In Obama’s 2012 Campaign video, we see a lot of people… but not Obama. It seems that even he is distancing himself from himself. That’s hilarious. Even the normal Obama flag wavers are starting to back off supporting the clown in chief.
Category Archives: Government
The country we should invade
I have a little suggestion for the Administration. Bring home every Soldier, Sailor, Airmen, and Marine from Iraq and Afghanistan… and of course Libya. Private Contractors can finish everything up just fine over there… but bring home all our Armed Forces.
Then we invade Mexico. Completely, totally, and utterly. We go street by street, house by house… and we kill everyone having anything to do with the Drug Cartels, Terrorist Groups, or any Gang affiliation such as MS-13 and the like. We finish this. Two more American Citizens were killed waiting to cross the border back into the US.
If we could accomplish that, then we wouldn’t have to worry about border security save for ports of entry check points much like Canada. But while we are there… how about a little regime change? Process out all corruption in the bureaucracy there. Okay, well, maybe not that. We’d have to sort out our own first before we could point fingers on that count.
Let me get this straight.
In Iraq, we are fighting Al-Qaeda. In Afganistan, we are fighting Al-Qaeda and Taliban. But in Libya, we are Al-Qaeda’s Air Force and our Administration wants to arm them?
While the whole time the Administration wants to disarm us and keep an eye on us because we are the ones that are the potential threat. I’m under the impression that our current administration is goofier than Keystone Cops.
I don’t care, Obama is awesome
The hypocrisy is staggering.
We need to GTFO of Libya. We have nothing to do with Libya and we can’t afford to get involved in their internal struggle. Libya has a history of American Hatred, so they don’t even want our help and they certainly don’t deserve it. As much as I don’t like that crack-pot over there… he’s over there and has made no threats against the USA.
But what I find most repugnant, is the hypocrisy of this administration.
“The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.
As Commander-in-Chief, the President does have a duty to protect and defend the United States. In instances of self-defense, the President would be within his constitutional authority to act before advising Congress or seeking its consent. History has shown us time and again, however, that military action is most successful when it is authorized and supported by the Legislative branch. It is always preferable to have the informed consent of Congress prior to any military action.”
-Barack Obama, December 20, 2007
So tell me… Where does Obama get off doing this? In his own words, these actions are wrong. If this was Bush doing this… Bush would be the most vile and despicable person in history. But Barry gets a pass… even if his excuse for doing this mirrors Bush’s reason for Iraq.
MARCH 19, 2011
OBAMA: ‘Today we are part of a broad coalition. We are answering the calls of a threatened people. And we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world’…MARCH 19, 2003
BUSH: ‘American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the… world from grave danger’…
I don’t know… maybe I’m just not nuanced in geopolitical matters… I mean, I only took a semester of it in college so I am no expert by any means. But I do know the difference between right and wrong. And being in Libya is flat out wrong. We need to GTFO.
Wait… this isn’t a WAR… It’s a Kenetic Military Action. Oh, well then. Never mind.
North Dakota is booming
I’m happy that North Dakota is having a good boom time with the oil rush. Their economy is roaring.
And ours here is withering. Because 3,000 jobs from here went directly there. Jobs shut down here and opened there directly because of policy from the Obama Administration. Because of the actions of Ken “The Loathsome Cowboy” Salazar specifically. A lot of Utah residents are working N.D. right now… I’ve talked to several guys just today that are working over there. Companies fly them back and forth. Making great money. Pumping their economy up like an balloon.
Utah Schools is looking at deep cuts. All the County Governments are looking at deep cuts. Utah is tightening its belt, big time. But North Dakota is booming. “Hey, Ken! Where are those Oil Leases people PAID FOR? Where’s the Money, Ken?” If you didn’t want people drilling there – then don’t put those areas up for lease! Just a thought. Friggen thief.
I’m not bitter against N.D. Not at all… good for them… but the way this shook out is outrageous.
I’m sick and tired of Democracy.
We’ve been entertained for the last while with the goings on in Wisconsin. The Mobs ransacking the capitol there… the protests… the threats of violence… and worse is the flotsam and jetsam that floats to the top. This time it’s Jesse Jackson and Mike Moore. These people are talking about Democracy… but they are showing us what they are really about. To them, Democracy is a code word for straight up Communism.
Just look at the similarities between the what they are doing in Wisconsin, and what the people were doing at the early stages of the Communist Revolution is Russia.
At best, Democracy is the Rule of the Mob. The Majority running roughshod over the Minority. In this case, it’s the Minority threatening and intimidating the Majority Leadership. It’s ugly and it’s wrong, and it’s not the American Way… because America is not a Democracy. We need to stop teaching that to School Kids. Public Education has programed kids to think we are what we are not. We are a Constitutional Republic. There is a huge difference… and that difference is what’s clashing in Wisconsin.
The US can get back on track
1. The US need to be an Oil Exporter, not an Importer. That means we drill the Gulf of Mexico, Alaska, Utah, and everywhere we have oil and natural gas.
2. The US needs to stop using Food to turn into gasoline. Corn is a poor energy source as it takes more energy than we gain from it. It also drives up food prices across the board.
Live in Utah? Read THIS!
You know how a lot of people believe in an Open Government? No closed doors?
Well, HB477 is closing all the doors and windows. I frown upon this. I could use a harsher vocabulary, but I am striving to tone down the language… I’ve already edited this post 9 times. Contact your State Representatives and Senators. Today.
Sheep for the slaughter
You’ve all heard the news about the 2 soldiers that were killed in Germany. I’m not going to go into all that… save for one small little detail. Our soldiers were unarmed.
Once again, “Policy” has killed our troops. Our Policy is that all US Forces are unarmed almost all the time. This Policy allowed for more deaths at Ft. Hood as well.