Springfield Echelon

Since working at Basin Sports, myself and all the fellas there… there’s the habit of planning out that Next Gun Purchase. Or in the Basin Sports methodology, when something comes off layaway, what’s going to go on next? That habit has stuck with me ever since. Even as I bring one gun home… What’s Next!?

For me, I was planning on another 10mm… and FN has a glorious option for that. But then the more realistic side of me decided that perhaps that wouldn’t be the best choice. So I reconsidered and have landed on Springfield Armory’s Echelon pistols. The full size and the compact are both very attractive options and I’m thinking that one of them will be the next pistol to come home to my Safe.

When the full size Echelon came out, I was very impressed with the gun, the sights, the trigger, and the feel of the grip in the hand. And it’s even a good looking pistol. Not like looks are all that important, but it’s a factor. I would have snagged it on the spot, but I really had no need whatsoever for a full size 9mm.

The compact version, being Glock 19’ish in size, really does become something of a good packing size. Similar in size to my SIG M11A1, but a lot lighter. Now, I still absolutely adore my M11A1… But for a Cake Eating Civilian, the gun is a bit heavy for Pants On to Pants Off EDC. Even with a Good Holster and Good Belt. Weight is still weight. And cutting that weight in almost half, is a good thing. Now, I do have smaller and lighter guns that I like. I’ve had the HK VP9SK for a long time now… Just never had the right rig for it so I never carried it. And if I’m honest, kind of even forgotten about it. It was when I got my FN REFLEX, that I ordered a new holster from a company I’ve never ordered from before, and saw that they had the same rig for the VP9SK too… So I ordered both at the same time. Vedder Holster and the rig is called the Comfort Tuck. And it is. I like the rig. Simple. Sturdy. I’ve no complaints or criticisms of them, and that’s high praise for me.

Between the HK and the FN… I find I like packing the FN a bit more due to the much smaller grip frame, and the little gun’s ability to evaporate under a covering garment. Even my wife, who knows what I’m packing and where… can’t see it. So a huge advantage for concealment with the FN. The HK does hide well, just not as well. Now, I love the HK… I do… The trigger is good and the sights are great, and it looks cool as hell. But I’ve found that I carry the FN most of the time, and the HK when Concealment isn’t as important. And if I’m in that situation, I might as well carry my SIG, but then I’m full circle on that carry-weight situation. This is why I’m leaning heavily toward the Echelon Compact.

2 thoughts on “Springfield Echelon”

  1. Just spit balling, but for a carry piece, what does 10MM do, that a .45 won’t? Bear defence? Just wondering about your thought process, on this. Small-ish and weight I get, for toting a gat, but what’s the benefit gained from 10MM in this scenario?

    1. Well, for one thing, 10mm offers more capacity. A couple extra shots is worth it. Especially since the ammo prices on both cartridges is similar these days from what I’ve seen locally.
      The other thing is straight up penetration. .45 offers good penetration, but 10mm offers exceptional penetration when you are not using sissy FBI loadings. Full power 10 is incredible. Now if you are in a Compact pistol, the 10 isn’t going to give you a lot of advantage… but the added capacity is nice. I still love my .45s and nothing is going to change that.

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