Category Archives: Government

The problem with Libertarians

I am libertarian.  I ran as a Libertarian (Notice the difference in “L’s”) for State Representative.  I support libertarian causes and philosophy.  So take what I am about to say as Constructive Criticism.

When I went to the Utah Libertarian Party Caucus in SLC during my Candidacy, I looked around and listened to the other people there.  The event was quite interesting.  Before the event there was a little get together over some food just across the street from where the meeting was to be held (at the SL County Library) and I talked with the other Candidates.

Brilliant people, and good people.  Professionals in Law and Business and Healthcare fields.  Yes, the Ogre sat down at a table of Doctors, Lawyers and Business Executives, and no one got strangled… because we were all on the same page there.  I thought this was fantastic.  If these are my fellow Libertarians (I was a Card Carrying Member) we will do very well as a party.

Well, not so much.  I might be wrong, but I don’t think anyone won their race.  I garnered the highest percentage of the vote for my district out of all the other candidates.   Maybe it was a money issue.  In my race, it sure was.  I didn’t have the funds to get my message out.  But for the State of Utah as a whole, the Party should have done better.  Because the message, when received, resonates with people. The problem though is getting that message received.  Freedom of Speech isn’t saying that people will listen to you.   Back at the Caucus meeting, I saw the problem.  A good solid portion of the Libertarians there were hippies and stoners who all they could talk about was Drug Legalization.  Come on.  This is Utah.  That just doesn’t represent the good and solid side of the Libertarian equation.  The Utah Libertarian Party was still recovering from that clown SuperDell, having run for Governor on the Libertarian ticket, having been arrested for pulling a gun on a guy in some road rage incident. Then the head of the Utah Libertarian Party got this great newspaper article… with a photo that made him look like an Occupy Wall Street type vagrant, and it mentioned his office… above a sex shop.  Yeah, that right there probably killed the chances for more than a few Candidates.  Again, this is Utah.  Not Nevada or California… But Utah.

The Utah Party needs to put people up, front and center, that look like they represent Utah.  Like some of the quieter people I met that day… Those professional guys.  Have those guys do the Interviews and get their pictures taken.  Not me… I’m not that guy.  Someone with a full head of hair and an expensive suite and looks like they sell Movie Contracts or something.  Or a lady, like our own version of Sarah Palin.  Hot Librarian look to her, smart, with a voice that doesn’t sound like nails on a chalkboard.   But we need that Charismatic person to lead the party.  And lets NOT nominate Stoner as the Libertarian Candidate.  If the Party in Utah wants to be taken seriously… Don’t talk about drugs.  Don’t talk about Abortion.  And if asked, “That’s between them and God” and move on.  And in Utah, don’t support it.  It’s not going to get you votes here.

On the national level, the Libertarian’s number one Front Man is a dweeb in a poorly fitting suit who has some great domestic policy ideas… but not only does he completely fail on foreign policy, but he has a history of Anti-Semitic comments that further turn people off.

Libertarians need a good Front Man.  Charismatic like a rock star.  “Clean and articulate” as Joe Biden said of Obama.  We need someone who doesn’t just have the ideas… but has the Leadership.  We need someone other than Ron Paul as the center focus of the Party.

I read some time ago that Dennis Leary was a Libertarian.  He’s make a better Front Man.  At least he’s entertaining and makes you listen to him.

Ethanol Sucks

Where can I get Ethanol Free Fuel?  Because everywhere I go to gas up has signs that say “May Contain up to 10% Ethanol”.  I just want good old fashioned Gasoline.  Where can I get that anymore?

Here’s the deal… Ethanol sucks.  It’s bad for your engines.  My motorcycles and my previous motorcycles all said don’t use Ethanol as it will ruin your engines, your fuel lines, and will rape kittens.  Another reason I don’t like it, it doesn’t feel as powerful as good old Gas does.  I don’t get the same pick up and go.  And I don’t get the same MPG.  Not a huge difference, but the difference is there and it’s irritating.  To me, it’s just irritating and I don’t like it.  Why does it feel this way?  Because Ethanol has 1/3 less energy than petroleum… so to develop the same amount of power, you have to burn 1/3 more of it.  Does this sound like an efficient fuel?  No.  It isn’t.  It also grabs and holds water, furthering problems inside the engine.  Not to mention the fact that it takes 10 gallons of fuel to produce 1 gallon of Ethanol.  And we mix 10% into our fuel?  This is a stupid waste.  Especially when our Government subsidizes 3 Billion a Year of Ethanol, because it’s expensive to make.     Don’t believe me?  READ THIS. Just Google Ethanol and spend a week reading about all the bullshit having to do with Ethanol just so Politicians can get Corn Farmer Votes.  Those are some expensive damn votes.

Here’s another reason to not like Ethanol.  It’s made of Corn.  Government Subsidized Corn.  That alone is a whole other issue I’m not touching right now…. but we’re using corn for fuel.  Corn feeds us.  It feeds our Cattle, which in turn feeds us.  We EAT corn.  We live on Corn.  But we are taking crops of Corn and converting it to Ethanol.  This has a side effect.  Let me break it down for you as simple as possible so those in Eugene Oregon will understand.  Beef prices are at an all time high.  Food is getting more expensive… Because we’re freaking turning it into Ethanol.   Cattle Feed is Corn, Corn is used for Fuel, and now Cattle Feed is more expensive, now beef is more expensive.  See how that works?  Now, you can’t say just eat chicken… Because Chicken Feed is also Corn!

Now our incredibly fucking brilliant President says that we need to raise beef prices to protect Ethanol… something we shouldn’t be using anyways!  Motherfucker!  This man is batshit insane!  We need to get away from Ethanol.  We need the Politicians to stay away from our Food and Fuel.  Fuel prices are high because of them.  Their mandated regulations and differential formulas have driven prices through the roof.  Blame oil companies?  They make 10 cents on a gallon.  Go look up how much the government makes.  That’s one reason.  The other reason is that their regulations have forced the oil companies to produce not just 3 formulations of gasoline (Regular, Midgrade, and Premium) but hundred of different formulations for different regions of the country.  Sure, there are Winter and Summer blends, but how about we let the Oil Companies and Auto Industry decide what’s best to run in our engines instead of the Village Idiots we send to Washington?


Harry Reid

Horrible Harry has been bashing on Romney for not opening up his Tax Records to the Public.  Harry has hinted at possible Felony crimes – oh which Romney of course has never committed.   Most everything Romney has done is pretty much Public Record anyways.

But Not Harry Reid’s record.  Harry has never opened up his Tax Records to public scruitiny.  Which is a shame, because I am sure they would be far more interesting.  The National Review’s article on this matter is one everyone should read.  Especially everyone in Nevada.  “How Did Harry Reid Get Rich?”  One makes it most interesting to me is Harry’s Ties with someone that the FBI pretty much keeps an eye on because he’s about as shady as it gets.  It would surprise no one if Harry’s Business Buddy went to prison for a very long time.  Except he’s not ever going to go to Prison because he knows too much out Senator Harry Reid.  There is a mountain of Corruption that Harry has been standing on… and he has the audacity to point the finger at Mitt Romney.   Say what you will about Mitt Romney… he’s a dickhead, sure.  He’s a through and through Capitalist, sure.  That’s fine.  Mitt made his money the old fashioned way.  Harry Reid however has made it by means that seem to be highly questionable.

Here’s what sticks in my craw the most… Harry Reid remains Mormon, and from what I understand, remains a Mormon in good standing.  Rumor has it that he can even go to the Temple, which means he’s upholding all the LDS Standards according to our Faith.  But I don’t believe he is.  Here’s the other thing… freaking every time someone mentions Mitt Romney – they have to throw out there somewhere that he’s Mormon.  “Mitt Romney, the Mormon…”  Do they point out Religion when it comes to Reid?  No.  Why?  Because Reid doesn’t let his Faith get in the way.  In the way of what?  Here’s the deal… If I know the girl up the street got knocked up from say… a Rape… and I help her get an abortion… I’d be kicked out of the church.  That’s LDS Policy.  Doesn’t matter the reasons or situation around the abortion, if I am a party to it, I’m done.  Harry Reid has voted in support of Abortions for MILLIONS, and remains in good standing.  WTF?  No, seriously… WTF is up with that.  He’s voted YES on bills that pay for Abortions, he’s thrown his support, his political weight, behind something that would get me kicked out of the church.  He doesn’t live up to his faith… in fact, he’s working against it.

I don’t live up to my faith either – but I don’t work against it.  I’m proud to be Mormon, even if I’m not a good one.  I know my faults… I hate to actually go to church because I don’t feel worthy of it.  But I believe the gospel and I read the scriptures daily, and I pray.  (SHOCKER!)

Another part of the LDS Faith is Honest Business Dealings.  HarryReid’s Business Dealings have been something of interest to the FBI… Huh.  There’s a disconnect there.

I just ask one thing… If I can have one thing given to me by a Djin from a magic lamp… I would ask that I be allowed to kick Harry Reid… just once… In the balls while wearing my Icon 1000 Elsinore boots.  Just one swift kick to the junk.  That’s all I want.  Can I get a “Get out of Jail Free Card” for that?  A Legal Pass?  Kind of a Justice Department’s version of Catholic “Indulgences”?   “This Card is good for one Junk Punt on Harry Reid.”  I want that card.

Here’s the other thing I want.  I want to see Harry Reid’s Tax Records, from now and going all the way back till before he got into Politics.  I want to see how Harry Reid did it.  Going from a Poor Boy to a Rich Asshole while on the Public’s Dime.

3rd Party.

Okay, let’s say there is this titanic miracle that Cancer is Cured, Aides gets a Vaccine, and both George Lucas and Uwe Boll are no longer allowed to even look at Cameras or get within 200 yards of a movie set….

And Ron Paul gets elected president by a sudden popularity swell thanks to all the Facebook Pictures of his face and clever captions.

What do you think that Presidency will accomplish? Fix everything all the sudden? Or will he completely embody the term “Lame Duck President”? He would have Zero support in the House and the Senate and he has no Supreme Court Justices to back him up. He would accomplish Diddly Squat. His presidency would amount to Jack Shit.

For anyone to effect anything – He would have to have Infrastructure under him… a foundation. A martial artists talks about his Stance and that being where he gets his strength from. Same thing as this… A sudden 3rd party sweeping the Whitehouse – Neat trick. But useless because he has no foundation. He would be useless and be made to look foolish.
And for God’s Sake – Find someone that doesn’t look and sound like a fucking lunatic like Ron Paul. He has to have Charisma. He has to roll fucking 20’s on Charisma. Ron Paul is a gigantic dork that doesn’t even wear a suit that fits him. You need someone that will bring voters FLOCKING to him by the Stadium full.
Like this:

You third party guys – Stop Aiming for the Whitehouse! It’s not TIME. You have to build your base. Get your guys into School Boards, City Councils, State Houses and Senates… Then go for Congress and once you have established a solid foundation – Then you go for the Whitehouse with a Chance in Hell to actually win it.

Stop wasting our time and stop splitting our VOTE! You guys are being used… by Media Matters and the like to Split our Vote… You are termed “USEFULL IDIOTS” by the Left because you are Serving Their Purposes. You split our vote and that makes beating the GOP and staying in power all the easier!

A Better Plan? And Easier Plan?
Let’s FIX the GOP and put it in the RIGHT TRACK. Make the GOP Conservative again.
How? Take some Seats back from them and push the Lean back to the Right. It’s DOABLE. We’re seeing it already working in some states. It’s far easier to fix the GOP than it is to establish a 3rd Party.

War in America

The talk of potential civil unrest in America has been becoming more and more common even in quiet parts of town. I know it’s not a happy conversation that I have listened to more than once.

This article brings it to the forefront.  Go, read it, think about it, then come back.  I’ll wait.

I’m talking to the Members of the Military here… Now, here’s the problem.  The Tea Party is a non-partisan lose group of people who believe in the US Constitution.  The same Constitution the US Military has sworn oaths to uphold and defend.    If you disagree with them – if you take issue with them – then you hold your Oaths with treasonous hands.

This asshole’s scenario, of a Tea Party Insurrection – if these people are pissed enough to take some sort of action – there is probably a damn good reason and it’s probably one that you should be in support of.  Because this has indeed happened before in the United State.  Here’s a little piece of American History for you.  After WWII, the Veterans came home to find some problems that peaceful means of resolution failed to correct.


Now, this is the very scenario that this Ahole is saying that the US Military needs to stop. Look at who these people are you are going to be fighting here… Your Brothers. Your fathers. Guys just like you after you “Get out”. Guys just like you, who have sworn the same Oaths. And these Oaths do not have an expiration date. The Oaths are never voided.
You guys in Uniform – You need to pick your sides. Do you hold your Oaths or are you an Oath Breaker and a Traitor to your Nation?

Gun Control in a Line Item on an Unrelated Bill!

SA 2575. Mr. LAUTENBERG (for himself, Mrs. BOXER, Mr. REED, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mrs. GILLIBRAND, Mr. SCHUMER, and Mrs. FEINSTEIN) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill S. 3414, to enhance the security and resiliency of the cyber and communications infrastructure of the United States; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:
At the appropriate place, insert the following


(a) Definition.–Section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after paragraph (29) the following:

“(30) The term `large capacity ammunition feeding device’–

“(A) means a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than 10 rounds of ammunition; but

“(B) does not include an attached tubular device designed to accept, and capable of operating only with, .22 caliber rimfire ammunition.”.

(b) Prohibitions.–Section 922 of such title is amended by inserting after subsection (u) the following:

“(v)(1)(A)(i) Except as provided in clause (ii), it shall be unlawful for a person to transfer or possess a large capacity ammunition feeding device.

[Page: S5403] GPO’s PDF
“(ii) Clause (i) shall not apply to the possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device otherwise lawfully possessed within the United States on or before the date of the enactment of this subsection.

“(B) It shall be unlawful for any person to import or bring into the United States a large capacity ammunition feeding device.

“(2) Paragraph (1) shall not apply to–

“(A) a manufacture for, transfer to, or possession by the United States or a department or agency of the United States or a State or a department, agency, or political subdivision of a State, or a transfer to or possession by a law enforcement officer employed by such an entity for purposes of law enforcement (whether on or off duty);

“(B) a transfer to a licensee under title I of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 for purposes of establishing and maintaining an on-site physical protection system and security organization required by Federal law, or possession by an employee or contractor of such a licensee on-site for such purposes or off-site for purposes of licensee-authorized training or transportation of nuclear materials;

“(C) the possession, by an individual who is retired from service with a law enforcement agency and is not otherwise prohibited from receiving ammunition, of a large capacity ammunition feeding device transferred to the individual by the agency upon that retirement; or

“(D) a manufacture, transfer, or possession of a large capacity ammunition feeding device by a licensed manufacturer or licensed importer for the purposes of testing or experimentation authorized by the Attorney General.”.

(c) Penalties.–Section 924(a) of such title is amended by adding at the end the following:

“(8) Whoever knowingly violates section 922(v) shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.”.

(d) Identification Markings.–Section 923(i) of such title is amended by adding at the end the following: “A large capacity ammunition feeding device manufactured after the date of the enactment of this sentence shall be identified by a serial number that clearly shows that the device was manufactured after such date of enactment, and such other identification as the Attorney General may by regulation prescribe.”.

Congressional Record – 112th Congress (2011-2012) – THOMAS (Library of Congress)

(A) by striking “$72,450” and all that follows through “2011” in subparagraph (A) and inserting “$78,750 in the case of taxable years

Institutionalized Racism.

I hate this sort of stuff.  Institutionalized Racism is pretty much standard issue with our Governments.

The ATF Form 4473 is a shining example of this.  Check boxes for RACE.  These always piss me off… because Celtic isn’t a choice.  I guess all us White Guys look alike to them, eh?

It’s not just the Feds because the State of Utah has this as well when we are doing the Web Check after a customer fills out the 4473.  But Utah doesn’t have “Latino/Hispanic” as a choice, so we were told we put those guys in as “White”.

Well, now the 4473 has a question with two check boxes separate from the other Ethnic question.  “Are you Latino/Hispanic or not?”  This is question 10A I think?  Well you look in the other pages where it explains the questions, every question is there save for those.  Guess you are on your own.  Well I have Black and Indian in my Ancestry.  None of their skin shading, but the blood is there… So from now on, I am checking all those boxes… Because you can now.  Instead of having to pick just one, you can check all that apply.  Game on.

I don’t like this new version of the form and I think those questions should go away altogether.  They should also be removed from every government database, form, questionnaire, and census.  We have a Black President.  We can put Racism behind us now.  How about just one simple Yes or No question?

“Are you AMERICAN?”

That’s all we need to know.  Race doesn’t matter.  Color doesn’t matter.  What country your family came from a dozen generations ago… That doesn’t matter.  You can keep your Culture, you can keep Tradition.  But in the Great Melting Pot… Your AMERICAN and that’s it.

Presidential Evolution

I find it interesting that the term used for flip flopping positions is “evolution”.  Especially in the Gay Marriage issue.  Evolution being an argument over Creationism pitting Science against Religion…  And the whole Nature vs Nurture argument about homosexuality.

So essentially what the POTUS did was to make a solid stand on side of the fence over the other on an issue that is very divisive.  States are voting against Gay Marriage… California did twice, as did North Caroline recently… Yet the POTUS is coming down hard for it.  This isn’t surprising because of two reasons… He’s far to the Left and the Left loves this stuff and there is the rumors that the POTUS himself has homosexual tendencies.  Evidence – the bike he peddles.  But really the big “No Shocker” here is that this is a Big Government move.  This is a path to take another decision out of the States.  Carving anything out of States Rights is going to be – of course – the way Big Government is going to go.  This isn’t about Gay Marriage… this is about States Rights.  According to the Constitution, this issue is a State issue, not a Fed issue.  And the POTUS just made it Federal.  Expect to see the wedding announcements in your local papers next year.

What is my position on the issue?  I’m very Libertarian on this.  A.  I don’t care.  B. It’s not my business.  C.  Who the hell am I to say who someone can or can’t love?  This isn’t advocating or accepting… it’s tolerating.  Now, this position of National Acceptance of “What Consenting Adults want to do” opens the door.  Polygamy is an issue that comes after Gay Marriage… and this is an entertaining one at that considering that this topic will come up and it will be asked of Mitt Romney – A Practicing Mormon.  Mormons of course are Famous for the early church history of practicing polygamy which was later abolished.  But that’s a whole other topic.   Expect Mitt to fidget on that issue probably soon.

Government Gone Wild

What country is this?  The US Secret Service getting hookers, the GSA going on a Vegas Binger like the guys from The Hangover or Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Presidential Vacations and private jets to fly the Presidential Dog to Vacations.  The BATFE sending guns to Mexican Drug Cartells, The Department of Education buying Tactical Shotguns, and the TSA is feeling people up and stealing their iPods.

Is this our Government, or a Sacha Baron Cohen Comedy?  If this one another Country – it would be freaking hilarious… but it’s not… It’s our Government.  And it’s frakking pathetic.

Speaking of a Useless Government.  Let’s talk about Utah for a moment.  Utah passed a 50 dollar bounty on Coyotes… but it’s all held up because they can’t decide on just how to do it.  And even if they do get it all settled down… Uintah County doesn’t get any.  Instead of paying our Local Boys to bag the problematic Yotes, they would rather pay a Guy in a Helicopter.  When you break down the cost per dog, a Chopper is freaking retarded.  Too inefficient to be believable, but that’s what they’ve been spending our money on.
This needs to be put before the public vote.  This needs to be on the Ballot.  A Government Gunman in a Chopper, or hundreds of hunters across the county collecting on a pair of ears at a time.  What’s more efficient?  Just paying for the ears, or paying a gunman and a pilot and maintenance and everything involved for operating a helicopter?   And where is that chopper?  It’s only in one place at a time, flying only when they want it to.  Not out there all the time, all over the county, wherever the coyotes are stirring up problems and the money going to guys who could probably use a few extra bucks.   Where should our money go?  What makes the most sense?   I don’t think a Chopper makes any sense at all.  This should be put to the Vote.