffe is a new movie out on disk that’s well worth watching.  It has great Lovecraftian atmosphere and tells a good story.  It’s scared a lot of people I know… and is now in my favorites list of Creepy Movies.  You’ll have to check it out if you’ve not seen it.

So what movie scared you the most?

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

The show is done now.  The final show was last night.  I have some of my freedom returned to me now!

But I’ll never forget the experience.  I was a part of something special… Especially the Friday Night Showing that we did.   There was some wind and rain… it rained through the whole show.  But it was the best show we did.

The dancing girls, wearing their thin white Egyptian costumes… dancing in the rain… arms raised, shoes kicked off… I witnessed the pure joy in those dancers, dancing in the rain like that… it was the most beautiful stage performance I have ever witnessed.  It was an honor to be there.   The audience must have thought so too because they didn’t leave.  The audience was just as packed at the end as at the start… they stuck it out in the rain, thunder, and lightning… and it was a fantastic show for everyone.

I’ll never forget it.


I’m writing this post to a certain woman I know who is unappreciated and mistreated by her husband.  You know I’m into bikes.  I love all motorcycles.  So forgive me the Moto-Metaphor.  Anyway.  One of my favorite brands out there are the Triumphs.  Classics, all of them.  The old ones, even more so, even more desirable because they are now rare.

I knew this guy once.  He had a great old Triumph.  But he ignored it.  He pushed it aside in his garage.  Eventually it ended up in the back with an old paint tarp thrown on it so he didn’t have to see it and it ended up with some junk piled on it.
What he didn’t know was that old Triumph was worth more than his newer bikes, even worth more than his house.  But he didn’t realize this and didn’t take the hints about it… and he only paid attention to his new flings.
Finally someone asked him for it and he gave it up… just to get it out of his garage.
The new owner knew what he had.  He cleaned it up.  Turned it up.  Restored, very easily and simply it to what it should have always been…  People saw this classic Triumph riding around town… Every biker would double take and rubber-neck looking at this fine machine.
The old owner was mad.  Demanded it back… but it was too late.  New owner just laughed and enjoyed his new Truimph.  He rode it everywhere… Just enjoyed riding that wonderful machine.

To the person I’m writing this too… You are a Triumph in every sense of the word and your husband doesn’t realize your worth.   One day he will.  And it will be too late and it will be his loss and not yours.  Don’t let him throw a tarp on you.