Category Archives: Uncategorized


Skyfall.  Best. Bond. Ever.  We have important character introductions, breathtaking action, and Bond getting down on an Enduro.  I really enjoyed this movie more than any other James Bond I have ever watched.  It was well paced, directed, and it just worked.
Also, Daniel Craig is the best Bond ever to have played the role.  All other Bonds were cartoons.  Daniel Craig makes Bond feel real.  Human.  He bleeds, he gets scars, he hurts… he gets his ass kicked… and then he Wins because he’s James Bond.   The UK’s version of Captain America, but for the UK.  Their Hero has Cuff Links and under-powered inaccurate pistols.  Which is fine… and I envy England because in the US… we don’t have such a character.  Jack Ryan?  (Tom Clancy) or XXX?  Captain America?  No… I want an American Bond.  Maybe that’s why I like Daniel Craig… that Bigger Hammer approach gives American’s something in common with Bond.

Either way, Skyfall is the pinnacle of the James Bond Universe.


Ogre’s Ultimate Movie List is Revised. Again.

Due to popular demand, Ronin, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Zulu, and The Thing has been included, bumping a few movies.

Some guys have been asking why no Star Wars. Because primarily there is very little Baddassery going on. Han shot after Greedo misses, Storm Troopers miss too much, and Luke is a little biotch.

Update: Wild Bunch instead of Inception.

I think this is about as solid as it gets for the Top Fifty. Really, this list is now a Master’s Degree in being Badass. Each movie teaches lessons in about being a fucking Man, and not a sensitive metrosexual guy with a spare vaginia in his man-purse.

The revised list is here.

What do you think now?

Union Twinkies

I just read that the Union Boss is blaming Mitt Romney because Hostess shut down.
I can’t fathom the depths of stupidity illustrated here.  The level of ignorance is shocking.
We have a downward plunging economy. A gigantic tax hike in the form of health care, pushed on them by the President they undoubtedly supported.  Increased costs on everything.  And fewer customers because they can’t afford luxury snacks.  Not to mention the fact the First Lady has been preaching against them.  And instead of looking for ways to save the company… which was already in bankruptcy… They pushed past what the company said they couldn’t do…
And it’s Mitt Romney’s fault?
The Union Workers there need to realize that their Union has betrayed them and sold them a bill of bad goods.
All unions have.  
Stuff that used to be made in America is now made overseas because of Government Regulations and Unions.  And we just reelected a big supporter of both.  So don’t be surprised when we see more and more layoffs.


There are so many reports of election irregularities and suspicious occurrences… I do not believe this Election is valid.
I call Shenanigans.

Every election has such reports… but this time there are reports of possible foul play across the country.  140% turn out in some places, an they just happen to have 99% votes for Obama?  Where the hell are we?  Cuba?

I’m not the only one to think this way.

Here are some facts to consider:

  • The Obama campaign accepted at least some foreign campaign cash – willingly and knowingly. The campaign website could have prohibited it. It did not. In other words, it deliberately left open the door for illegal foreign contributions in its “by any means necessary” quest for re-election. WND has proven that by actually contributing under the name Osama bin Laden from a Pakistani IP address, with a phony physical address and other neon-lit red flags in hopes of catching attention. Obamaaccepted illegal foreign contributions in 2008 without penalty, so why would anyone expect him not to repeat his crime in 2012? No one can know the extent of the fraud, because Obama has refused to release the identity of donors of $200 or less – yet he boasts that most of the money he collected was in small amounts.
  • James O’Keefe and Project Veritas spent months heroically proving the absolute willingness and eagerness of Democratic operatives to commit voter fraud – especially by having people cast multiple votes.
  • Military ballots were systematically denied active-duty servicemen and women around the world. This would be a scandal if it happened once. But it has become the norm when Democrats are in charge of the Defense Department. It would be a scandal if it were due to incompetence. But it appears to be a deliberate effort to suppress the military vote. It would be a scandal if it were not a close election. But it was.
  • Prior to the election, Democrats fought for open voting requiring no identification – particularly photo ID. Coincidentally, Obama won every state that didn’t fully require photo ID to vote.Democrats contended that voter ID laws suppress the vote. But they do not. They only suppress theillegal vote.
  • Across Philadelphia, GOP poll inspectors were forcibly (and illegally) removed from polling locations. Coincidentally (or not), Obama received “astronomical” numbers in those very same regions, including locations where he received “over 99 percent” of the vote. Ward 4, which also had a poll watcher dressed in Obama attire, went massively for Obama. Obama received 99.5 percent of the vote, defeating Romney 9,955 to 55.
  • Obama also won 99.8 percent of the vote in 44 Cleveland districts. In another Ohio county, Obama won with 108 percent of the voters registered.
  • Obama received 10 million fewer votes than he did in 2008. Romney received 3 million fewer votes than McCain. Obama won in the four critical swing states by a grand total of 500,000 votes.
  • Some 5 million independents changed their votes from Obama to Romney in 2012. So Romney started the day 2.5 million votes ahead of where McCain was in 2008, as Jack Wheeler points out. This means that 5.5 million Republican voters are not accounted for. Either they didn’t show up at the polls or their votes were not counted. Does anyone believe there was less enthusiasm by Republicans about this election than for the one in 2008?

I find this very interesting… even more so are the people who are just blowing this off.  Of course, there is really nothing we can do about this.  I mean, we’ve got a president who is invalid from the start winning a stolen election… what can we do?  The System is doing everything it can to keep him there and no one cares if it’s completely transparent.  Don’t pay attention to it.  Instead, here’s our Sacrificial General!  He had an affair with a Hotty Librarian Chick!  He’s BAAAAAD!!!  Everyone point fingers at the Naughty General!

This reminds me of The Wizard’s First Rule:  “People will believe a Lie if they want it to be true, or if they are afraid it might be true.”

Take a look at this.  They called the election the night of the voting, but not all the ballots have been counted.   That’s enough ballots to change the close race in Ohio.  That’s just one state.  Look at this.  In another close race, they just “Found” another 900+ ballots in a Warehouse…
These guys have handled the Election with less professionalism than a pack of Girl Scouts selling Cookies.   They’ve completely fucked up the whole mess.
And where are the Military Votes?  I’ve word from several of our Soldiers that they still have not received their Absentee Ballots.


Luke 22:36.

“Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”

I think this is good advice, coming straight from our Savior himself.    We are heading into a time of trials.  For me, this last 4 Years have been very difficult.  I am not expecting the next 4 to be any better.  In fact, I am expected things to get much worse.
I am not a very Religious man.  But I am a Spiritual one.  I believe in God, and I believe in the Gospel according to the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  I am a Mormon and proud to be so.  Even though I am not a very good one.  I do not attend church very often.  More like, hardly at all.  But the Spiritual side of me is telling me that it’s time to go back.

Warning – Religious Post Here.

Continue reading Luke 22:36.

Server Failure

Sorry for the Down Time, Guys.  
My Host suffered a massive failure in a Blade Server Stack that brought down all the servers, including and a bunch of commercial clients.  A pretty expensive event there.  This happened last Sunday afternoon about 4 PM and it’s been down all week.  It’s now Thursday, 2:23PM and it looks like we’re back up.

I’ve been offered hosting by about four different sources…. But it would be hard to change.  Since I registered, I’ve used the same host.   I pay a very reasonable fee quarterly and I pretty much get away with whatever the hell I want.  So I am reluctant to make a switch as many of you  have been encouraging me to do.  I was freaked out like crazy just changing over to Word Press.  I did NOTEPAD for years and then used MS FrontPage for years after… and now Word Press.  I take a long time to get comfortable changing anything. 

Anyways, for you readers, most any time MO is down, I’m found on Facebook under my real name, or I’m on